"It tickles me! I'm dying, Eva!"

"Don't stop me, I'm going to cut off this arm, I'm going to itch to death!"

Ivanov was like crazy. I never thought that a strong man who was close to two meters would be tortured by itching like this.

Eva was crying and sobbing all the time. She hugged Ivanov tightly, for fear that he would make an extreme and dangerous move.

It's already like this, how can we continue the game?

Eva also has her own speculations in her heart. Although the real situation cannot be determined, in any case, Ivanov will definitely go to the hospital and find a professional doctor to deal with him.

There is no way to continue the game!

"Ivanov, calm down!"

In the end, Eva swung her arm and slapped Ivanov hard.

This scene is similar to when Emily slapped Jon, and it has the same effect.

A bright red palm print appeared on Ivanov's face, and Eva felt her hands go numb.

"Ivanov, listen to me."

"You have to retire now, go to the hospital for examination and treatment, the game is important, but not as important as you."

"You cut off an arm, you still have to retire, or you will definitely die on the island, you listen to me, retire to receive treatment!"

Eva said calmly.

Ivanov was a little calmer now, and he looked at Eva.

"I retire, what do you do?"

Chapter 915 Ivanov Retires Cocoa Fruit

I retire, what do you do?

Ivanov looked at Eva and asked.

He heard it, Eva meant to let him retire, but Eva herself did not seem to have any plans to retire.

"I want to keep playing."

"You can hold on for one more day. Don't worry, I'm not in any danger here. If I can't hold on, I will retire."

"After you go back, you can continue to see me through the live broadcast, and I will also think of you in my heart."

Eva said to Ivanov.

Ivanov is now hesitant.

Of course he wanted Eva to retire with him. Don't look at him as a big guy, he looked like a tough guy, but in fact he was very dependent on Eva and was unwilling to leave Eva.

However, this is a competition related to national honor, and it is not good to let Eva retire from the competition because of her own personal reasons.

In the deepest part of Ivanov's heart, he certainly wanted to keep going.

However, in this situation, he really can't continue.

The audience of Mao Xiongguo didn't blame him.

"Alas, Ivanov is going to retire and come back. He just had bad luck and fell, which actually led to such a result."

"Actually, it doesn't matter if Eva accompanies him to retire with him. We definitely won't win the championship anyway."

"Yeah, the champion must be Ye Han from Shenzhou Kingdom, he is too powerful."

"I'm more optimistic about Shenzhou Zhanlang Lengfeng, he is so cool, I want to learn combat skills from him!"

"Hurry up and retire, Ivanov, hurry up and heal!"

"Yeah yeah, I'm scared looking at his arm, I don't know what's going on inside."


Most of the audience in Mao Bear Country did not criticize Ivanov.

There are also people who blame him, but not many, very few.

"I still can't worry about you."

"Eva, I'm really worried that you are alone on the island."

Ivanov was still struggling.

It's not his mother-in-law, but he really cares about Eva.

"It's all right, Ivanov."

"I'm just staying here. Even if I encounter danger, I can still swim in the water. My water is very good."


Eva continued to persuade Ivanov.

Finally, Ivanov took a deep breath, nodded, and kissed Eva.

Then, he chose to press the distress button of the live broadcast bracelet.

He also knew very well that he had to be treated quickly.

It's just an itch now, not sure what will happen in the future.

And the itch alone would have driven him crazy.

No matter what you do, you can't concentrate, and you can't sleep well. Who doesn't collapse?

"Ivanov retired!"

"Alas, the alcoholic squad is over, their wine hasn't finished yet!"

"Yeah, where they found the tequila, there's still some wine left."

"When Eva also retires, I don't know if I will take those wines with me. I want to buy a can and try it."

"Probably it won't taste good, but it's more memorable."

"Come on, here comes the show crew!"

In the live broadcast room, some people sighed, and some people want their wine.

At this time, the speedboat of the program group has come.

"It's the staff of the show team!"

Eva quickly waved when she saw the speedboat.

The two live by the sea, and of course they can see the sea base of the show team, and they have talked about it.

Soon, the speedboat came to the sea in front of the two, and the staff hurried over to check Ivanov's situation.

"Come on, player Ivanov."

"Let's go to the sea base first, and then a helicopter will take you to the hospital. There are already experts in this area waiting to treat you. Don't worry, it shouldn't be a big problem."

A staff member of Maoxiong Country said.

The two were on the island for so long, and it was the first time they had come into contact with other people, but they were still a little uncomfortable for a while.

Ivanov looked at Eva again, kissed her, and then sighed, telling Eva to pay attention to safety, and then take the speedboat to leave.

Eva stood on the beach and watched, until she saw the helicopter take off and leave and disappeared from her line of sight, and then she withdrew her gaze.

In the days to come, she will be alone.

The news of Ivanov's withdrawal from the competition quickly became a hot search and attracted widespread attention.

There are also many speculations about his specific situation.

But no one can tell until the results come out.

Everyone is also waiting for the program team to send a notice to inform everyone about Ivanov's situation.

At the same time, Ye Han is still advancing on Bisheng Mountain.

Along the way, Ye Han has harvested a certain amount of cinnamon, a rabbit, and some other plants.

Of course, it's still more difficult to say big discoveries.

Ye Han didn't expect to make any big discoveries this time, but was exploring with a more Buddhist mentality.


At this time, Da Huang let out a cry, attracting Ye Han's attention.

He looked up and looked forward, Rhubarb was squatting on a tree, holding a fruit in his hand.

It looks like a football shape, showing a purple color.

Ye Han's eyes lit up.

He knows this fruit.

Su Xiaoqi also made a cry of surprise, she also knew this kind of fruit.

It's cocoa nuts!

"Boss, it's Cocoa!"

Su Xiaoqi couldn't help exclaiming, her eyes lit up, staring at the fruit in Da Huang's hand.

This is good stuff, it's the raw material for making cocoa powder and chocolate!

Chocolate is something that most people still love to eat, and it is also a very romantic thing.

Who hasn't given chocolate to the boy or girl they like in their youth?

Coupled with a small note, write a few whispers, tsk.

Indulge in silky smoothness.

Su Xiaoqi, a snack foodie, naturally likes chocolate.

So when she saw the cocoa fruit, she immediately became excited.

"Good guy, Da Huang has made another contribution."

"Xiao Qi, I feel that when we leave this island, we have to make arrangements for rhubarb."

Ye Han said with emotion.

Rhubarb really helped him a lot, although sometimes he was a little clever, a little lazy, and a little bit greedy, but more often, Rhubarb was hard-working and obedient.

In particular, he helped Ye Han find the pistol, which was a huge credit, even bigger than Jiutian's finding a rare pink diamond.

Again, a gun is useful on the island, but diamonds are worthless on the island.

"Come on, start collecting cocoa berries."

Ye Han walked over with Su Xiaoqi, and he climbed up the tree and started picking cocoa berries.

For Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi, if they found any fruit trees, it was basically the first time they were picked up.

For example, the previous durian and jackfruit are like this.

Oh, by the way, there are still some fruits on the jackfruit tree, which are not ripe, and they can be collected in a few days.

In a short period of time, Ye Han has discovered cinnamon, cocoa fruit, two new plants.

The audience was hooked, as if they were the ones who got the supplies, and felt very cool.

In the live broadcast room, Xiao Tuanzi and Duan Xiaomei were also very happy.

Chocolate, just thinking about it, will make people feel happy.

However, when Xiao Tuanzi opened his phone to search for cocoa fruit, a message popped up on his phone.

The program team issued a notice, telling everyone the specific situation of Ivanov.

Her attention was immediately drawn to the past.

Chapter 916 Chocolate cold knowledge

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