Chapter 934 "Born Legend"

On Xiaoliang's side, the broadcast is glorious.

What was left was the audience who were having a heated discussion.

"In other words, this giant anteater's tongue skills are very good!"

"Good guy, I call it good guy, it would be great if I had this length and speed!"

"Sure enough, people can't be seen, and the sea can't be measured. Beneath the ordinary appearance, the anteater has a sullen heart!"

"You said that people are mediocre? Are you afraid that there is some misunderstanding of ordinary people?"

"To be honest, if I were asked to eat anteater's meat, I wouldn't dare to eat it."

"Anteater is pretty ugly, but it makes me feel so pitiful that I can't bear to kill it."

"So those rabbits that Ye Han raised should die, hahahahaha!"


Some viewers will also say that Ye Han should kill this giant anteater to replenish his food reserves.

But in Ye Han's view, this is really unnecessary.

Next, he and Su Xiaoqi watched the anteater leave, and then began to prepare dinner.

"After this meal, I will go back to my hometown tomorrow!"

“Charcoal grilled oysters, stir-fried lotus root slices!”

Ye Han was already hungry.

When Su Xiaoqi was cooking, he was drawing a map of bamboo slips in his hand.

The location of the bald monkey is specially marked, and try not to go there in the future.

Especially when you bring rhubarb, you will definitely not go.

Even without the rhubarb, Ye Han didn't want to see the bald monkey.

Some viewers in the live broadcast room have begun to nickname the people around them as bald monkeys, and they are full of ridicule.

The person who used to say blushing called him monkey butt, which is hard to hear.

Well now, just call the bald monkey.

"Before dinner, summarize today's events."

"Found the bald monkey, got a rough jadeite, and then found the anteater."

"By the way, there is one more thing, there are walnut trees on the mountain."

Ye Han nodded, still satisfied.

It seems that the only thing that is really useful for them to survive in the wilderness is the walnut tree, but they have not yet found a walnut tree.

But Ye Han is not in a hurry, there is still a lot of time to come, and the exploration progress of the entire Bisheng Mountain is still far behind.

Like Su Xiaoqi, some viewers felt that there was a gap, but they would soon get used to it.


Night fell, in a wooden house by the sea.

Eva sat cross-legged, looking out the window at the moonlight.

She has been sleeping all day today, and now she just ate something and is now sitting here in a daze.

She has turned day and night upside down.

If someone's day and night are reversed, it proves that this person's work and rest have been disordered to a certain extent.

If it goes on for a long time, it will become more and more uncomfortable. If there is no spirit, various problems will occur in the body.

Many people are very worried about Eva, and of course many LSPs are worried about Eva's appearance and figure.

If she is ugly, the people who worry about her will definitely be greatly reduced.

The departure of Ivanov and the appearance of Zhang Haoran made Eva live a life of anxiety.

Perhaps the day when she retire is really not far away.

On the other hand, the promoter of this incident, the mastermind behind the island, Zhang Haoran, took Sirius to swim in the sea.

Zhang Haoran can also swim, and he had a lot of fun playing with Sirius.

In the end he simply let himself float on the sea and looked up at the moon and stars in the sky.

Before he knew it, he almost fell asleep.

Hurrying to the shore, Zhang Haoran wiped the seawater off his body, and then got into the sleeping bag to sleep.

Well, he wiped it directly with a sleeping bag, not so particular about it.

Even if he looks like a savage now, it doesn't prevent the audience from supporting him and loving him.

The players who are also located by the sea are also the last group of players in the plastic surgery country.

Lee Yoo Heon and Cha Yong Tae.

The two of them have been busy building houses for the past few days, and they are going to settle down by the sea.

"The last group of sticks was settled by the sea, and now there is another group."

"The sea will accept them soon, I'll wait for the result of the vote and then the lottery will be drawn!"

"It's still difficult, these two have been very happy recently!"

"Another big whale and blow them up!"

"You can come out with a sea monster, a mermaid or something. It is said that mermaids will sing to lure others into the sea, and then eat them."

"I feel that the next country to be wiped out will not be a plastic surgery country, because the Vatican team is dying."

The audience is talking.

Don't forget that there is still a voting event that has not yet been drawn, and many people are waiting to win.

And which country will be the next country to be wiped out?

Now the Vatican occupies the high ground.

There is only one group of players in the country, Fabrizio and Gian.

Originally, the two of them were not in any danger and were on their way to moving.

But now, they're also running into a problem that others have, which is running out of food and not finding a suitable place to live.

Along the way, the two were also replenishing food, but they couldn't make ends meet.

Both of them were in a hurry at this time.

"We can't walk anymore, we should take a break."

In the jungle, Fabrizio said.

His teammate Ji An is of the opposite opinion.

"Fabrizio, hold on a little longer."

"I have a hunch that we are about to gain something!"

Gian said.

Hearing this, Fabrizio was very impatient and waved his hand.

"I've heard you say this hundreds of times!"

"This **** place, what do we eat except a tree or a tree!"

Tiredness, hunger, all make people irritable.

"Hehe, you weakling, do you want to give up?"

"Our country, sending the two of us to the competition, don't you want to beat those countries with many groups of players?"

"That will prove that we are really strong!"

Ji An waved his arms and shouted.

Fabrizio would definitely think about it if he was well fed, drank, and rested.

But now he doesn't want to, he wants to go home for dinner.

"wake up!"

"Will the strong fall to such a point?"

"Do you believe that the real powerhouses on the island, they have so much food that they can't finish it, put it in rot and throw it away!"

"What do you compare it to? Maybe someone has built several houses. Let's take a look at the dilapidated kennel we lived in before!"

Fabrizio cursed angrily.

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!

Although what he said now is angry, but he was really hit by it!

This is also something that other players on the island have not thought of.

After the other players retired from the competition, they saw Ye Han's situation and immediately began to rob.

But Fabrizio is still on the island, can he guess the truth?

This guy has something!

"Hehe, who can do this?"

"That's impossible, this is survival in the wilderness, not for vacation!"

Ji An did not believe it.

Next, the audience opened their eyes.


"At that time, I asked you to take a good look at other players' profiles, but you didn't."

"There is a strong man in the state of Shenzhou called Zhu Chuanzhuan. He is an inborn legend. I have seen his video of survival in the wilderness on the Internet. He is a natural strongman and a legend who was born to survive in the wilderness. !"

"I don't dare to tell others, but I can guarantee that Zhu Chuanchuan must be the best person he has ever lived, and he must have more food to eat!"

Fabrizio said solemnly.

Chapter 935 Wang Heng's food is about to run out

There is no doubt that Fabrizio was deceived by those videos of Zhu Chuan.

The audience can already make up the whole process.

Fabrizio, who was selected to compete, was so excited that he started getting to know his opponent seriously.

Then he discovered the famous Zhu Chuanchuan and started watching Zhu Chuanchuan's videos online.

He was shocked!

In the video, Zhu Chuan talked about it, and he has a wealth of knowledge reserves!

In the video, Zhu Chuanqi used all resources, skillful movements and full of confidence!

In the video, Zhu Chuan easily shot a rabbit, a pheasant, and returned with a reward!

In the video, Zhu Chuanqi quickly built a wooden house by himself!


Fabrizio was completely convinced, he believed that Zhu Chuan was a great king of the wilderness!

This, this is a little different from what the audience thinks!

Because the situation Fabrizio said was obviously Ye Han's situation.

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