Because Zhang Haoran is about to arrive at the seaside!

At noon, Zhang Haoran left the wooden house left by the Siamese players, and rushed to the beach with his supplies and Sirius.

This time, he was simply going to see the sea.

After walking for a long time, he has come to the original hill.

It was on this hill that a whale explosion occurred, and he fled in a panic with Sirius.


Zhang Haoran subconsciously wanted to cover his nose, although there was no odor anymore.

But the stench was still in his mind, it was a memory full of smells.

After climbing the hill, Zhang Haoran looked at the sea ahead and the whale skeleton by the sea, and his heart was full of emotion.

It has only been so long, and the original whale has only its skeleton.

"This is the third time Zhang Haoran has come to this seaside!"

"In ancient times, Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times, but now there is Zhang Haoran three times the tomb of the stick!"

"What is the tomb of the stick, this is the seaside!"

"Literally, the tomb of the stick, there's nothing wrong with it, the stick died here."

"It's a pity, the last two plastic surgery country players are not here, otherwise Sirius would go up and bite them directly."

"Zhang Haoran has come down the mountain, he is going to see the skeleton of the whale."


By this time most of the players were already asleep.

Therefore, more viewers choose to come to Zhang Haoran's live broadcast room to watch the excitement and chat.

In the live broadcast at this time, Zhang Haoran had already descended the mountain and came to the beach.

The sea breeze is blowing, it is pleasant, not so hot.

Zhang Haoran walked all the way to the whale skeleton, and reached out and touched the whale's skeleton.

"It was fortunate that I was lucky at the time, otherwise it would have been me who was killed."

Thinking of this, Zhang Haoran was still a little scared.

Afterwards, the same idea as Ivanov came into his mind.

That is to play with a few whale bones.

As soon as he said it, Zhang Haoran took out his shovel and began to choose the whale bone he looked at to cut it.

Then, he noticed the abnormality and frowned.

"There are marks of being cut here!"

"There are other people who have come to cut some whale bones and take them away!"

Zhang Haoran immediately saw the clue.

Although it was dark now, there was still moonlight shining. Zhang Haoran looked at it carefully to confirm that he was not mistaken.

Someone else did cut it!

Zhang Haoran immediately looked around, but found no figure.

"It's definitely not the two people who were killed."

"Neither the Beer Nation players nor the Siam Nation players. They are other players I haven't met."

Zhang Haoran got the answer.

So where will this group of players be now?

Zhang Haoran feels that they are likely to choose to live by the sea, because living by the sea basically does not have to worry about food.

Just need to eat seafood, unless you go hunting to get other prey.

"Let's go and see."

Zhang Haoran was no longer in the mood to collect whale bones, so he left here with Sirius and proceeded along the coastline.

Soon, he came to the wooden house left by the two plastic surgery players.

Although the wooden house didn't look like it could live in, Zhang Haoran still opened the door of the wooden house and took a look.

Well, no one.

It's almost time to rest now, but Zhang Haoran definitely can't live in this wooden house. No one can live there anymore, and there's not even a place to stay.

And he is not sleepy now. He slept for most of the morning today, and he is still in good spirits.

Keep going!

Zhang Haoran continued to walk forward.

At this time, the audience was more energetic than him, because the direction he was walking was where Eva was.

As long as he keeps going, you can see Eva's wooden house!

"I didn't expect the result of this vote to be so soon. It's only been half a day."

"Oops, I forgot to vote, hurry up and vote!"

"Bless Ye Han, let me win the lottery this time!"

"I put Ye Han's poster on the wall. Now I am worshipping Ye Han. I will definitely win the lottery, at least 10,000 yuan!"

"What will happen if Zhang Haoran encounters Eva?"

"I'm so looking forward to it, little wolf dog, hurry up!"

The audience was very excited and had a heated discussion.

At this time, Ivanov, who was in a hospital in Maoxiong Country, widened his eyes.

"This guy is carrying a wolf, but don't hurt Eva!"

Ivanov was in a hurry. His woman was alone by the sea, and he was already very worried.

Now there is another Zhang Haoran, what if he threatens Eva?

Ivanov can only be in a hurry, he can't do anything now.

He gritted his teeth, now desperate for a drink.

But the doctor didn't let him drink, and he didn't have any alcohol in his hand, so it was very uncomfortable.

There is a kind of smoker who is addicted to smoking, but does not have the feeling of smoking, and everyone who understands it understands.

And at this time, a new incident occurred.

I saw that the Eva live broadcast room, which was originally a black screen, actually had a screen again.

It turned out that Eva came to the beach!

Chapter 925 Zhang Haoran's Operation

Eva was already asleep, why did she come out now?

Ivanov was puzzled.

The audience in the live broadcast room also discussed.

"Eva sleepwalking?"

"Impossible, who has to open the live broadcast specially for sleepwalking?"

"Is there a possibility that Eva also wants to pee in the sea?"

"Who did the sea provoke, everyone wants to pee in the sea?"

"It should be insomnia. Ivanov is not here. She is not used to it. She had insomnia last night, and she has insomnia tonight."

"Oh, I'm still saying that, Eva needs my comfort now, let me go, please agree to my request after the show team sees it!"

"Eva has gone to sea!"

The audience in the live broadcast room were talking.

In the picture, Eva took off her jacket and swam directly into the sea.

Some people still guessed correctly, she is actually insomnia, and she can't sleep.

She suddenly remembered that she had seen an expert on the Internet saying that when you have insomnia, don't force yourself with your eyes closed.

It's better to get up and do something, and then lie down and fall asleep automatically when you are sleepy.

Eva has nothing to do, so she thought, come out for a swim.

It happened that I was sweating too, so I went for a swim in the sea, and it was cool and cool.

Eva was shocked when she came into contact with the cool sea water at night, with a smile on her face, but then she sighed.

Then he laughed again.

The emotions are more complicated.

Swimming has always been a very good exercise, and exercise can often make people happy and relaxed, because it makes the body secrete endorphins.

The same substance that makes people feel happy is dopamine, but the two are very different.

The sigh after the smile was because she thought that if Ivanov was still by her side, she could sleep on Ivanov's thick arm.

So sigh.

But then she realized that her sigh might be seen by Ivanov, which would make Ivanov worry, so she laughed.

When you truly love someone from the bottom of your heart, you really have to think about your own emotions. Will it affect the other person?

Many people didn't understand it and thought Eva was ill.

But Ivanov understood, he understood Eva.

At this moment, Ivanov, who was lying on the hospital bed, had a sore nose and wiped away his tears.


He stroked the screen of his mobile phone with his hand, showing affection.

That phone was broken before, now this is a new phone.

He is not short of money now, because in these more than 100 days, there are still a lot of reward money.

In addition, there is a bonus given to him by Mao Xiong Guo, thanking him for his contribution to the country.

However, Ivanov felt that his performance was not good, so he donated the bonus.

In fact, when he was on the island, he felt that his performance was not bad.

But after seeing the performance of other players, especially Ye Han, he felt that he deserved the bonus.

Why are the players of the Shenzhou Kingdom so powerful and perform so well, but they only think about wine and drinking, and because of a fall, they retire from the competition.

Ivanov was angry and questioning at first, but now he has calmed down and feels guilty.

He thought he could do better, but he didn't.

Eva continued to swim, and this movement was immediately noticed by Zhang Haoran.

"Someone is swimming!"

Zhang Haoran was stunned for a moment, and then almost exclaimed.

Isn't it time to go to bed this night, why are you swimming?

Also, which country is this player from?

The distance is a bit far, so I can't see clearly.

And how come there is only one, and the other, on the shore?

Do you want to go check it out, or just leave?

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