It's just a small hole, and it will be fine in a few days.

Then, she continued to look at Ivanov's situation.

On the surface, I can't see anything, and I can't figure out why it's so itchy.

"It's okay, it's better now."

"I'll slap and slap if it itches again."

Ivanov waved his hand and said, then went to get the herbs and applied medicine to Eva's wound.

At this point, some viewers already feel that something is not right.

Ivanov's wound, looking at him, is surprisingly itchy!

There are already many viewers on the Internet who have begun to speculate and discuss it.

He can say anything, but the most reliable point is that his wounds may have been infected by parasites!

If that's the case, then he's in danger!

[The author has something to say]

7 more, good night everyone!

Chapter 875 Ye Han, the golden hoop stick on the island, returns home

On the side of Ivanov and Eva, they didn't particularly care about this matter.

But the audience felt that this was not normal.

A large number of netizens are discussing this matter, and Lord Bei and Lord De in the official live broadcast room also feel that this matter is not easy.

"Everyone is suspecting that Ivanov's wound may have been infected by some kind of parasite."

"Actually, I personally think so too."

Bei Ye's face also became a little dignified.

"We can compare Ivanov's current situation with that of China's Zhang Haoran."

"Both of them have big wounds on their bodies, and they are both in a state of scabs, but it is very obvious that Ivanov's wounds are more itchy!"

"I can even imagine that itchy feeling, which is definitely not something that simple wound healing can bring."

Master De sighed and said.

Both of them are not very optimistic about Ivanov's situation now.

Parasites can be big or small.

For example, who doesn't have mites?

Dry the quilt in the sunny weather. After drying the quilt, there will be a so-called sunshine smell on the quilt.

In fact, that is the smell of the mites on the quilt after being sun-dried...

It stands to reason that the only harmless parasites in the normal human body are some probiotic flora in the intestinal tract.

But I am afraid that many people have some other parasites in their bodies, such as roundworms. Basically, everyone has taken insecticides to kill the roundworms in their stomachs.

And some of the more terrifying parasites, the most intuitive example is the schistosomiasis in Bill's body.

However, after this period of treatment, there was no schistosomiasis in Bill's body, and they were all eliminated.

Speaking of Ivanov's situation now, his wounds may have been infected by some kind of parasite.

Some people speculate that it may be a fly maggot.

Then someone raised new questions.

Because now there seems to be a new type of therapy, which is to use maggots to eat the corrupted flesh of the patient's wound to achieve a therapeutic effect.

This therapy can also be used to treat diabetic feet.

Diabetic foot is the ulceration and infection of the foot caused by diabetes, and in severe cases it may even require amputation.

"I've seen viewers mention fly maggot therapy, and yes, it's a good therapy."

"But the current use is still relatively small, and the maggots used to swallow the flesh and blood of wounds also need special disinfection treatment."

"If Ivanov's situation is really some kind of fly maggot infection, I'm afraid it has nothing to do with fly maggot therapy."

Bei Ye opened his mouth to explain.

"And, we're not sure yet."

"Whether Ivanov was really infected and what kind of parasite was infected is unknown."

"You can only know the answer by continuing to read."

Dean added.

Indeed, nothing is certain yet, and everyone is just guessing.

In the live broadcast, Ivanov still slapped the wound twice from time to time.

This made the hearts of many viewers who care about him sink.

Although there is no way to be sure, it can be seen that the probability of him being infected by parasites is very high.

A place like a tropical rain forest has more trees and more bugs.

Now they can only pray that it's not some horrible parasite.

Then, the screen switched to Zhang Haoran's side again.

This is also the intention of the official live broadcast room, which is convenient for everyone to compare.

Ivanov had wounds on his body, as did Zhang Haoran.

On his right arm, the three scratches from the tiger are still there and have scabbed over.

The wound on the foot was not easy to see because Zhang Haoran was wearing shoes.

At this time, Zhang Haoran casually reached out and scratched the wound on his arm without much effort.

It's completely different from Ivanov's unbearable itching.

At present, Zhang Haoran is recovering very well.

Sirius is also alive and kicking, very energetic.

The impact of the tiger's appearance is being erased by time.

At this moment, one person and one wolf are about to go out.

After leaving the wooden house of the Siamese player, Zhang Haoran and Sirius wandered in the nearby jungle.

Sirius ran ahead, searching for prey.

Zhang Haoran still didn't walk very neatly, but he was much better than when he was injured.

"The little wolf dog is getting better!"

"Our little wolf dog has worked really hard, my sister really wants to take care of you."

"Sister, is your profile picture me? You are so beautiful, sister. Look at me. I'm also a little wolf dog, and I'm still a sports student!"

"Are you there, look at the internal organs?"

"You guys are serious, why are each one lonelier than the other?"

"Zhang Haoran's situation will take up to a week before he can move freely. I guess he will definitely take action at that time, because I can see that he is already tired of living here!"

"That's great. The little wolfdog is always sleeping lately, and there's nothing to see."

In Zhang Haoran's live broadcast room, the audience was chatting.

Since the last time he overturned a fierce tiger, Zhang Haoran has been dormant, recuperating with peace of mind.

Since yesterday, his activities have gradually increased.

It started to go out today, which made many viewers very excited.

As we all know, once this little wolf dog is dispatched, something will definitely happen!

Some foreign audiences who hated him called him the **** stick on the island.

Wherever he goes, he will disturb the situation.

So the audiences who like him call him the golden hoop of the island, tough!

Before I knew it, it was already noon.

The sun on the island is very hot, the air is a bit dull, and there is basically no wind.

Ye Han estimated that it was going to rain again.

Fortunately, he came back. If there is a rainy day on the side of Bisheng Mountain, the fun will be great.

That house has only four walls and no roof. How can I live in it to avoid the rain?

"came back!"

"Little Qi, pack your things, I'll quickly check the animals' conditions."

Back in front of the bamboo building, Ye Han let out a long breath, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then started to check again.

It was the first time he had been out for so long, and he was really worried about the animals at home.

First of all, Ye Han saw the chicken and the duck. There was nothing wrong with these two guys.

Then came the sheep, a ewe, and three little lambs.

status can also be.

That is, there is no food, all have been eaten.

And the smell in the cowshed was very touching, Ye Han had already shed tears.

Every day to clean up an animal's excrement, there will be residual smell, not to mention that if it is not cleaned for several days, Ye Han opened the door of the cowshed and went straight up.

The audience in the live broadcast room seemed to smell it across the screen.

Too rushed!

Ye Han coughed as he exited the bullpen.

He will deal with it later, and he will take another look at the situation of the rabbit.

After trotting all the way, Ye Han came to the rabbit's side.

At present, the number of rabbits has been increasing, and many rabbits are already pregnant, and will soon give birth to bunnies.

"A rabbit died."

Ye Han frowned and saw a rabbit lying motionless, with a lot of flies and other bugs lying on his body.

He quickly began to check the situation.

[The author has something to say]

Thanks to Fndre Juju for the flowers, thanks to Qingfeng Xuewu for the reminder, thank you for the flowers for the reward, thanks to the two flowers that Weiwan waits for the reward, thanks to GQRA for the flowers, thank you Three flowers for the reward in the early morning! Thank you for the huge donations and support above!

Chapter 876 The last trip to the Bat Cave

During the time at Bisheng Mountain, Ye Han had been thinking about the animals at home.

This is all his **** and pee pulling big!

Now it seems that there is no big problem.

Only one rabbit died.

This needs a good look.

To say that this fence for breeding rabbits, in fact, the safety factor is very high.

All sides are tightly stitched together. There is not only a canopy above, which can block the rain and shade, but also has a double-layer vine net to guard it, which effectively prevents the intrusion of other animals.

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