Detective Cat quickly made his own analysis.

At this time, Lord Bei and Lord De, who had already planned to get off work, quickly began to explain the scene.

As a rule, if something happens when they are about to get off work, they will both be more dedicated, work overtime for a while, and only leave the studio after the commentary.

"This river should not be the dangerous river that Shenzhou national player Leng Feng discovered."

"However, any water source on the island may be dangerous, streams, rivers, ponds, lakes!"

"After all, beasts also need to drink water, and there may be beasts drinking water in these places."

Bei Ye said.

In the picture, two Gaul players have already walked to the river.

The audience saw it more clearly.

I saw that this river is still relatively wide, although it is not a big river, but it is not easy to walk across.

It can be seen through visual inspection that the width of the river is about seven or eight meters, and the depth is difficult to see.

"Anthony, the river is good, I've seen several fish in the water!"

The speaker is Dominic. This person is more feminine and his voice is relatively thin, but some people like this male.

Hearing this, Anthony nodded.

However, at this time, he had recovered from the joyful emotions just now.

He can naturally think of problems that normal people can think of, not to mention that he did his homework before participating in the competition.

So, he pointed out the danger of the river.

"Dominic, we are now retreating a certain distance, we can't live by the river, it is too dangerous."

"You can't camp by the river tonight, you must stay away, because the wild beasts in the jungle may come to drink water and hunt."

"With the width of the river, I think there are also some dangerous creatures in the river, such as crocodiles, we have to be careful."

Anthony said.

Dominic agreed with this, and then the two began to walk back and found a similar place to start a fire and camp.

The actions of the two of them also made some Gaul audiences breathe a sigh of relief.

If the two of them foolishly started camping by the river, then there is a real possibility that they might be attacked by some beast, which would be dangerous.

There may even be situations where players die.

Seeing that they were far away from the river, the audience was relieved.

After that, there was no word for a night, and the time came to the one hundred and thirty days.

Recently, many players have been out and about, either to expand their search scope or to move.

The cold wind that had been nesting in the second base was completely unstoppable.

No matter what you say, go out for a walk and find some excitement!

Otherwise, if he stayed like this, he felt like he was going to get moldy!

The scenery CP group is dispatched again!

Early in the morning, the audience discovered this scene and immediately became excited.

In the live broadcast, Leng Feng took the lead, Li Guang followed closely, and the two began to explore new areas!

Other players moved, basically because they couldn't get enough food near their place of residence, so they thought about moving and opening up a new area.

And Lengfeng is simply restless, looking for excitement, he needs to fight.

If it is too plain, what kind of wild survival is it?

So, Lengfeng, who already owns three suites on the island, embarked on the journey again, this time his goal is to find a suitable place to build the fourth suite.

"Brother Feng Niu approves 666!"

"Brother Feng is going to build the rhythm of the fourth base, looking forward to it!"

"Everyone can have four suites on the island, but the house I rented in reality was only forty square meters. I felt tired and didn't love it!"

"Forty square meters of house, that's quite big, I can only afford to rent one bedroom, about ten square meters, alas!"

"Where are the brothers floating? I'm Bei Piao."

"I'm Hu Piao, I feel very difficult. Maybe I will go back to my hometown at the end of this year to celebrate the New Year, and I won't come back. This city is pushing me outside, like the subway in the morning."

"I didn't have a good life in my hometown. I don't have money or connections at home, and I don't have any skills myself, so I'm nothing!"

Unexpectedly, because of the fact that Lengfeng owns a lot of real estate, a group of viewers were eoed early in the morning.

Indeed, it is not easy for everyone, we can only say keep working hard!

Later, Ye Han also got up here.

Yesterday, apart from making a batch of adobes for brick and earthen pots, I basically did nothing.

Ye Han doesn't want to rest anymore today, he is also a master who can't be idle.

After finishing the morning's work, Ye Han started to chop wood nearby.

Although he really wanted to find a coal mine, he hadn't found it yet. At this stage, the fuel is still wood, and it needs to be replenished all the time.

Su Xiaoqi also followed, but Ye Han didn't let her work, just spread a piece of animal skin on the ground and let Su Xiaoqi sit there.

"There's nothing else to do anyway, boss, just cut it slowly."

"Don't worry, be careful, you have a lot of wounds on your hands."

Su Xiaoqi said to Ye Han.

Before going to the island, as a pampered rich second-generation, how could Ye Han have any wounds on his hands?

But after going to the island, because he had to work basically every day, Ye Han's hands inevitably had a lot of small wounds.

It is very common to be stabbed by a wood thorn today, and cut a hole tomorrow.

"It's okay, I can get more firewood in the past two days. Later, it will be used for refining saltpeter and burning the kiln. There is not much firewood at home."

"When you are almost healed, let's go out to replenish a wave of supplies, and then concentrate on exploring Bisheng Mountain!"

Ye Han was full of longing for Bisheng Mountain and said.

[The author has something to say]

To tell a joke, I sat in front of the computer and wrote three chapters from last night to now. I vaguely heard my keyboard call me a piece of shit, and I smashed the keyboard when I got angry. Cough cough, in fact, the state is not good, and I can't write. I'll continue writing when I wake up, sorry.

Chapter 892 I can eat cold

Not only Ye Han is looking forward to it, but the audience is even more looking forward to it.

Ye Han could only stay in his hometown these few days, and there was basically no progress in all kinds of things, except for chopping wood.

Although other players have something to watch, everyone is more inclined to watch Ye Han's live broadcast.

What's more, the new map of Bisheng Mountain has been long-awaited by almost every audience.

But now there is nothing to do but wait patiently.

"In this early morning, many players are already in full swing!"

"The Worms are building houses, and Dominic and Anthony of Gaul are building houses."

"Lengfeng and Li Guang are exploring new areas, and they want to open up a fourth base."

"Contestant Ye Han, uh, Contestant Ye Han is still chopping wood."

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye was explaining the situation of a group of players.

In fact, he personally also looks forward to Ye Han rushing to explore the Bisheng Mountain area.

However, some viewers have already deduced the specific time, and it will take five or six days before Ye Han can concentrate on exploring Bisheng Mountain.

"The picture was given to the gold medal team."

"The gold medal team is the best group among all the movers."

"Both of them are under no pressure because there are ample food reserves."

The guide screen in the official live broadcast room was switched, and Master De explained.

In the picture, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong are both advancing in the jungle.

Others only think of moving when they are almost at the end of the road, and the time is very urgent.

But the two of them still had enough food and realized in advance that they needed to move.

Not in a hurry at all.

Now the two of them didn't carry too much stuff, only brought food for a few days, and then headed all the way to the direction of the Bloody Throat Tree.

This time, first replenish the venom, and then move forward a certain distance to see what the situation is.

The main thing is to investigate and determine where to go.

"Gold team, come on!"

"Don't worry, there is no problem with the gold medal team. They have enough food to support the move this time. At least they can last for two hundred days."

"Two hundred days is less, don't forget that they also have the big killer of venom, I estimate at least three hundred days!"

"All this is based on a premise, that is, no accident can happen. Once an accident occurs, no matter how much food you have, it will be useless."

"It makes some sense. There are not many accidents on the island. We can only pray that our players in China will have a good luck!"

"Ye Han, stop chopping wood, and share your good luck with others."

"The current Ye Han is just an emotionless wood chopping machine, alas, I want to see Bisheng Mountain!"

The audience in the live broadcast room were discussing.

For Ye Han, everyone really had no choice but to wait patiently.

In a blink of an eye, it was noon.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi came home with a lot of firewood. Ye Han wanted to go to the kitchen and start cooking lunch, but was stopped by Su Xiaoqi.

"Boss, let me do it."

Having said that, she has already started to get busy.


"Can you do it, Xiao Qi?"

Ye Han was not at ease, fearing that Su Xiaoqi would not feel well.

Su Xiaoqi pouted.

"Look at what you said, as if I were made of that mud."

"I'm fine, my stomach hurts a little, but within the acceptable range, what can be wrong with cooking a meal?"

Su Xiaoqi said, and kicked Ye Han out of the kitchen.

Ye Han had no choice but to pack up the firewood he brought back this time.

The firewood at home is generally stored on the first floor of the bamboo building, where there is not only firewood, but also a large amount of grass and wood ashes, which are kept as spares.

After the first floor of the bamboo building is filled, the remaining firewood can be placed in the kitchen, and the space in the kitchen is not small.

After packing up the firewood, Ye Han entered the kitchen and waited to eat.

"Tomorrow will start refining saltpeter, and firing bricks and pots."

"You should be able to go out the day after tomorrow. Let's go out to replenish all kinds of supplies, and we can go to the lake for a meal of fish at noon."

"The day after tomorrow, set off to win the mountain!"

Ye Han sat there planning.

He is also bored at home, Bisheng Mountain is like a big piece of fat, he has to hurry up and take a bite.

"Okay, it's all up to your arrangement."

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