The other steps are the same as before.

As for chocolate, this is still up for debate.

"Do you want to make a chocolate crust, or just mix chocolate and milk?"

"Or a chocolate filling?"

Ye Han asked.


Are there so many practices?

Su Xiaoqi was confused.

Most people actually have the so-called difficulty of choice.

How should I choose?

Many viewers followed suit.

Some people say that their favorite is chocolate crispy ice cream, and the crispy skin also has sunflower seeds, which is fragrant and sweet.

Some people say that they like to eat sandwiches, take a bite of that chocolate sandwich, it's delicious.

As for the mix, it will probably be about the same as the chocolate slab.

When it comes to chocolate slabs, it is also a childhood memory of many people. When I was a child, it was hot in summer. Buying a chocolate slab can make the whole day happy.

It’s just that it’s not easy to buy now. Many things that I loved to eat when I was a child are gone now.

In the end, Su Xiaoqi made her own choice.

That is all!

This answer was actually expected by Ye Han.

At most, it's just a little troublesome, let her get it!

So, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi started to get busy.

This is a little more troublesome than usual to make ordinary ice cream, mainly the filling and the crispy skin, which requires one more process.

And use bamboo tubes of different thicknesses.

Make the normal ice cream first, then put it into a thick bamboo tube, add chocolate crispy skin, and wait for it to be frozen.

Sandwich is the same.

"Okay, this one is crispy, you should try it first."

Ye Han handed an ice cream to Su Xiaoqi.

Attentive Su Xiaoqi also took a bowl and ate it, because when biting the crispy skin, it was easy for the chocolate crispy skin to fall off. If it fell to the ground, it would be a waste.

Every bit of chocolate was painstakingly made by the two of them.

"Details, full of details, Xiao Qi is really attentive!"

"I don't even dare to take out all the chocolate chip ice cream,

"Don't say it, the last time I ate it, a large piece of chocolate chip fell on the ground, I quickly picked it up and ate it, but my goddess saw it!"

"Hahahaha, what's the matter? As we all know, things can be eaten within three seconds of being dropped on the ground."

"Thank you Xiaoqi, thank you Ye Han, after watching their live broadcast, my son doesn't waste food anymore. I'm very happy."


The audience in the live broadcast room were all talking, and at the same time, they also saw Su Xiaoqi take a bite.


Then Su Xiaoqi made an exaggerated voice, the kind of voice that enjoys after eating delicious food, and her expression was also very enjoyable.

Ye Han narrowed his eyes, can you not add drama to yourself?

"Little Qi, can you give me a taste?"

Ye Han is testing Su Xiaoqi.

He felt that this girl definitely wanted to dominate this ice cream.

Sure enough, Su Xiaoqi showed a tangled expression.

But in the end, she still handed the ice cream in her hand to Ye Han.

"Don't be afraid, I'll take a bite."

Ye Han said with a smile.

Hearing his words, Su Xiaoqi's heart suddenly had an extremely ominous premonition.

She wanted to withdraw her hand, but it was too late.

I saw Ye Han roared directly with a roar of the dragon, opened his mouth wide, and bit down fiercely, and the rest of the ice cream went into Ye Han's mouth!

Su Xiaoqi quickly retracted her arm, but only pulled back an ice cream stick!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Su Xiaoqi's eyes turned red, she opened her teeth and danced at Ye Han.

The audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

"Good guy, I call it good guy, this is indeed something Ye Han can do!"

"If you bully Xiao Qi like this, won't Ye Han's conscience hurt?"

"Hehe, last time my friend said he wanted to take a bite of my instant noodles, but in the end, he put a bowl of instant noodles in his mouth!"

"The joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same, but the wickedness of human beings is very understandable, and it is still the kind of wickedness that smokes!"

"Today's joke was once again contracted by Ye Han, this guy is really invincible!"

"Poor Xiao Qi, she didn't even want to eat it, so she took a small bite, and Ye Han swallowed the rest!"

"This kid, Ye Han, is simply not a human being!"

Everyone began to criticize Ye Han.

At this time, after the two had a fight, Ye Han finally ate all the ice cream in his mouth.

"Okay, okay, I'll just make another one for you."

"I won't eat it anymore, it's all yours."

Ye Han raised his hands in surrender.

Only then did Su Xiaoqi spare him, and the two continued to make ice cream.

But this time, Su Xiaoqi was very vigilant, always watching Ye Han's every move.

"I really don't eat."

"I'll give you all to eat. In fact, I don't like sweets very much. I'll give you all the milk ice cream and chocolate in the future."

"I'll just have some old popsicles."

Ye Han said.

This is not a lie. Ye Han usually seldom eats sweets, so he needed to carry some chocolate with him during extreme sports in his previous life to replenish his energy.

Next, the two made three more ice creams, all of which were eaten by Su Xiaoqi.

One crispy, one sandwiched, one fused, milk and chocolate fused together.

Su Xiaoqi was happy to eat, and finally a smile appeared on her face.

However, she didn't really eat all of them herself, but left the last two bites of each one and gave them to Ye Han.

Ye Han looked grateful and ate all the rest of her.

"It's just you who play too much, hum!"

Su Xiaoqi crossed her waist and looked at Ye Han.

She knew that Ye Han was deliberately teasing her, but she was not really angry.

This is the daily flirtation part of the two.

So the audience was full again.

It's hard to describe how everyone feels when the dog food reaches the throat.

After the ice cream was eaten, the chocolate made this time was also exhausted.

Su Xiaoqi started to prepare dinner for Ye Han because the sky was already dark.

"This chocolate is really not edible!"

"No wonder chocolates are usually so expensive."

The audience chatted about the price of chocolate.

It's just one piece, and it costs a few dollars more. If the packaging is better, and a heart-shaped gift box is obtained, it will be even more expensive.

As Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi started to eat dinner, the 139th day came to an end.

It is worth mentioning that, on the other side, Eva finally returned to the sea.

This time, she had a hard time, but she brought the wine back to the beach, and finally had wine to drink.

She was on the road before, and she didn't dare to drink. Now she returned to the wooden house by the sea. She put the wine away, and then went into the water to catch fish and get some seafood back to eat.

Seafood with wine, have a good meal and talk about other things.

But at this time, an accident happened.

Because of the poor state of the recent period, and the fact that she has traveled such a long way with heavy loads, Eva started to have leg cramps not long after she entered the water!


Chapter 951 Eva saves herself

I believe that many people have encountered calf cramps when swimming.

In general, this is caused by not being prepared for warm-up, or the water is too cold, or the human body is a little tired.

Anyone who has experienced calf cramps knows how painful it is.

Especially in adolescence, if the nutrition is not enough, then sometimes I fall asleep, and suddenly my calf cramps, which directly wakes people up and starts to howl!

Of course, the living conditions are getting better and better now, and there are not many such cases.

Having said that, the current Eva, she has leg cramps for various reasons.

And it's not as simple as the calf, even the thighs are starting to cramp!

The severe pain caused Eva to be utterly confused. People fluttered in the water, opened their mouths and screamed, and poured in several mouthfuls of sea water, which was salty and bitter!

She is in a panic now, her right leg can't move at all, it just hurts there, it hurts too much!

How is this going?

Did something in the water attack you, or did you get a leg cramp?

Eva took several more sips of sea water, and she was panicking now.

In the hospital, Ivanov, who was watching her live broadcast, couldn't help shouting and burst into tears.

During this time, he probably cried more times than in his entire life.

"Eva, my Eva!"

"Go and save people, save Eva!"

"The program crew go and save people, save people!"

Ivanov yelled in the ward, his eyes fixed on the live broadcast.

The program team also responded immediately, arranging a speedboat and rushing to Eva's place at the fastest speed.

She has certain advantages when she is at the seaside. The program team can let the speedboat rescue people, which is faster than the helicopter.

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