The big girl followed closely behind and has entered a state of battle.

Even though the big girl has a broken horn, her fighting power is still amazing.

One person and one cow, walking towards the wild boar in front.

The wild boar finally sensed the danger approaching, and looked towards Ye Han and the eldest girl.

Ye Han was now afraid that the wild boar would escape, but he did not expect that the wild boar was not afraid at all, and instead rushed directly to Ye Han!

Okay, this guy's temper is quite irritable, and he will go to Yehan when he comes up. Isn't this courting death?

Ye Han stood still and handed out the spear in his hand.

Where has the wild boar ever seen the power of the spear, it rushed over, and the spear cut a huge **** hole on the forehead!

The wound was not fatal, but it made the wild boar extremely painful, and both eyes were stained red with blood, entering a short-term blinding stage.

Ye Han wanted to continue shooting and stab the wild boar to death with a spear.

But at this time, the big girl had already mooed, and then rushed up.

The wild boar is not false, but the big girl is not easy to mess with. Apart from being docile towards Ye Han and Xiao Qi, the big girl at other times has a genuine cow temper.


The eldest girl bowed her head and turned the wild boar to the ground, her back hit a big tree, the leaves fell, and a lot of bugs fell, Ye Han quickly avoided.

God knows if any of these bugs are poisonous, it's not fun to be bitten.

Next, Ye Han took a closer look and saw that the belly of the wild boar had been pierced by the big girl's horn, and it seemed that it would not survive!

Chapter 954 The source of the stream on the mountain

The battle has just begun, but it is over!

The audience were dumbfounded and were about to enjoy a big battle. What was the result?

To use a very magical line, that is: before I contribute, you will fall.

This sentence comes from a very magical TV series, Journey to the West, a very old drama.

But it is worth mentioning that this drama has created an original method of delaying time in which the fighting action is repeated three times, and there can be several more episodes!

There are always people who say that what they watch is very watery, but if you go to watch this TV series again, it will not be that watery in comparison.

At this time, the wild boar was lying on the ground struggling, a large pool of blood was all over the ground, and the intestines flowed out from the opening in the stomach.

The eldest girl still felt unsatisfied, and arched again, the wild boar screamed and twitched.

Ye Han saw that his scalp was numb.

Fortunately, when I met the eldest girl, the eldest girl was seriously injured, and I helped take care of the eldest girl and healed her.

If he had had a head-on conflict with the big girl, Ye Han couldn't guarantee that he would still be standing here now.

This guy is so fierce!

"It's alright, it's alright."

Ye Han comforted the eldest girl before she stopped.

There is a strong **** smell in the air, the stench spreads.

The wild boar vomited blood and died completely.

"So fast?"

Su Xiaoqi questioned her soul.

"This wild boar is still underage, and its strength is a little weaker."

"If it was an adult boar, I would probably just use the gun."

Ye Han said.

Then quickly start to deal with the wild boar.

He also took the gun in Su Xiaoqi's hand and put it on his body.

Now the smell of blood here is too strong, and it may attract some beasts. The gun must be available at any time to ensure the safety of the two to the greatest extent.

The next step is to quickly dispose of the body of this wild boar.

Ye Han whistled and called Jiutian back.

After catching a pheasant for Ye Han, Jiutian flew out again. It wanted to honor Ye Han with more prey.

The word filial piety was invented by the audience.

In the eyes of the audience, Jiutian and Dahuang are now Ye Han's eagle dogs.

Jiutian is an eagle, rhubarb is a dog, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"Nine days, it's time for dinner!"

"Open to eat!"

Ye Han took out some wild boar internal organs and threw them directly to Jiutian.

In fact, the internal organs of pigs seem to be inedible.

For example, pig heart, pig liver, pig lung, pig intestine and so on.

There are also many people who like to eat this one, such as pork liver. After every blood sale, Xu Sanguan would come to a plate of fried pork liver and drink two taels of rice wine.

Of course, Xu Sanguan is a fictional character created by the writer. It is from Xu Sanguan's Story of Selling Blood and was adapted into a movie.

In real life, many people often eat pork liver.

There is no need to say more about pig intestines. There are many kinds of delicacies about pig intestines.

Ye Han thought about it for a while, and kept the pig liver, and threw all the other internal organs to Jiutian.

I couldn't finish eating so much in nine days, and I fell into the misery of happiness.

"Cough cough, if you can't finish eating, just find a big leaf to wrap a packet, and if you deal with it at noon, smoke it, you can keep it for it to continue eating."

Ye Han looked at Jiutian's appearance and couldn't help but laugh.

Next, he took out the viscera and drained the blood of the wild boar, and placed it on the eldest girl's back.

The team moved on.

"One pheasant, one wild boar, it's only been over an hour since we left, Boss Ye has a great harvest today!"

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning, there will definitely be more to come!"

"The player who killed two tigers!"

"It's an exaggeration. Even if there are tigers in Bisheng Mountain, it's not a coincidence. Come out now."

"Brother Feng is crying and fainting in the toilet. When will Brother Feng meet a tiger?"

"It's coming soon, Brother Feng is now preparing to build a tree house!"

"Really, then I'll take a look."


The audience in the live room continued to chat.

On the other side of the cold wind, it is indeed preparing for the construction of the tree house.

Recently, in addition to killing two crocodiles, he also set up a net in this area.

Set a lot of traps,

And also collected a lot of materials, all of which are used to build tree houses.

Now, Leng Feng and Li Guang have made a ladder.

To build a tree house on a tree, a ladder is a must-use tool.

But they used branches, not as good as Ye Han's bamboo ladder.

It is worth mentioning that at this stage, only Ye Han has discovered bamboo, and none of the other players have discovered bamboo.

Some viewers said that perhaps there was just such a bamboo forest on the island, which happened to be near Ye Han's residence.

This guy is really lucky.

"Guang, let's go up the tree first and clean it up."

"Only those trunks are most suitable as the base layer of the wooden house to bear the load. From the areas up from these branches, a certain amount of space needs to be cleared before the wooden house can be built."

Leng Feng said to Li Guang.

The two climbed up the tree with a ladder, and each started to work with a shovel in hand.

In addition, in Zhang Haoran's live broadcast room, there are also some viewers who have been staring at it.

Since the last time he met Eva, Zhang Haoran chose to move in the opposite direction, and has been walking along the coastline.

During this period, he also saw a variety of different seasides, including beaches, reefs, and some directly deep water, with no beaches and no reefs.

He even found a place where the current was very fast. Even close to the shore, he threw a branch over, and the branch began to spin in an instant, and then was pulled to the bottom of the sea.

If someone is accidentally involved, then it is estimated to hang.

But now, Zhang Haoran probably felt that it was boring and tired of seafood, so he started to take Sirius away from the beach and headed towards the interior of the island.

The audience is guessing, will he meet any players this time, and if so, what fate will he bring to other players?

Some audience members joked that Zhang Haoran was responsible for sending air tickets to other players, but any player who encountered Zhang Haoran would have nothing to do.

I just don't know, which group or groups of lucky players will be met by Zhang Haoran next?

The old rules, the show team is still keeping this secret, not telling the audience at all.

In a blink of an eye, it was noon.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had stopped at a stream and started to prepare lunch.

"Boss, I suddenly thought of a question!"

Su Xiaoqi said while cooking.

"What's the problem, you say?"

"Your boss, I know astronomy and geography, so there's nothing I don't understand."

Ye Han patted his chest and boasted about Haikou.

He had just dealt with the boars and pheasants further and was sitting there resting now.

"Che, what if you can't answer?"

Su Xiaoqi's addiction came up again. She and Ye Han bet that she was addicted.

Many people think that betting is naive, but those who like to bet are eager to bet on anything.

The main reason is that Su Xiaoqi really wanted to win against Ye Han once, and everyone could see that.

"I can't answer, I climbed this mountain upside down."

Ye Han said with a smile.

Su Xiaoqi was startled, then smiled, she felt that Ye Han would definitely not be able to answer this question.

"Then I said it."

"Why are there so many streams running down this mountain, and where is the source of these waters?"

"Some places are water from melting snow on the top of the mountain, but the top of this must-win mountain is definitely not snow-covered!"

Su Xiaoqi raised this question.

Immediately, the audience also pondered, and many people really couldn't understand, why is this?

Chapter 955 The reason for the water on the mountain

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