On the one hand, Ye Han finally began to explore Bisheng Mountain, and on the other hand, it was also because of the interesting way of explaining the small dumplings.

The live broadcast room was full of laughter, and in the live broadcast screen, Ye Han had already inserted his hand into his trouser pocket and took out a...Swiss Army Knife.

Of course it's the Swiss Army Knife, what else could it be?

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that Ye Han used a Swiss Army knife to make cuts in the bark, and put the Swiss Army knife into it to separate the bark from the trunk and peel off the cinnamon.

"Take it back to dry, it's cinnamon."

"You can put some when cooking, but you don't need to put too much."

Ye Han continued to peel the cinnamon and said.

"Boss, you have stripped the bark of this tree, can this tree still live?"

Su Xiaoqi looked at the cinnamon tree that was gradually becoming bare and asked.

This is also the question in the minds of the audience.

At this time, they are discussing this issue in the live room.

"I do not know either!"

Ye Han really didn't know this question.

In his previous life, he played extreme sports, and he also dabbled in other things, and knew a lot.

But whether the cinnamon tree can survive after being peeled is indeed Ye Han's blind spot.

However, he guessed that there is a high probability that he can still live.

Otherwise, it is impossible to produce a batch of cinnamon bark, and all the cinnamon trees will die, so they have to be replanted, right?

How expensive is that cinnamon!

"It should be alive, but it's okay to die."

Ye Han said the truth.

This cinnamon tree is dead, what effect will it have on Ye Han?

It didn't matter at all, he already got the cinnamon anyway.

"found it!"

In the live broadcast room, the small group quickly searched for the answer.

"I see!"

"The method of peeling the bark in strips and careful maintenance of the wound will allow the cinnamon tree to live and grow new cinnamon."

"But if you use the ring peeling method directly, it is likely to kill a cinnamon tree!"

The small group read out the answers they had found.

However, as for the difference between the two methods, she did not know.

Of course, it doesn't matter.

"Ye Han said it all, it's okay if the cinnamon tree dies, everyone just leave it alone!"

"Let's continue watching the live broadcast, Ye Han is so handsome!"

The small group's words made the audience laugh once again.

Good guy, it seems that Xiao Liang is really going to be laid off!

Chapter 914 Itching to the point of wanting to chop off the arm

This will be kung fu, Xiao Liang is watching the live broadcast at home.

He was really uncomfortable. Lying on the bed, he just took some medicine, but his stomach still hurts.

This is also normal, who can go all year round without any discomfort at all?

That's basically impossible.

Or it is usually the occasional headache, cold, diarrhea, etc., which are very common.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing Xiao Tuan's explanation, Xiao Liang couldn't help but laugh.

The audience was frantically brushing, saying that he was going to be laid off.

"Alas, I feel abandoned by the world and I'm laid off."

Xiaoliang posted a social update, along with a picture, of a lonely back, holding an umbrella in the rain.

Good guy, the main master has also come out to play!

This time, the audience had more fun, it was really interesting!

In Ye Han's live broadcast room, he had already secured two cinnamon trees.

The bark was basically peeled off.

Someone who knows how to do it has already seen that, according to Ye Han's peeling method, these two trees will surely die.

But as Ye Han said, if these two trees die, they will die. It doesn't matter. The island is full of trees. There are countless cinnamon trees in the world, so what if he kills two of them.

There's no need to worry about this.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi put the cinnamon in their backpacks and moved on.

This is where it is. The footsteps of exploring Bisheng Mountain have just begun, and there are definitely more and more valuable things in the future.

Cinnamon is nothing but an appetizer.

"Look, this is a rabbit's nest."

"I'm too lazy to catch rabbits."

Ye Han pointed to a hole in front and shook his head.

What's the use of catching rabbits?

Does Ye Han lack rabbit food?

He is not lacking.

The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly became very complicated.

"Has it reached this level, Ye Han is too good!"

"Ye Han doesn't bother to catch rabbits at all, he has rabbits at home!"

"Woooooo, the gap is too big, I'm greedy for rabbits, I can't bear to buy a rabbit to eat, but Ye Han is too lazy to catch it!"

"An Ruoxi: I happened to be eating rabbit heads. The spicy rabbit heads in our mountain city are so delicious!"

"This An Ruoxi's avatar is a villa, so rich!"

"I have a feeling that there are rich people everywhere and I'm the only poor person."

"Don't talk about brother, I feel the same way. I eat a bowl of beef noodles as if it's New Year's Eve. People live in a villa and eat rabbit heads. What's it like, I'm so greedy!"


On Ye Han's side, he just ignored the rabbit hole in front of him.

The rabbits living in it escaped unharmed.

But not completely escaped...

Because Jiutian had already swooped out and brought back a fat rabbit to Ye Han a minute later.

"Ah this..."

Ye Han couldn't fix it.

He didn't want to catch rabbits to eat, he just wanted to eat rabbits and then go back to his hometown to kill one. Now he wants to explore more places and try to discover some resources that have not been discovered before.

But unexpectedly, Jiutian caught him a rabbit.

"Okay, let's eat a rabbit that night."

Ye Han took the rabbit over, cut a vine, tied the rabbit a few times, and hung it on the backpack behind him.

Then move on.

Seeing Jiutian's meritorious deeds, Rhubarb was not to be outdone. It had already led Ye Han by more than ten meters and was searching for supplies for Ye Han.

"Too curly, too curly!"

"Jiutian, Da Huang, wake up, don't roll again!"

"As long as they lick well now, when the game is over, they can live better than us!"

"That's true, Ye Han is not short of money. Now that he still has so much reward money, he can go back to the rich list directly, right?"

"The rich list is not necessarily, but even if Rhubarb says it wants to eat black truffles, Ye Han can buy it for it."

"Hahahaha is too exaggerated, Rhubarb probably won't be able to eat black truffles."


In the midst of the audience's discussion, Ye Han led the team to continue to search for useful supplies.

The audience watched with great interest, looking forward to the next second, maybe Ye Han could have a big harvest.

On the other hand, some viewers noticed that the situation of the alcoholic team was not very good.

In fact, there are always people watching the movement of the drunk squad.

As time went on, Ivanov became more and more wrong.

He has scratched his wound and bleeds!

But it still feels itchy!

It's not itchy skin, it's itching deep in the flesh!

This feeling is maddening.

Ivanov was not afraid of pain, and he could endure it when Eva gave him stitches.

But to endure the unbearable itch all the time, it's just frustrating.

Ivanov hadn't slept well for two days, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was very irritable.

Now, he actually holds a shovel and wants to chop off his arm!

Eva cried anxiously, with tears on her face, and was blocking Ivanov.

As soon as this incident came out, many spectators immediately ran over to check the situation.

"Damn it, can you itch people like this?"

"Really, I have athlete's foot. When it itches, I have to dig until it bleeds to relieve it."

"Athlete's foot is usually caused by fungi. Go to the hospital to see, get some medicine, and stick to the application, it can be cured."

"That being said, I did the same, but it didn't last long each time. Only when it was very itchy would I remember to apply the ointment."

"Damn, I also have athlete's foot and toenail fungus. I got it when I went to the pedicure shop to soak my feet!"

"Many pedicure shops rely on this to make money, deliberately infecting you with onychomycosis, and then selling you medicines to make your money!"

"I have a friend who has been tricked. Let me state that it is really my friend, not me."


The audience's topic is always crooked.

Ivanov's itching now is definitely not a fungal infection, it must be caused by some kind of parasite.

On the program team's side, a speedboat has been dispatched to their location.

Because they live by the sea, they can dispatch speedboats directly from the sea base to respond quickly to various emergencies.

The sea base is also equipped with helicopters, which can transport players to the hospital as quickly as possible.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

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