Chapter 890 The Gallic player discovers the river

"That group of Kangaroo Country players came from that direction at that time, so there must be no need to go there."

"Qingqing, didn't you want to look for the supplies they might have left before? It seems that this time is all right."

Tang Hong said with a smile.

Yang Qingqing also mentioned it specifically before, and wanted to look for it to see if he could find the materials that this group of Kangaroo Nation teams might have left behind.

"Maybe they took it with them when they got on the plane?"

"Sister Hong, we are not short of food now. I think we can take our time and find a better place."

Yang Qingqing thought for a while, then said.

At this time, in the live broadcast room of the two of them, Jon was anxious.

He quickly started sending the barrage.

"The two of us didn't take anything, it's still there!"

"There's a shovel, a backpack, and a pot!"

It's a pity, where can Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong see his barrage?

The audience in the live broadcast room could see that they also recognized that this was Jon from Kangaroo Country.

Because Jon is using his name, and the profile picture is the photo.

At this time, Jon and Emily had come to China and had a great time.

All kinds of delicacies make them linger and forget to return.

In addition to food, there are tourist attractions, customs, and so on.

They know that the style of the Shenzhou Kingdom they have experienced at present is only a drop in the bucket. This land is too big. If they want to play and understand all of them, I am afraid they have to live for a long time.

At this time, both of them had such thoughts in their hearts.

After withdrawing from the competition, they also got a reward money and bonuses from the state. It is not difficult to settle down in China.

But for now, it's time to get down to business.

That's taking wedding photos.

Therefore, Emily has begun to dare not eat too much delicious food. She is afraid that she will gain weight and will not be able to wear a beautiful wedding dress, and the wedding photos taken will not look good.

On the island, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong also made a thorough decision.

If you have enough time, you will slowly explore around to find a more suitable place to live.

On the other hand, Ye Han entered a state of emptying.

He had already woken up from the nap, and Ye Han didn't sleep for too long.

Because the nap is too long, it will be dark when I wake up. This state is very bad, it is not good for the body, and it will also disturb the original normal work and rest.

So the nap time Ye Han set for himself was only half an hour.

Ye Han woke up and lay on the bamboo bed, but didn't get up.

Because Su Xiaoqi was still sleeping, Ye Han wanted her to sleep more.

After all, she will be uncomfortable these few days, and it is a good thing to let her sleep for a while, which is not contradictory to not being able to sleep for too long in the afternoon nap.

Lying quietly, Ye Han listened to Su Xiaoqi's breathing, and his heart was peaceful.

The whole person is completely empty, thinking about nothing, doing nothing.

In the past life, Ye Han would have such a state before every extreme sports challenge, which could help his body adjust to the best.

After arriving on the island, it is rare to have such an opportunity.

Time passed, and it was past three o'clock in the afternoon.

Su Xiaoqi finally woke up, she whimpered, wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, Ye Han also reacted, turned her head to look at her naive look with a smile on her face.

"woke up?"

"Look at you, drool is all over me."

Ye Han pinched Su Xiaoqi's little face.


"Why did I sleep so long?"

Su Xiaoqi looked at the time on the live broadcast bracelet and was taken aback.

But this time I slept very comfortably, and my stomach didn't seem to be so painful.

Then they both got up and walked out of the bamboo building.

"Bring the lamb out for a walk."

Ye Han walked to the cowshed and led out the three little lambs.

They get excited every time they come out with lambs because there aren't many such opportunities.

Ye Han had to be very careful, otherwise the three excited little lambs might break free and escape.

As for the ewes, stay in the sheepfold.

After the lambs were weaned, Ye Han planned to turn the ewes into roast lambs when they needed to celebrate.

For the rest of the time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi played near the bamboo building together. He didn't go into the kitchen to cook until it was time for dinner.

Today was really leisurely, and that's it.

"Ye Han has lived such a small life, it's so enviable."

"But some other players don't have such a good life."

In Ye Han's live broadcast room, Teacher Ma said with a smile.

Everyone knows who he is talking about.

That is the hope of the whole village, the last group of contestants in the plastic surgery country.

Lee Yoo Heon and Cha Yong Tae are two people.

The current time has come to the night of the one hundred and twenty-ninth day.

However, the two still could not find a suitable place to live, and the food left on their bodies was only enough for this last dinner.

Netizens joked that this was their last dinner.

"Axi! After walking for so long, why haven't I found a suitable place to live?"

"I didn't see any prey, what's going on?"

Beside the bonfire, Li Youxian frowned and said.

In this regard, Cha Yongtai was also very helpless, and he handed a bunch of baked food to Li Youxian.

"I can't help it, let's eat first."

"After this meal, there will be no next meal."

"I must find food tomorrow."

Cha Yongtai said in a deep voice.

Watching the excitement is not a big deal. Many viewers are chatting in this live broadcast room, waiting for them to be eliminated.

This scene in front of them made many people excited.

Just waiting for the two of you to be eliminated, so we can start the lottery, hurry up, isn't he delicious to eat kimchi at home?

"Just keep going, find food, find new places to live!"

"For our country!"

Li Youxian gritted his teeth and said.

I don't see it, this guy is quite patriotic.

"Yes, our country of plastic surgery is the strongest country, and we must not lose."

"Hmph, in this competition, we must crush the Kingdom of China!"

Cha Yong-tae's words immediately exploded.

The whole Internet started to spread this sentence, and some people hailed it as the funniest joke of the year.

Some viewers in plastic surgery countries felt their scalps tingle.

At present, the plastic surgery country is in jeopardy, and the entire army is about to be wiped out. The gap between this and the Shenzhou country is a world of difference!

While the whole network was laughing at the two players from the plastic surgery country, on the other side, the two players from the Gaul country finally found a relatively suitable place to live this evening and stopped.

It is worth mentioning that the material that this group of contestants got in the lottery session is a solar-charged flashlight, which is also a very good material, and many contestants are quite greedy.

Although the brightness is average and not particularly strong, with this flashlight, at least you can see something clearly at night.

At this time, under the light of the flashlight, they saw a river in front of them, and the river reflected the light of the flashlight, making their eyes bright.

They even saw a deer by the river!

This is a great place!

Chapter 891 Scenery CP dispatched

Good place!

The two Gaul players looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes.

Without a doubt, this is a great place they want to find!

The deer drinking water on the other side of the river had left, but they also saw fish in the river!

Settle down here!

Both of them made that decision.

When the audience discovered this scene, the news spread immediately, and more audiences poured into the live broadcast room.

"A player from Gaul found a river?"

"You know, you can also eat by a river. If nothing else, just the fish in the river can be eaten every day!"

"I have the right to say this. There is a river in front of my house. There are not only fish and ducks in the river, but also loaches, eels, and turtles!"

"You said, could this be the Styx River that Leng Feng once discovered?"

"I can't see it, it's still night, and that's a question for the cat detective."

"It doesn't seem to be the same place. If Leng Feng had discovered it, there should be a large number of beasts."

A large number of viewers discussed in this live broadcast room.

Someone also mentioned the river that Cold Wind once found.

Because it is too dangerous, it is called the forbidden place of the Styx by the audience.

So far, there are still people discussing why there are so many dangerous creatures there, which is rather abnormal.

At first, even the cold wind was almost gone, but in the end, he set fire to escape.

The cat detective was also alarmed, and hurried over to take a look.

Then he shook his head.

"This is not the river Cold Wind found."

"There should be many rivers on the island, not the same one."

"However, although it is not the same, as long as it is a river, it is dangerous to a certain extent, because various animals will come to the river to drink water, and there may be some beasts among them."

"This group of players, it is best not to live directly by the river, but to keep a certain distance."

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