Chapter 965 The distressed Li Guang

The stream became cloudy, but soon became clear again.

Ye Han cleaned the cement on his body, he simply changed his clothes and took a shower.

Of course, he turned off the live broadcast, and there are not many people who can live broadcast bathing.

During this process, Rhubarb squatted by the stream and did not move.

Mainly not to move.

"Boss, get ready."

"Do you want to start eating monkey brains now?"

Su Xiaoqi asked with a smile.

Ye Han glared at her.

"Then do it."

"Rhubarb is here."

Ye Han pouted towards Da Huang and said.

"Did Rhubarb have a stress response?"

Su Xiaoqi came over, looked at Rhubarb, and touched Rhubarb's head.

"Da Huang, you really got into trouble this time."

"Whatever the boss asks you to do in the future, just be obedient and don't be smart."

Su Xiaoqi said to Da Huang.

If Ye Han asked Rhubarb to come out at first, and Rhubarb came out immediately, then Ye Han wouldn't be angry.

In that case, the concrete floor in the wooden house will not be damaged so much.

Well now, Ye Han has to reapply it again.

"Boss, do you want to eat first?"

Seeing that Ye Han finished taking a bath and changed into clean clothes, Su Xiaoqi asked.

Ye Han shook his head.

"Wait a minute."

"I'm going to reapply the cement. It will dry after a while, and it will be difficult to do when it dries."

Ye Han said, and took the engineer shovel into the wooden house.

Rhubarb's side also began to recover.

"Is this the end? I still want to see Ye Han stewing rhubarb in an iron pot!"

"Hahahaha, don't make trouble, don't make trouble, Ye Han can't really do anything to Rhubarb."

"Yeah, my son smashed two TVs at home, and I can't do anything about it."

"Hey, no wonder the cost of raising children is high now. It turns out that children like to smash TVs."

"Hey, Ye Han's cement floor seems to be smoother this time."

"Because I have the first experience, I have long discovered that for something inexperienced, as long as you do it once, Ye Han will be able to get started immediately."

"Agent 345 reports: Brother Feng and Mom Guang have finished disposing of the black bear corpse!"

The barrage kept scrolling in the live room.

After Ye Han finished smearing the cement for the second time, he and Su Xiaoqi started to eat.

Although he didn't beat rhubarb to vent his anger, the meat originally arranged for rhubarb was gone, and rhubarb didn't want to eat meat today.

I saw Rhubarb still squatting pitifully by the stream, but Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi didn't give it anything to eat.

At this point, jhy345 began to report the situation, and he called himself Agent 345.

This is also a familiar face, who often hangs out in Ye Han's live broadcast room and is very active.

Immediately, some viewers came to Lengfeng's live broadcast room to see the situation.

Leng Feng and Li Guang were covered in blood and looked terrible.

Of course, this is all the blood of the black bear, not the blood of the two of them.

Now the black bear's skin has been peeled off and put aside.

On top of the bear skin, there are pieces of meat that have been broken down and cut into pieces.

In the morning, the black bear was still alive and kicking, running very fast, and now it has become a large pool of flesh and blood.

"Finally done."

"Raise the creek and wash it, then smoke it."

"It just so happens that it's time for lunch, Aguang, let's see how to do it."

Cold wind said.

Li Guang grimaced, what should have come, still came.

Making bear meat, it must be his job.

But what should we do?

There are not many chefs in the world who have cooked bear meat.

Not to mention that Li Guang is not a cook, but a military doctor.

What does he do?

"Brother Feng, you can't blame me if it's not delicious."

"I'm a military doctor, not a cook."

Li Guang gave cold wind a vaccination in advance.

Cold wind grinned.

"Go, go, go."

"As long as you can eat it, I won't be difficult for you."

Leng Feng knew that Li Guang still had a grudge against him.

The last time he complained that the crocodile meat made by Li Guang was unpalatable, and Li Guang still remembers it to this day.

Of course, this is not a grudge, mainly because Li Guang is worried about wasting bear meat. After all, in everyone's inherent impression, bear meat has always been a good thing.

Especially bear paws.

Anyone who has read the book knows the saying that you can't have both.

Bear's paw has always been one of the top ingredients.

The two carried the bear meat to the stream and began to clean it.

During this process, Li Guang has also been scouring his stomach, thinking about how to cook bear meat.

"As for bear meat, just treat it as ordinary meat. It can be cooked in soup and grilled."

"I feel that the fibers of bear meat are thicker, and the production time can be longer."

"As for the bear's paw..."

Li Guang frowned, he vaguely remembered that he seemed to have seen the production of bear paws in some film and television work.

Of course, he also knew that was unbelievable.

Since ancient times, many things in TV dramas have been fake. To exaggerate, such as tearing devils by hand, and gun fighting skills, they are all outrageous things.

There is also the emperor's imperial decree. The eunuchs in the TV series recite the imperial decree.

In fact, this is wrong. The real way of thinking is: Fengtian carries the emperor, and the edict said.

So, you can't watch TV shows and believe whatever you watch.

Of course, the Internet is a lot of nonsense. It's over when it's just a pastime, and many things can't withstand serious investigation.

"so hard!"

Li Guang sighed and looked at the bear's paw in front of him, feeling that his brain had grown bigger.

The audience laughed unkindly when they saw such a picture.

For example, Li Guang's wife sat at home and laughed.

"Li Guang usually doesn't know how to cook at home, so let him make bear paws?"


Li Guang's wife couldn't laugh.

"Aguang, why do I feel like you're about to cry?"

"Whatever it is made, we can eat whatever it is. I can eat the Yiku rice with sand. You can't make this bear meat and bear paw for me with sand!"

Leng Feng patted Li Guang on the shoulder and said.

Li Guang's expression stiffened.

He did think of using the method of beggars to cook with the bear's paw wrapped in soil, isn't that the one with sand?

Seeing Li Guang's appearance, the smile on Leng Feng's face also stagnated.

"Okay, I won't say it."

"Let's try roasting a few pieces of meat."

said the cold wind.

This is still no problem. After the two cleaned the bear meat, they started to make a fire and barbecue.

After the bear meat was cooked, they both started eating, and then their expressions became more subtle.

If you can eat it, you can eat it.

To say it's not delicious, it's really not delicious.

But they both ate hard and then both laughed.

The delicious food on the island is definitely on Ye Han's side, after all, Su Xiaoqi's cooking skills are there.

For other players, eating is basically to fill their stomachs, and they can no longer pursue taste.

Where on the island do you get so many seasonings to make food delicious?

The reason why Chinese food is delicious is that things like oil, salt, sauce and vinegar can be seasoned.

People who are used to eating Chinese food, who can eat that **** steak?

The two were eating bear meat, while on the other side, Tang Hong and Yang Qingqing had already reached the place where they fought the tiger last time.

They found that there were some changes here.

Chapter 966 The choice of the gold medal team

On the side of the gold medal team, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong, set off on the road again and continued the road of moving.

But when they came to the place where they fought a tiger last time, they found that there were some differences between the place and the impression.

"Sister Hong, something seems to have come here!"

Yang Qingqing frowned and said.

She is an archer, and her eyes must be good.

And she is also a scholar, and her memory is quite good.

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