"Even now, I'm fine."

Su Xiaoqi said while cooking.

Ye Han shook his head after hearing this.

"It's definitely not possible now. The family affairs are not over yet. You don't want to eat ice cream anymore?"

"By the way, if you finish refining the saltpeter tomorrow and make ice cream, you can't eat it!"

Ye Han laughed, looked at Su Xiaoqi and said.

What? !

Don't let me eat ice cream?

Su Xiaoqi was in a hurry immediately, she took the spatula and turned her head to hit Ye Han!

"I can eat cold!!"

Su Xiaoqi made a serious protest.

Ye Han quickly raised his hand and surrendered, he was just teasing Su Xiaoqi, but he didn't expect the girl's reaction to be so big.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't laugh.

"Hahahaha, Xiao Qi is so cute!"

"Let's talk about it. The last time I went on a blind date, the man came up and asked me if I could drink cold water, and he just straightened me up."

"What does this mean? Can you drink cold water? It has nothing to do with blind dates, right?"

"It really has nothing to do with blind dates, but something else."

"What are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

"It's good that you don't understand, it proves that you are still pure."


Looking at these barrages, Teacher Piao in the live broadcast room also showed a meaningful smile.

"Oh, I don't understand either, little dumpling, what does this mean?"

Teacher Piao pretended to ask.

The little dumpling was too lazy to speak, and responded with a big white eye.

They're all grown ups, what are you pretending to be?

And you old driver don't understand?

It's outrageous!

Their interaction also caused laughter in the live broadcast room.

Next, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had lunch, and in the afternoon, they chopped firewood for another afternoon.

The two porters, Da Niu'er and Xiao Hanhan, are responsible for transporting them back.

At present, there is enough firewood at home, and tomorrow we can start refining saltpeter and firing brick pottery.

After dinner, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi rested early.

At the same time, other players on the island basically began to rest.

In the wild, Leng Feng and Li Guang built a bonfire and were having dinner by the bonfire.

"Brother Feng, I feel that this area is a little dangerous, and I heard the roar of the beast."

Li Guang was very vigilant and looked around from time to time.

And I don't know if it was an illusion, he felt a smile in Leng Feng's eyes.

Definitely not an illusion!

This guy Lengfeng is looking forward to fighting, so he feels very happy, it is dangerous to others, but for him, isn't that a chance to fight?

He is afraid that this will be looking forward to a tiger!

"Brother Feng, don't do this, I'm afraid."

Li Guang only felt his mouth full of bitterness.

"Hahaha, don't panic, Aguang, I'm here."

"As long as no dinosaur appears, I can handle it!"

The cold wind blows down the sea.

In fact, according to people's research, it has been concluded that the smallest dinosaur is not as big as a chicken, and it can be dealt with by a normal person.

This night, many viewers stayed in the Lengfeng live broadcast room, expecting to see the fierce battle scene, but until dawn, nothing happened.

After dawn, the time came to the 131st day.

Early in the morning, some spectators discovered that something happened to the Gaul players!

[The author has something to say]

Thank you Fndre for the flowers rewarded by Juju, thank the little bookworm for the reminder, thank you for the flowers that love to eat scrambled eggs, thank you for the lucky koi rewarded by the little white rabbit, thank you ?? Zhiyuan? The lucky koi and two flowers that were rewarded, thanks to Lenghang for the flowers, thank you for the flowers that really don’t poke the reward, and thanks to Qi Mao Shuyou_022651485549 for the flowers! Thank you for the great support above!

Chapter 893 The Rumor of the Toothpick Bird

Chapter eight hundred and ninety third toothpick bird rumor

For the audience, it is a good thing that there is a situation, which means there is something to watch.

As for the players, except for a few players such as Leng Feng and his like, I am afraid that other players do not want to encounter any emergencies.

At this time, in the pictures of this group of players from Gaul, the audience saw a very frightening scene.

Early in the morning, Dominic and Anthony came to the river, intending to get some fish to eat.

But before the two walked to the river, they saw an amazing scene by the river.

I saw a small deer drinking water by the river, not sure if it was the one I saw before, but it doesn't matter anymore.

This little deer was drinking water quietly, but at this moment, a crocodile appeared in the river and bit the deer's neck in one bite!

Immediately afterwards, the crocodile exerted force and directly dragged the frightened deer into the water.

The water began to tumble violently, followed by a large bloodstain, and finally calmed down.

good guy!

Dominic and Anthony were so scared that their faces turned pale, they stood behind a tree for ten minutes!

"There are also crocodiles in this river!"

"When they discovered the river, I said it, with the width of the river, it is not impossible for crocodiles to survive."

"Will the two of them dare to approach this river after that?"

"This is terrible. The houses are starting to be built. I thought I found a treasure, but it turned out to be a dangerous area!"

"It's not that serious. The place where they built the house should have gone beyond the crocodile's range."

"My God, another crocodile came out. Is this to bask in the sun?"

In the live broadcast room, there are a lot of barrages.

A large audience was attracted.

In the picture, another crocodile appeared from the river, slowly crawled to the shore, and then lay there, motionless, as if basking in the sun.

Judging from the size, this is definitely not the crocodile that attacked the deer just now, but another.

There must be more than one crocodile living in this river, which makes perfect sense.

Next, the audience saw that a bird flew over and stayed on the crocodile's head!

Suddenly, three words appeared in the minds of a large number of viewers.

Toothpick bird!

Many people have heard the story of the crocodile and the toothpick bird since childhood.

The crocodile often opens its mouth wide, waiting for the toothpick bird to come and clean its teeth.

This is also a very classic children's story, which is intended to express the mutual help of the crocodile and the toothpick bird and become good friends.

The toothpick bird eats the food scraps in the crocodile's teeth to fill its stomach.

The crocodile solved the problem of jamming, and both parties were very happy.

But as children grow up, they forget about this story.

Many parents will have some doubts, is this story true, or is it made up?

But few people take the time to specifically understand its authenticity.

There are a lot of viewers talking about this right now.

In Lengfeng's live broadcast room, Xiao Liang was explaining Lengfeng's live broadcast, but suddenly he saw a lot of viewers asking about Toothpick Bird.

He knew that there must be other players who saw the toothpick bird, so he came to ask.

"Our brother Feng has nothing to do right now and is advancing in the jungle, so let me talk about the toothpick bird."

"Actually, everyone should have heard the story of the toothpick bird and the crocodile when they were young. When they were young, they must have thought it was not bad. The toothpick bird and the crocodile helped each other and became good friends."

"But now, the name Toothpick Bird is extremely insulting at first glance!"

Xiao Liang first told a joke, and laughed himself.

Guys, the audience is calling you guys!

Xiao Liang also drives!

"Hahahahaha! What a toothpick bird, I just realized it!"

"It's decided, I will call my ex-boyfriend a toothpick bird in the future."

"Hey, I've changed my ex-boyfriend's note to a toothpick bird!"

"No, you both broke up, why do you still keep your contact information, in order to ask for the recipe for hot pot dipping sauce?"

"I also keep my ex-husband's contact information. He wants to pay for it every month. That's child support!"

"Divorce doesn't count, we're talking about falling in love, so there's no need to keep it after we've broken up, right?"

"Some people will keep it, and some people will choose to delete it. Everyone has their own ideas."

Suddenly, the toothpick bird has become a curse word.

Xiaoliang looked at the barrage and was a little stunned.

He said this casually, but he didn't expect the audience to use the topic to play so well.

Next, he quickly got down to business.

"Cough, let's go on, the story of the toothpick bird is familiar to everyone, but it's not the case."

"The toothpick bird actually generally refers to the Egyptian plover (heng), which is also known as the crocodile bird. Its distribution is highly coincident with the Nile crocodile, and it is also very good at catching bugs."

"But in fact, the story that this bird will help the crocodile clean its teeth is probably a rumor."

Xiao Liang continued, which stunned the audience who were playing memes.


The story I heard since I was a child turned out to be false?

Many people have a feeling of being deceived.

Next, Xiao Liang looked at Professor Yuan beside him.

Coincidentally, today is another day for the two of them to explain together.

"Xiao Liang is right. About this story, I actually read it in books when I was a child, and I didn't quite believe it at the time."

"First of all, crocodiles have large gaps in their teeth, and crocodiles change their teeth all their lives. This ability is really enviable. When I was a child, I loved sweets and my mouth was full of cavities. At that time, I was thinking, if I have the ability of crocodiles, it would be great. Well, bad teeth will soon be replaced by good ones."

"Secondly, so far, no one has photographed a toothpick bird picking a crocodile's teeth! You can find some pictures on the Internet, but at a glance, you can see that it is from P."

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