Or the title of the book, full of sarcasm.

"Let's go, let's go, on the way back, maybe you can find something?"

"It's better not to find out, because I plan to go back to my hometown tomorrow."

Ye Han said as he opened the way.

If he didn't say this, Su Xiaoqi almost forgot.

Going home tomorrow.

"It's more comfortable to live in the bamboo building at home."

"This trip back, let's go to the beach to eat some seafood, and then eat lotus root, okay?"

Su Xiaoqi looked at Ye Han and said.

Ye Han nodded, and when Su Xiaoqi mentioned it, he was also a little greedy.

Especially the charcoal grilled oysters, this thing is so dazzling, it can't stop at all.

The two walked back all the way, Ye Han not only carried the gun, but also the spear he made himself.

It's just that these two weapons have not been used for a while.

Of course, from Ye Han's point of view, he definitely hoped not to use it, because the use of weapons meant that there was danger.

Especially guns.

When he fired again, it must have been in real danger.

Without a word, the two went down the mountain smoothly and returned to the wooden house.

As Ye Han said, he didn't want to gain anything, he was afraid of delaying the return to his hometown.

However, when the two of them were about to rest and have some dinner, Su Xiaoqi saw a strange creature appear next to the stream in front of them!

Chapter 933 Giant Anteater

At first glance, Su Xiaoqi was taken aback!

"Boss, monster!"

"There's a monster there!"

Su Xiaoqi stepped back again and again, she originally wanted to go to the stream to wash her hands.

Where do you dare to go now?

Ye Han was also taken aback by Su Xiaoqi's reaction, and quickly drew a gun.

Of course, he also understood in his heart that there is a high probability that this will not be a monster, at most a strange-looking animal.

There are too many animals and plants in the tropical rain forest, and it is normal to encounter strange-looking ones.

For example, the bald monkey I met today.

So now, what is Su Xiaoqi called a monster?

Ye Han held guns in both hands and walked forward slowly.

The curiosity of the audience has also been aroused.

"Monster? What kind of monster is Xiao Qi talking about?"

"There is a high probability that it is some kind of strange-looking animal. Xiao Qi has never seen it before, so it is called a monster."

"It's hard to imagine. Although the bald monkey is ugly, it can be seen that it is a monkey. What is it that you can't see it?"

"I didn't see it clearly just now. Has anyone seen it clearly?"

"There are so many grotesque animals, my dog ​​was disguised as a rug last time!"

"See, what is that?"


The audience came to the spirit and kept discussing.

In the live broadcast at this time, the physical characteristics of this animal were also displayed.

But what you don't understand is still incomprehensible.

If you know him, you can see it at a glance, such as Ye Han at this time.


"What kind of monster am I still taking off my pants, so just show me this?"

Ye Han played a trick.

His body was tense, but now he relaxes directly.

The gun was also withdrawn.

"So what is this?"

"It does look like a monster!"

Su Xiaoqi said a little unconvinced.

Ye Han smiled and patted her on the back.

"Do not worry!"

"This thing is very docile and won't hurt anyone. If I say the name, you will realize it right away."

Ye Han was deliberately trying to sell off and annoy Su Xiaoqi.

Su Xiaoqi gritted her teeth and stared at Ye Han.

"Boss stinky, you're going to sell your **** again, I won't cook tonight!"

"I'm leaving home!"

Su Xiaoqi threatened.

Ye Han raised his brows when he heard this, and patted Su Xiaoqi's **** directly.

"Yo! You are fat!"

"Still running away from home, where can you go, and go back to the bamboo building by yourself?"

"Stop teasing you, let me tell you, this is an anteater."

Ye Han said with a smile, while recalling the feeling just now.

I have to say, it's pretty good.

At this time, Su Xiaoqi no longer had the mind to take care of Ye Han taking advantage of her, and instead stared at the anteater in front of her.

It turns out that this is the legendary anteater!

For this thing, most people have only heard of the name, but very few people can see the anteater with their own eyes.

There is also a very important reason, because the hunting and killing of humans has led to fewer and fewer anteaters.

Especially the giant anteater, because its meat can be eaten, the giant anteater is in a vulnerable state.

There is also a classification in it, Least Threatened, Near Threatened, Vulnerable, Endangered, Critically Endangered, Extinct in the Wild, Extinct.

Hey, looking at it this way, do you suddenly feel that it is endangered and not very dangerous?

But in fact, when it is endangered, it is equivalent to one foot on the edge of the cliff. How can it not be dangerous.

The guy in front of Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi was an anteater.

"Anteaters are divided into dwarf anteaters, large anteaters, small anteaters, and Mexican small anteaters."

"This is a giant anteater."

Xiao Liang has come uninvited and started to explain.

Because his life was often robbed, he had to take the initiative.

Not only are the small dumplings robbing him, but Ye Han is also robbing him. How much sense of existence can he still have?

"Yo yo yo, Xiao Liang took the initiative to go to work."

"I have to say, the anteater looks very abstract!"

"Yes, I'm a writer. I can't think of a suitable description to describe the appearance of this anteater, but I still don't have enough writing power!"

"It's hard to describe, no wonder Xiao Qi said it was a monster."

"If I go home and see something like this, I'd be scared too!"

"Actually, if you take a closer look, you will feel that anteaters are quite cute, the kind that are ugly and cute."


The audience is also very interested.

Almost everyone has heard of the name of the anteater.

But it is rare to specifically check its information to see what it looks like.

Even if you see it in the animal world, you may forget it after a long time.

And the key is that the appearance of this thing is indescribable.

"Cough, this is a giant anteater. The giant anteater has a long head, and its head and mouth are like a big syringe."

"The whole body has long and thick hair, which is tan. The claws of anteaters are used to dig out the ant nest, so the claws are very long. In order to protect the claws, they also use knuckles to walk, so it looks a bit like It's Pizi."

"Anteaters are docile and not aggressive, that's why Ye Han immediately closed the gun."

Xiao Liang continued to explain here.

The audience also said that they had learned it. Watching this live broadcast is more interesting than watching the animal world.

Next, Xiao Liang continued to speak, and Ye Han in the live broadcast was also explaining to Su Xiaoqi about the anteater.

It is worth mentioning that the two talked about it together.

"Anteaters are still very smart. They know the principle of sustainable development. They find an ant nest and eat slowly. They won't eat up all the ants in the ant nest, so they can continue to eat next time."

"It's like when people grow leeks, they don't uproot the leeks, they cut the leeks. After one crop is cut, they can grow again for you to continue cutting."

This sentence is very connotative, and anyone who has been a leek knows it.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were now looking at this giant anteater, Ye Han thought for a while, then looked at Su Xiaoqi and asked a question.

"Xiao Qi, this guy's meat is edible, do you want to eat it?"

Ye Han asked.

Su Xiaoqi froze for a moment, then thought about it, and finally shook her head.

"Forget it, boss, I look terrified of this thing."

"Don't kill it, I feel like I don't want to eat its meat."

Su Xiaoqi said.

Ye Han also nodded, in fact, he also thought so in his heart.

Of course, if there was a lack of food, Ye Han would kill this giant anteater without hesitation.

"The Anteater is gone."

"Actually, in my opinion, this kind of animal is a bit silly. It looks similar to sloths, koalas and other things. It's hard to make people want to kill them and eat meat."

"By the way, there is also a cold knowledge here. I will share it with you. It is about the tongue of the anteater. The tongue of the giant anteater can stick out 60 centimeters and contract at a frequency of 150 times per minute."

"Okay, today's popular science is here."

After Xiaoliang finished speaking, he showed a Tibetan fox smile, which made the audience dumbfounded.

So, did he end up driving?

Good guy, Xiaoliang has also learned badly!

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