"Ivanov, please calm down, Eva will be fine."

"According to the feedback from the live bracelet, Eva has leg cramps, and there are no other problems."

"Before she drowns, the rescuers of the show team can definitely arrive and save her!"


The people on the show team kept comforting Ivanov.

A large number of viewers were also very worried and nervous, for fear that something would happen to Eva.

Eva herself looks young and beautiful, but in fact, no matter men or women, everyone likes beautiful women.

In addition, Eva has not done anything bad, and everyone's impression of her has always been quite good.

So, now everyone is worried about Eva's situation, and some people cry like Ivanov.

At this time, Eva was very flustered, but she did not give up.

Leg cramps while swimming is actually a common problem.

But first, you need to determine whether you are really cramping, or whether something poisonous is clinging to your legs.

Like poisonous jellyfish.

It can also kill people!

For example, the manhatma jellyfish is a famous thing. After the victim is stung by the manhatma jellyfish, they will experience severe pain like burning fire, and red welts will be left on the skin of the body, and then the poisoning will lead to shock death.

And this **** thing, its tentacles can reach ten meters in length!

That is to say, when the swimmer sees the jellyfish, there is no way to avoid it. In the surrounding waters, there must be a large number of tentacles of the jellyfish, which are highly poisonous!

Eva struggled to check her right leg.

It also gave her a sigh of relief.

She was sure that it wasn't caused by some dangerous creature, it was just a cramp.

In this situation, the most important thing is not to panic.

More and more panic.

If it is a place with many people, it is easy to say. For example, if you are in a swimming pool, call for help quickly, and there will be no danger.

But now she is alone and has to save herself.

Attitude is a very important thing at any time.

Eva took a deep breath and stabilized her mind.

She started trying to swim back to shore.

But after trying it, she found that she couldn't do it.

Although she is in the shallow water now, the severe pain in her right leg, the whole right leg, makes it difficult for her to continue swimming.


Eva struggled to maintain her balance, then took a deep breath to adjust herself.

She has thought of a way.

Finally, Eva took another deep breath, then plunged her head into the water and dived towards the water.

What is this for?

The audience didn't understand.

The next moment, everyone found that Eva's body was all submerged in the water, and she let her arms touch the bottom of the sea.

Then her two hands began to grasp the reefs or sand, sea grass and other things on the seabed, and she took advantage of the force to crawl forward on the seabed, and walked towards the shore!

Great idea!

"Yes, yes, this trick works!"

"Fortunately, Eva is in shallow water and can easily reach the bottom of the sea, otherwise it would be really dangerous this time."

"Eva is still very smart. At such a dangerous juncture, it is not easy to quickly think of a way to save herself."

"I have a say in this matter. I once had a leg cramp when I was swimming. The pain was so painful that I couldn't continue to swim. Fortunately, my wife saved me. In return, I married her, hehe!"

"Is there such a good thing? You can get a wife when you swim? I'm 30 years old and still a bachelor. I can't find a wife. It turns out that I can't swim."

"Cough, actually, have you ever thought about it, maybe you are not good-looking, or you have no money?"

"Don't be like this, it's too disturbing!"


The audience also breathed a sigh of relief and chatted in the live broadcast room.

Because everyone can see that Eva is safe.

After diving under the sea for less than a minute, Eva had come to a shallower area.

Now she can sit down, the sea has just reached her chest.

But to be on the safe side, Eva continued to use her arms to support her body to retreat.

She didn't stop until the sea water submerged half of her buttocks, covered her right leg, and started rubbing and massaging.

It hurts, it really hurts!

Eva's expression was also very painful, and her hands kept rubbing her right leg.

When cramping, there is really no good way, but slowly wait for the pain to end.

Gradually, Eva's expression softened a little.

At this time, there is also a speedboat not far away, which is quickly approaching Eva.

For a time, Eva hesitated in her heart.

Taking this opportunity to retire?

Or keep playing?

Tangled ah!

She also knew in her heart that after Ivanov left, she would definitely not be able to last long by herself.

But she always wanted to give it a try and didn't want to just give up.

But now that her situation is getting worse and worse, she can't escape this problem.

The leg still hurts, but Eva's mind is no longer on the leg.

So should I retire?

Chapter 952 Eva's Choice Continues the Journey of Exploration

Until the speedboat of the program team arrived and the rescuers came to Eva, she still hadn't thought about it.

Because this thing is really confusing.

Few players can happily retire from the competition. The audience and the rescuers put themselves in, which is actually the same situation.

As long as you want to play seriously, or want to make more money, you actually want to persevere.

There are too many examples here. For example, Ji An from the Vatican, for example, Sean at the beginning, they all want to stick to it for a while, and get more money for future plans.

But not every contestant is as rich as Ye Han.

Like Eva and Ivanov, their family backgrounds are actually very ordinary.

Therefore, Eva just wanted to stick to it for a while longer, so that if she could make more money, the two of them could have less stress in their future life.

Of course, she is also very patriotic, and she wants to persist as long as possible, at least not to embarrass Mao Xiongguo.

If you have nothing to do and just retire from the competition, what will others think of the players from the Maoxiong Kingdom?

For example, Zhang Yun, who suffered from misunderstanding and cyber violence from the very beginning.

At that time, he was really fine, but after weighing it, he still chose to retire, and was scolded by many netizens for this.

In fact, he just wanted to treat Zou Ming as soon as possible, and he would have to retire sooner or later, and it would be meaningless to continue to persevere.

Of course, regarding this matter, the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.

"Player Eva, have you made up your mind?"

At this point, a rescuer looked at Eva and asked.

This is a young man from the Bear Country. When he looked at Eva, he made no secret of the admiration in his eyes.

According to the practice of the program group, when dispatching to rescue a certain player, the corresponding staff of his country will generally be dispatched, which can facilitate communication.


Eva frowned, she really didn't know what to do.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room was also very anxious.

"Get out of the game, Eva, how hard it is for you to be alone!"

"At present, Zhang Haoran, the only solo player on the island, is accompanied by a wolf. I think Eva also needs a dog, such as me, Wang Wang Wang!"

"Don't lick your brother, we men can't be so humble, we have to stand up!"

"Actually, it's good to be a licking dog. There are many names. I used to call it a licking dog. Later, I called it a spare tire. Now I am called a big injustice, hehe."

"I changed a goddess to lick her a while ago. The original goddess sent a WeChat message to ask me why I didn't lick her anymore. I was very excited at that moment."

"Okay, okay, let's be serious, I think Eva doesn't want to retire."

"Well, I can see it too, she still wants to keep going, alas!"


The audience chatted.

At this time, Eva finally made her own choice.

"I'm sorry to trouble you."

"I still want to keep going, for a while longer."

Eva said.

Hearing this, disappointment flashed in the eyes of these rescuers.

Simply from the audience's point of view, they all hope that Eva can retire early, without having to stay and suffer.

But the worst thing is that they can't tell Eva about the current situation, which is illegal.

"But Ivanov misses you so much!"

The rescue worker from the Bear Country couldn't help but speak.

He likes Eva very much, even though Eva has Ivanov, he still likes it.

And he didn't want to take away Eva. He didn't have such thoughts. It can be said that they are CP fans of the two.

"To shut up!"

The leader of the rescue team immediately spoke up and stopped him.

Although Eva must know that Ivanov is thinking of her, such words should not be said by the people of the show team. This is already suspected of breaking the rules.

So, this guy from the Bear Country hurriedly shut up and didn't dare to say any more.

He still has to rely on this job to support his family.

Subsequently, the rescuers took the speedboat to leave here, leaving only Eva alone on the beach.

Now Eva's legs don't hurt so much, but she doesn't walk very neatly.

This is the sequelae of cramps. When walking, the cramped leg seems to be shortened, and that feeling is very uncomfortable.

Eva didn't have the heart to continue to go to the sea to get food, she returned to the wooden house and started drinking.

Her drinking capacity is not covered, she drank a large jug of wine by herself, and then fell into a deep sleep.

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