Ye Han finally smeared a layer of cement on the floor of the wooden house, and just used up all the cement he made.

He stood at the door and glanced at it, then muttered to himself, and went to the stream to wash his hands and prepare to eat.

"Little Qi, is your meal ready?"

"The weather is good today, let's get rhubarb something to eat."

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi while washing his hands.

At this time, Su Xiaoqi's voice sounded, telling him bad news.

"The boss is bad, Da Huang broke into the house!"

Chapter 964 Ye Han's Unique Skill in Changing Faces

Did Rhubarb break into the house? !

Hearing this, Ye Han's whole body jolted, and he ran back quickly.

The front foot just said to get some meat for the rhubarb to eat, but it does bad things on the back foot!

Sure enough, dogs can't be fed too much!

When Ye Han ran to the door of the wooden house, he saw Da Huang standing inside the wooden house. On the cement floor that was just plastered, a series of footprints had already been stepped on by Da Huang!


Ye Han was about to split and roared.

Although the concrete floor he plastered was not flat, he could still see through it anyway.

But now that rhubarb has stepped on a series of footprints, what can I do?

Hearing Ye Han's roar, Da Huang jumped up in fright, then fell to the ground, and stepped on four more footprints.

Ye Han only felt anxious, eager to rush in and grab Rhubarb and hang him.

But if he goes in and catches rhubarb, it will definitely leave more footprints, his, rhubarb's, definitely a lot of footprints.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Han suppressed the anger in his heart.

"I'm not angry, I'm not angry."

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, no one will take care of you when you get sick."

"It's not Rhubarb's fault. Rhubarb doesn't know that you can't step in here, blame me for not telling him..."

Ye Han recited these words in his heart, hypnotizing himself.

Then he smiled at the panicked Da Huang.

"Rhubarb, be good."

"You come out, yes, go back."

"Come out to eat meat, your favorite meat."

Ye Han looked amiable and beckoned to Rhubarb.

Hearing that there was meat to eat, Rhubarb subconsciously went back.

But immediately, it felt wrong.

Ye Han's transformation was too fast.

"Changing Faces".

Yes, Ye Han is changing his face, this is the quintessence of the country!

There is no doubt about the intelligence of Rhubarb, which is also a point that many viewers like it very much.

Of course, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi also liked Rhubarb's intelligence and wit.

If it's a stupid monkey, what's the point of keeping it?

But now, Ye Han found out that Rhubarb is too smart, and it's not a good thing.

Rhubarb's reaction was very fast. He just took a step back, then stopped and fell into hesitation.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Although rhubarb does not understand this sentence, it understands the truth!

Ye Han changed his face too quickly, this was not right.

How to do?

Da Huang stood there, hesitant.

It had an ominous premonition that it would be in danger if it went out now.

This danger comes from Ye Han.

Because Ye Han had a smile on his face, but that smile was fake, and there was a murderous aura in his eyes.

For a time, rhubarb was in a dilemma.

And the audience in the live broadcast room has all laughed silly.

"No, no, I'm laughing to the point of lack of oxygen, hahahaha!"

"Gan, I have asthma, and I almost passed it with laughter!"

"Rhubarb is amazing! Look at its expression, I really didn't expect that a monkey's expression can be so rich!"

"It's all two eyes, one nose and one mouth. Why can't people have rich expressions."

"Ye Han is in a hurry, I feel that he is about to rush into the wooden house to catch rhubarb."

"Come on, come and bet, will Rhubarb be beaten today?"


Massive barrage surging, audiences all over the network couldn't help laughing.

Even those who hated Ye Han couldn't help but laugh.

In Ye Han's live broadcast room, Teacher Piao and Little Sister Dui are in charge of explaining today.

The two of them teamed up, because Teacher Ma and Xiao Tuan had something to do and couldn't come to explain.

Now these two are laughing very exaggeratedly!

Teacher Piao laughed out loud on the spot, while Little Sister Dui was laughing wildly, and many viewers couldn't take their eyes off of it.

In the official live broadcast room, it was the same. Lord Bei and Lord De were all laughing wildly.

Especially De Ye, who makes gei, gei funny smiles, is said to stop children from crying at night.

In this wave, rhubarb brought countless joys to audiences all over the world.

Needless to say, the reward, just flew up.

The only person who couldn't laugh was Ye Han.

In fact, even Su Xiaoqi was laughing, heartless and heartless. After all, she didn't wipe the cement floor, she didn't know how distressed she was.

The smile on Ye Han's face was stiff now, and it was gradually disappearing.

True smile fades away.jpg.

"Rhubarb, I'll give you one last chance."

"You come out right now, I won't hit you."

Ye Han took a deep breath and said to Da Huang.

But with his terrifying appearance, how dare Rhubarb come out!

Rhubarb stepped back subconsciously, and stepped out several footprints.

Ye Han felt that his blood pressure was soaring.

He closed his eyes and began to meditate in his heart.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

Ye Han set a time for Rhubarb in his heart.

ten seconds.

If Rhubarb came out within ten seconds, he could just pretend it didn't happen and not blame Rhubarb.

But if ten seconds later, Rhubarb still dares to stay in the house, then wait for the beating.





When the countdown was over, Ye Han opened his eyes, looked at Rhubarb who was still in the room, and let out a sneer.

This made Rhubarb's scalp numb, and kept retreating. He had reached the corner of the room and shrank there.

"Little Qi, get ready."

"I'll eat monkey brains later."

Ye Han said, then took off his shoes and socks, walked into the wooden house, and closed the door.

Su Xiaoqi, who was standing outside, soon heard Ye Han's roar and Da Huang's screams.

The audience in the live broadcast room only felt that the live broadcast screen was shaking all the time, making people dizzy!

There are more and more footprints on the ground!

The cement floor that Ye Han finally smeared was a mess!

After five minutes, Ye Han took Rhubarb by the neck and brought it out.

One person and one monkey are all stained with a lot of cement.

Now Rhubarb is already stupid, and he doesn't dare to struggle.

If it didn't know why at first, now it has a little bit of understanding.

It should be related to the ground in the wooden house.

The ground was smeared with a layer of something that Ye Han didn't know what it was, and he destroyed that layer.

Da Huang, who knew that he had done something wrong, did not dare to say a word.

The audience immediately sympathized with Rhubarb.

"Da Huang was caught, what should I do?"

"It's over, it's over, Ye Han doesn't really want to kill rhubarb and eat monkey brains, right?"

"Poor rhubarb, it doesn't actually know where it angered Ye Han."

"Just like my cat, my cat often breaks the water glass I put on the table, but I don't blame him because he doesn't know he's doing something wrong."

"Hahahaha wake up, your cat is on purpose!"

"My cat also deliberately pooped on my bed to get revenge on me. It was purely intentional. I took it to the veterinary hospital for neutering on the same day, hehe!"

"Sexing is a good punishment, but cats seem to be healthier and live longer after being neutered."

"Actually, I think that people who have been sterilized can also extend their lifespan. You see those eunuchs in TV dramas live a long time!"

The audience kept talking, and at this time, Ye Han had brought Da Huang to the stream.

The cement stained on the body should be washed off immediately, otherwise it will be difficult to handle after it solidifies.

Especially rhubarb, monkey hair all over.

Ye Han sighed, took off his shoes, rinsed them in the stream twice, and then symbolically patted Rhubarb's **** twice.

He is also out of anger now, there is no need to be angry with Rhubarb.

And he also washed the cement on Rhubarb's body first, then threw Rhubarb by the stream and started to clean the cement on his body.

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