"This way, even if it is a qualified product, it can be taken out and sold."

When the little dumpling said the end, his brows were also furrowed.

Who has never eaten chocolate? I really didn't know about it before!

How will you eat chocolate after this?

The little girl who was sitting beside Xiao Tuanzi had her legs clamped together, and the expression on her face was also very exciting.

It seemed that the chocolates she received before were still eaten.

"Ah, ah, I don't believe it. Chocolate is my favorite. How can I eat it in the future?"

"It seems to be true. This regulation was formulated by the Food and Drug Administration of the Beautiful Country. I have already searched it."

"Actually, I knew what the little dumpling said before, and I haven't eaten chocolate since then."

"It's okay! The takeaway I usually eat is probably not that clean. It's not clean, and I won't get sick after eating it!"

"There is something wrong with the little dumpling's statement. To say that the chocolate is not clean, it is actually clean, even if there are cockroach fragments, mouse hair and other things that are crushed and fused into the chocolate, but in the production process, it has gone through time and time again. The high temperature disinfection and sterilization will definitely not break the stomach.”

"Cockroaches are good things, full of protein, and eating chocolate can also supplement protein, what a good thing, I am in ecstasy!"

"The hero upstairs, but the old man in the island city?"

"No, I'm his heir..."

In Ye Han's live broadcast room, a large number of viewers were discussing this matter.

In the live broadcast, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had already harvested a lot of cocoa fruit.

The two came out with a total of three backpacks, one was theirs, one was from Asan, and the other was a legendary relic from the cave treasure.

Now the three backpacks are all bulging and full of cocoa nuts.


"I made chocolate, and I can make desserts for you, such as chocolate cake."

"And chocolate ice cream, chocolate milk..."

Su Xiaoqi's face was full of smiles, fantasizing about delicious chocolate.

Ye Han looked like he was hesitant to speak.

In fact, Ye Han knew what Xiao Tuanzi said, but after thinking about it, it would be better not to tell Su Xiaoqi this cruel fact.

Sometimes a lie can be kind.

Of course, if Ye Han handled the cocoa berries and made chocolate himself, he would definitely avoid being contaminated by bugs to the greatest extent possible.

After all, it is a super-large batch processing, and it is impossible to make it particularly clean, but Ye Han, as long as you are careful, you can still control it.

Just like frying a dish, you can clean the leaves one by one when preparing the dish.

But if you want to fry a pot of vegetables, what about a pot larger than a person?

It takes a lot of vegetable leaves, and it is impossible to clean them piece by piece.

"It's almost time, we should go back."

"With so many things, it's not convenient to continue exploring."

Ye Han said.

Su Xiaoqi was still a little unsure, and looked around.

"Let's go, come back tomorrow."

Ye Han smiled, took her hand, and the two walked back together.

The three bags of cocoa fruit were all carried by the two of them, which was not light.

This time, Ye Han did not bring two diligent porters, mainly because he did not expect to have so many harvests.

"It seems that I still don't know enough about my luck."

Ye Han thought in his heart.

To be honest, he really didn't expect that he could gain so much by walking for a while in the place in front of him.

So now, I had no choice but to go back with Su Xiaoqi carrying a backpack.

"Today's trip to Bisheng Mountain is here, thank you for watching, and see you next time!"

"Good guy, it smells like a news broadcast!"

"Ye Han is still carrying a gun, why haven't he encountered a beast?"

"It's better not to. Ye Han still has 12 rounds of ammunition, so if you use one, you will lose one."

"There are still pictures of Ye Han's fierce battles, but this is not his specialty. Let's watch Ye Han's leisurely life in the mountains. If we want to watch fights, we'll go to see Brother Feng."

"Brother Feng is eating crocodile eggs. I'm thirsty looking at it. When I came to Ye Han's side and saw cocoa fruit, I was even more greedy. How can the players on the island eat so well?"

"Haha, the two people in the Datang team have gained a lot of weight recently, and their faces are all rounded. They were all fed by Brother Flathead!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was discussing, and their hearts were sour.

The players on the island, the food is really good.

You must know that the Datang team now treats Brother Pingtou as a real brother. Some viewers joked that this Brother Pingtou has become one of the non-staff players of China.

The others, of course, are Sirius, Jiutian, Rhubarb, Da Niu'er, and Xiao Hanhan.

When Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi returned home, the sky gradually dimmed.

At a seaside, Eva was still sitting on the beach, dazed.

The audience also saw that when Ivanov left, she was very strong.

But now she has begun to feel uncomfortable.

Living alone on such an island is a feeling that people who have not experienced it will not understand.

In the past 100 days, she has become accustomed to being inseparable with Ivanov, and suddenly Ivanov is gone, who can bear this?

Looking at the waves in front of her, the tides ebb and flow, and Eva sat for a long time.

It was getting dark, and she only reacted.


Ivanov in the hospital was also watching this scene.

The wound hurts and he didn't cry, but now he does.

If nothing else, the relationship between the two is real.

Later, the audience saw that Eva did not eat dinner or drink, and went back to the wooden house to lie down and start sleeping.

The live broadcast was plunged into darkness.

Ivanov sighed, and in order to divert his attention, he began to look at the situation of the other players.

This is something he has been curious about since he was on the island.

What kind of life do the other players live?

Chapter 918 Psychotherapy

I have to say that Ivanov is very dangerous at this moment.

Every surviving retiree will experience a calamity, that is when they watch Ye Han's live broadcast.

Because no matter what kind of life they lived on the island, there was no doubt that they were no match for Ye Han.

It can even be said that there is no comparison.

They are really surviving in the wilderness, and Ye Han, where is this surviving?

It's like being on vacation...

Now, Ivanov has started holding his phone in his left hand and found a summary online.

Yes, the summary has now begun.

It is specific to which country and which player does what every day, who and who died, and the specific time is accurate to the second.

In general, it is a version of "Historical Records" for survival in the wilderness!

Ivanov began to watch with gusto.

He glanced at his own players first. There are five groups of players in Maoxiong, and he is only a member of one group.

The other four groups of players are still continuing to compete, which makes him very satisfied and nodded.

"I'm the only one who left the island in Maoxiong Country. Even if Eva is eliminated later, there are still four groups."

"These four groups of players are very stable now, and they are actually similar to what I imagined, very good."

A smile appeared on Ivanov's face, and he felt that his arm didn't hurt so much.

He's still very patriotic and certainly doesn't want his country to perform poorly.

Then, he noticed that the Neon Kingdom was wiped out.

"That's not bad, hehe."

Ivanov continued to laugh.

For example, the death method of the Neon Country player also made him very interesting, and his laughter came from time to time in the ward.

But suddenly, Ivanov let out a light hum.

Then he uttered a foul language, similar to the slang of Shenzhou Kingdom.

"This is impossible!"

Ivanov roared.

Holding the phone in his left hand, he felt that the phone case was making a creaking sound, as if it was about to be crushed by him.

Ivanov swiped up the screen with his left thumb, and a string of words came into his eyes as he was skimming the records of a group of players.

These written records had a great impact on him, causing his mind to start buzzing.

"This, this, this!"

"Is this all real?"

"This record is made up!"

Ivanov's voice changed, and his face was complicated.

His fingers were too hard, pressing on the screen, only to hear a click, the screen of the mobile phone was abruptly shattered by him!

More than half of the screen has turned black, and only a small half of the screen is still displayed.

Madam Ivano is stupid!

Yes, the records he looked at belonged to the group of Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi.

Looking at the records of other players before, they are still in the normal category.

If it is not normal, it is that the players of the Neon Country are too unlucky, and the unlucky is outrageous.

But he can still accept it. After all, he doesn't like the Neon Country, so he likes to see the country wiped out.

But when he saw Ye Han's game record, he couldn't hold back.

He couldn't believe it was true!

"Wine before me!"

"I have raised a lot of animals, and there is an endless supply of food at home!"

"Kill the crocodile, kill the tiger, kill the black bear, kill the python!"

"The program group comes standard with supplies, and has several copies!"

"A pistol!"

Absurd, simply absurd!

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