"Cough, if nothing else, Eva slept soundly."

"At least you don't have to worry about insomnia."

The audience said so.

It makes sense, it just feels weird.

Treating insomnia by drinking alcohol, in fact, many people do this, but it can only be said that this is not healthy.

There are also sleeping pills, which are not recommended. If you take them for a long time, you will become dependent. If you don’t have sleeping pills on a day, you will not be able to sleep at all.

However, Eva was asleep, but Ivanov couldn't.

He originally thought that Eva might just retire like this, but he didn't expect that Eva was still insisting.

But if you think about it carefully, Eva is indeed such a character.

Ivanov sighed and lay there until dawn, not falling asleep.

Today is a near miss, what about next time?

What if something happened to Eva?

Ivanov is extremely regretful now, why did he fall so badly in the first place?

Unfortunately, regret is useless now.

Time came to the one hundred and forty days.

After a good night's sleep, Eva woke up to the sound of seagulls.

This time, it is a good thing to adjust the day and night's upside-down routine.

She walked out of the wooden house and felt very hungry. She hadn't eaten last night, and now her stomach was burning.

Gotta get something to eat right now.

The sun outside was good and the sea was calm, but Eva didn't dare to go into the water because her legs had not fully recovered.

Only in shallow water, where you can stand, look for something to eat.

And before going into the water this time, she moved her body to avoid cramps again.

On the other side, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi also woke up, walked out of the wooden house, and looked at Bisheng Mountain in front.

Today, I want to continue to explore Bisheng Mountain. Ye Han is looking forward to making better discoveries, and he is very motivated.

After the two had breakfast, they headed off.

"I've been to all these places."

"Take this road today and look in a different direction."

Ye Han said with a map of bamboo slips in his hand.

"Boss, your map may become a treasure map in the future."

"I mean, many, many years later, will someone get this map of bamboo slips and use it to explore this island?"

Su Xiaoqi said suddenly.

However, Ye Han shook his head.

"It's very unlikely."

"After the competition, the island will belong to the country where the winner is located. I feel that it is unlikely to be developed here. It should be mainly used for various researches."

"After all, the variety of creatures here is very rich."

Ye Han said.

The two continued to move forward while chatting, and began today's exploration journey.

Chapter 953 Pheasant and Boar

Today, Ye Han moved in a different direction.

Anyway, wherever he went, it would be marked on the map, and he would not repeat the journey.

At present, the area where he is active is still in the lower half of Bisheng Mountain.

If the mountain is divided into upper, middle and lower parts, Ye Han has always been active in the [lower] part.

Not even halfway up the mountain.

He took a step-by-step approach to exploration, not the kind of climbing to the top of the mountain in the first place.

Early in the morning, the live broadcast room was already full of people.

"Ye Han will definitely have a big harvest today, I said!"

"In the past, Ye Han's exploration of new areas was bound to have significant gains. This is one of Ye Han's laws. Is it invalid now?"

"Everyone laughs at Xiao Qi, everyone is Xiao Qi, so cocoa tree, cinnamon bark, and rough jadeite are not harvested?"

"I know, but I feel almost meaningless, not enough fun!"

"How much meat is left in Ye Han's hand now? I don't think there is much left."

"Ye Han's meat consumption is relatively fast, because there is a rhubarb who also wants to eat meat, but don't forget, Ye Han has a lot of rabbits and four sheep at home!"

"Will Ye Han encounter any strange animals today?"

"It's better not to, like the last time I met a bald monkey, what's the use other than watching a joke, hahahaha!"

In the midst of the audience's discussion, Ye Han opened.

Today's first harvest comes from Jiutian's filial piety.

Jiutian caught a pheasant and dedicated it to Ye Han.

"Okay, okay, I haven't eaten chicken for a while."

"Nine days, you did a great job!"

Ye Han smiled and tied the pheasant, then patted Jiutian's head.

Jiutian enjoyed Ye Han's praise very much, flapped his wings, and continued to help Ye Han catch the prey.

During this period, it also caught things such as mice, lizards, frogs, etc., and it was eaten by itself.

Because Ye Han doesn't eat these things.

"It's open!"

"There's definitely more to come today!"

Su Xiaoqi calculated with her fingers and said.

Because of repeated encounters, Su Xiaoqi has basically given up her hobby of fortune telling.

But in this situation, she couldn't help but want to figure it out.

"Little Qi, don't count your fortunes."

"Your fortune-telling is either idealistic or reversed. I'm afraid."

Ye Han spread his hands and said.

Su Xiaoqi's face changed immediately, and they both laughed when they tried to hit Ye Han.

Taking a new path and opening the way is the most time-consuming and physically demanding thing.

Ye Han was really fighting all the way, this word can no longer be regarded as an adjective.

He slashed with his shovel and made a way.

During this period, you should also pay attention to the movement around you, as well as various plants, and whether there is anything you can use.

Su Xiaoqi held his spear in her hand, and when she needed it, she would immediately hand it to Ye Han.

Then there was the pistol, which was always on Ye Han's body.

After all, this is a new area, and no one knows what kind of dangers will arise here. It is safest to hold a gun.

With Ye Han's marksmanship, he was sure to kill him with one hit and kill the beast that suddenly appeared.

At this time, today's second harvest appeared.

In the bushes ahead, there was a humming sound, and Ye Han had already heard it. It was the sound of a wild boar!

very good!

Ye Han's eyes lit up, and the whole person also came to the spirit.

It happened that the wild boar at home was almost finished and needed to be replenished.

Sure enough, someone gave a pillow when drowsiness came, and this wild boar must be taken!

Ye Han took out the gun and walked forward.

If it was a big wild boar, he planned to shoot directly.

If it is a little wild boar, kill it with cold weapons.

You must know that it is difficult for Ye Han to fight head-on to kill an adult wild boar.

There is even a saying that one pig, two bears and three tigers.

It means that the first combat power is the wild boar, which is more powerful than the bear and the tiger.

But for this kind of problem, it is still the same sentence, the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.

Of course, it is undeniable that adult wild boars are powerful. From time to time, there will be news of wild boars breaking into the city, and some people have even been killed by wild boars.

Ye Han held the gun and stepped forward.

Of course he hoped to be a full-grown boar, and it would be worth even a bullet for it.

But unfortunately, this time, only a medium-sized wild boar was found.

Not an adult, but not a child either, somewhere in between.

In this case, Ye Han thought about it and decided not to use a gun.

One less bullet is needed, so you need to save.

Ye Han handed the pistol to Su Xiaoqi, and then got his spear from Su Xiaoqi.

Next, he patted the eldest **** the head again, and the eldest girl immediately understood and followed Ye Han's footsteps.

The big girl's contribution to this family is really great, not only providing milk, carrying supplies, but also a very strong fighting force.

Almighty big girl.

A medium-sized wild boar, Ye Han himself plus a big girl, is enough to deal with it.

Before that, Ye Han told Su Xiaoqi to step back and stay away.

Su Xiaoqi knew when and what to do, so she obediently avoided.

"It's starting, it's starting, Ye Han is going to deal with the wild boar!"

"Hahaha, today's exploration trip to Bisheng Mountain is much better than the previous one, and finally it's a hard product, it's a pheasant and a wild boar!"

"Ye Han is not willing to use a gun, he will take the big girl to fight the wild boar together!"

"This wild boar is finished, it is definitely not an opponent."

"I always feel that there will be tigers in Bisheng Mountain. I wonder what the old irons think?"

"There must be a tiger on the island, but I don't know where it is. It is possible to say that there is a tiger on the top of Bisheng Mountain. Keep watching."


The audience was excited and stared at the live broadcast.

It was still in the morning, and Ye Han had already made so many discoveries in less than an hour since he started exploring Bisheng Mountain.

It seems that today is the right way!

There are no ugly bald monkeys in this direction, but rich prey exists!

In the picture, Ye Han was holding a spear and was gradually approaching the wild boar.

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