Ivanov opened his mouth again, but he was speechless.


The wound hurts so much!

On Ivanov's forehead, there were blue veins throbbing, and his face twitched several times.

Because his emotions are too excited, it is difficult to control himself.

Sure enough, no one can escape the calamity after the game.

Ivanov is not because he doesn't like Ye Han, hates Ye Han, and hates China.

I was just too surprised to believe it.

And there is a huge gap in my heart.

I live so hard, others are so happy!

That kind of feeling is as if you were struggling to climb up a small hill, and when you looked up, you saw someone else sitting on Mount Everest drinking tea!

In other words, you spent half your life climbing Mount Everest and saw an immortal drinking tea in the sky with Erlang's legs crossed.

After being shocked, I was very weak.

Ivanov felt that all his strength was drained.

If that's the case, what are you going to do in the competition?

With such an opponent, can the championship be imagined by oneself?

What's the point of Eva's persistence on the island alone?

Poor Eva!

Ivanov's nose was sore, and he almost burst into tears.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a calamity. If it is a person with a bad mentality, it is estimated that they will not be able to get out.

This requires grooming.

Fortunately, the program team has its own considerations and plans. The program team on Mao Xiongguo's side has already sent staff to guard it in the hospital.

At this time, a little nurse who was in charge of changing Ivanov's dressing walked into the ward. Seeing him like this, she hurried to summon the show crew.

Soon, the two people in charge came over with a psychiatrist.

The psychiatrist was on vacation at home, but was called directly by the program team at a price he couldn't refuse, always ready to appease Ivanov.

You must know that during a war, someone killed too many people on the battlefield, or saw their comrades were blown into pieces, or died in front of them by headshots, the impact was very strong.

Therefore, many people will suffer from a disease, post-traumatic stress disorder, after the war is over.

More than one-third of people never heal.

The impact after retiring from the competition is not so severe, but it is not small.

"Ivanov, take a deep breath and think about your bed at home."

"Yes, relax and listen to me."


With the comfort of the psychiatrist and the little nurse changing a bottle of medicine, Ivanov gradually calmed down.

And gradually fell asleep.

But on the island, Eva couldn't sleep.

She tossed and turned in the wooden house, closing her eyes but couldn't fall asleep. In the end, she simply opened her eyes, looked at the moonlight through the window, and listened to the sound of the waves.

She also used a shovel against the door of the log cabin.

Ivanov was not around, she felt very insecure.

But she still wants to keep going, unless she can't hold on.

In theory, she has been living by the sea, will not be short of food, and can last until the end of the game.

But in fact it is not the case, food is very important, but not everything.

Take it one step at a time!

Eva thought about it and finally fell asleep, but it was already past three in the morning.

This sleep, she slept until noon the next day.

Guys, this is exactly the same routine as some web writers...

The time has come to the one hundred and thirty-fifth day.

After Ivanov slept, he felt much better, and under the guidance of a psychiatrist, he was less uncomfortable.

But now he is concerned about Eva's situation. Eva's live broadcast room is still black, and he is very worried.

The staff of the show team have been comforting him. If Eva is in trouble, the show team will definitely know, so it must be fine now. It should be because of insomnia last night, and she is still sleeping now.

And like him, there is another person who is also receiving psychological treatment and comfort.

That's poor Sean.

Chapter 919 Sean Depression Cocoa Bean Fermentation

In fact, compared with Sean, Ivanov's situation is very good.

Now, in a hospital in the beautiful country, Sean is lying on the bed with gauze wrapped around his head, his eyes are empty.

He is depressed.

Really depressed.

Unlike many people who seek sympathy under the guise of depression, Sean really has depression.

His current situation requires not only psychological counseling, but also medicine.

And there were people watching him all the time, afraid that he would kill himself.

Some viewers in the beautiful country were very sympathetic to Sean, and even came to the hospital spontaneously, wanting to visit Sean and condolences to Sean.

Others came all the way by plane.

But Sean has no desire to communicate with anyone right now, and he may not be able to say a word all day.

Someone suggested giving him a litter of mice to keep, but it didn't help.

His condition is very serious.

This is not urgent and can only be taken slowly, but his psychiatrist said that he is afraid that there will be no hope of recovery in a short time.

The short time he said was still in years.

This news spread, but also led to a consequence.

That is, Vasily's grave was dug.

According to the old man who guarded the tomb, he didn't know anything, except that when he was patrolling at night, he saw that Vasily's tombstone was smeared with stool, the ashes buried in the tomb were dug up, and he was urinated.

And according to the photos at the scene, it can be judged that there are a lot of messy footprints in front of the tomb, it may be someone jumping on the tomb...

As for Andre, because he had not had time to be buried, he escaped temporarily.

After hearing about Vasily, Andrei's family made a wise decision.

No burial, and his ashes were thrown into the sea.


The island is sunny.

Ye Han was not in a hurry to continue exploring Bisheng Mountain, but brought Su Xiaoqi to work in his new home.

The supplies brought back yesterday need to be dealt with.

Cinnamon is easy to handle, just let it dry.

Cocoa fruit requires a series of processes, and finally you can get cocoa powder and chocolate.

Now it's time to deal with the cocoa berries.

The first step is actually not difficult.


In front of Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were a lot of cocoa fruit and a row of clay pots.

I saw that the two were cutting cocoa fruit one by one and taking out the cocoa beans inside.

Cocoa beans are sticky and covered in white pulp.

Just take it out and throw it in the pot.

Because cocoa beans at this time have a sour and bitter taste, which needs to be removed by fermentation.

Three bags of cocoa nuts were brought back, and eight clay pots were filled with cocoa beans dug up.

These clay pots were just fired a while ago. Fortunately, the clay pots were burned. Otherwise, we can only use pots for this step.

But the pot needs to be used for every meal. Even though they have four pots, Su Xiaoqi uses them all if he can.

If there is only one pot, it is difficult to make a large table of dishes. After this dish is done, and then go to the next dish, the previous one will be cold.

And the dishes of this second are still different from the dishes of the next second.

The dishes that have just come out of the pot are basically the best time to eat.


"It's full of hands, and people who don't know what it is."

Ye Han looked at the white viscous liquid covered in his hands and said.

Su Xiaoqi's expression suddenly became a little subtle.

Stinky boss, drive again!

When the audience heard this, they were also excited.

"Hey, what else could it be!"

"What do you think that is, that is what it is."

"So what exactly is this?"

"What is what?"

"Are you talking about tongue twisters? Stop reading them and get in the car!"

"Dip! Student card!"


At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi washed their hands by the stream, washed their hands clean, and specially used soap fruit.

The clay pots containing cocoa beans were placed in the wooden house.

This fermentation process takes about five or six days.

During this period, it is not to say that you don't need to worry about it. The fermented water needs to be poured out and turned over properly.

Then is the next step.

"Boss, what are you doing now?"

"Go up the mountain?"

Su Xiaoqi looked at Bisheng Mountain in front of her and said.

"Okay, let's go up the mountain."

"Pack up and eat on the mountain at noon to save the trouble of going back and forth."

Ye Han waved his hand and made an arrangement.

Su Xiaoqi excitedly packed her things.

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