Zhang Haoran stood where he was, with a lot of questions and entanglements in his heart.

But soon he didn't have to worry about it.

Because Sirius suddenly raised his head to the sky and howled!

This time, Eva, who was swimming, immediately heard the movement and looked over here.

Zhang Haoran can see Eva, so Eva can also see Zhang Haoran.

It was at this time that the voting of the program group came to fruition.

The two sides met.

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded directly!

"Good guy, met, they met!"

"Calm down, it's not Queqiao meeting."

"It would be nice if Eva was from China, so Zhang Haoran and Eva could be reorganized into a new team."

"Don't, we Shenzhou Kingdom are not like Xiba people, everything is our own."

"Eva seems to be very afraid, yes, when she meets other players, she also brings a wolf, can you not be afraid?"


Later, when Eva gave an interview after the game, she was asked how she was feeling.

Eva also said a classic sentence: I was terrified at the time.

Of course, that's all for later.

At this time, after seeing Zhang Haoran, Eva also responded quickly.

That is no response.

On the surface, she didn't move, but in fact, she had already thought a lot in her heart.

There was obviously a wolf next to this player, she heard it right, it was the sound of a wolf howling.

It is said that wolves howl at the moon, and there are legends that a werewolf transforms into a werewolf when the moon is full.

This wolf actually gets along peacefully with a player?

how can that be possible?

Eva even suspected that she was hallucinating, but it was clearly not a hallucination.

"Is there any player with such skills?"

Eva thought quickly in her heart.

It's a pity that she didn't think it was Zhang Haoran.

Back then, August of Beer Country could think of Zhang Haoran according to Sirius, which was related to his professionalism.

And Eva couldn't do it yet, so she couldn't infer the identity of the player.

Each player looks at the profiles of all the other players before competing, but there are not many that can be firmly remembered.

Eva didn't look carefully at the time, and now she regrets it a little.

On Zhang Haoran's side, he first looked down at Sirius, signaling Sirius not to bark.

Sirius was very good, and immediately closed his mouth.

At this time, Zhang Haoran is also more entangled. Now that both sides have discovered each other, what should we do next?

He used to make sneak attacks, burn houses and steal things, and be the mastermind behind the scenes. This time, he met directly. This situation is something he has never encountered before.

"Did you go over to say hello?"

Zhang Haoran made up the picture in his mind.

I walked over by myself, waved my hand, and said, hello, you?

This is one of the few English that Zhang Haoran can speak, but what if the other party can't speak English?

By the way, the bracelet can translate.

But it's embarrassing to think about.

Shouldn't it be?

Zhang Haoran stood for about ten minutes, which was a long time for everyone.

Some viewers also expressed their gratitude to Zhang Haoran for extending his life and turning ten minutes into ten years.

If it weren't for the waves still lapping on the beach, some people would have thought that the live broadcast was stuck.

And then, Zhang Haoran made a move that most people did not expect.

He greeted him, and turned and left with Sirius.

Others Xu Zhimo also knew that with a wave of his sleeves, he would not take away a cloud.

Zhang Haoran turned around and left without even waving his sleeves!

Chapter 926 Bamboo Slip Map New Area

Gone, Zhang Haoran is gone...

Seeing the figures of Zhang Haoran and Sirius gradually disappear from his sight, Eva was completely dumbfounded.

She floated in the sea, not knowing what to do for a while.

What should we do now?

"Will this person attack me in the future?"

"He shouldn't shoot himself, but if the wolf he brought came to bite me, would it be considered a violation?"

"Do you want to move?"


Eva was in a mess, thinking a lot.

Then she realized that she was still in the water, and a fish came over and pecked her feet twice, which woke her up.

"Go ashore first."

Eva swam to the shore and came to a stream to re-wash her body.

Because after taking a sea bath, you need to rinse with fresh water, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable when the sea water on your body dries.

Afterwards, Eva looked around again, but saw nothing. She then returned to the wooden house, closed the door, and blocked it with a shovel.

It's good now, I couldn't sleep before, and now I can't sleep anymore.

Eva lay there tossing and turning, annoyed and frightened.

Sure enough, he still came, the fear of being dominated by Zhang Haoran!

Someone has defined Zhang Haoran as the big devil on the island!

As long as it is the player he encounters, it will not end well.

As for Ye Han, some people say that he is the emperor of the island, but this emperor is obviously still in the process of development and has to work himself.

In Lengfeng's words, some people say that he is the general on the island. If he can be under Ye Han's command, it will be a king bomb.

On the other side, Zhang Haoran led Sirius away.

He was still walking along the sandy shoreline, but away from where Eva was.

After a short thought, Zhang Haoran has made a decision.

Since there are players there, he will not go there and avoid meeting.

If people don't find themselves, maybe they can go there to burn a house, steal something or something, it's better to be a player from the plastic surgery country or the neon country, that's perfect.

But at a glance from a distance just now, he didn't feel like he was from these two countries.

I can't see it clearly, but since they have all been discovered, then forget it, stay away.

The audience said he could find work, but he didn't really want to.

Under the night, Zhang Haoran returned to the whale bone.

This time, he took a few whale bones that he was optimistic about, put them in a backpack and took them away, and then moved on.

At three o'clock in the middle of the night, Zhang Haoran felt sleepy, so he lay down on the beach and started to sleep.

With Sirius guarding him, he can rest assured to sleep.

At this time, Eva still couldn't fall asleep, she had already sat up, sitting there in a daze.

She always felt that that person would come back, which put a lot of pressure on her.

Before you know it, there is already sunlight outside, filling the room through the window.

Eva sighed, rubbed her temples, then opened the door and walked out.

After a night of sleepless nights, both physically and mentally, I was very tired.

Eva looked around and didn't find Zhang Haoran's figure, which made her feel a little relieved.

What she is most afraid of now is seeing Zhang Haoran.

"My Eva, Eva..."

Ivanov looked at this scene and cried again.

He felt sorry for Eva, but he also knew that Zhang Haoran could not be blamed for this.

In recent days, Ivanov has been crying almost as often as he was a child.

He also cried when he was a child, but he never cried when he grew up.

Of course, many times it is actually enduring, because children can cry when they are wronged and sad, but adults can only bear it silently.

But now seeing Eva's lonely appearance, Ivanov couldn't help it, he felt distressed!

"Maybe Eva will retire soon."

"Zhang Haoran is the one who has lived alone the longest. Of course, that's because of the company of Sirius. Next is Bill. He is also a hanged man!"

"Did Bill have surgery today?"

"Looks like yes, wait for the result, I don't think the chance is very big, because his spinal nerves have been interrupted."

"Not necessarily. I can analyze it from Lord Bei's expression, and there is still a certain chance."

"Master Bei didn't come to explain today. In the official live broadcast room, a singer was temporarily found to partner with Master De, and his figure is quite hot."

"I still like the looks of the eastern people, but I can't accept the western ones."

"Ye Han got up, left, and went to see Ye Han!"


Early in the morning, in the major live broadcast rooms, there are busy audiences.

It is true that there are people who are busier than the players.

Because there are still some players who are more salty, such as the Datang team at this time.

To say that these two people from the Datang team are quite capable, otherwise they would not have been selected to compete.

But now the two of them basically live a life of lying flat, relying entirely on Brother Pingtou for their support. Some people say that this is the offering of love.

God's so loving offering...  

At this time, on Ye Han's side, it was the start of a new day. Ye Han was full of energy, and Su Xiaoqi also cheered up.

In fact, she was not tired of exploring Bisheng Mountain, but she felt a little uncomfortable thinking about how long she would have to explore.

This is also very easy to understand. For example, if you found a new game, wow, it's really fun, it's really good.

Then after playing for two days, you find that the game has a lot of tasks, and it is not as enthusiastic as it was at the beginning.

This is Su Xiaoqi's situation.

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