"Everyone, don't worry, I'm Li Youxian's swimming coach. He has learned to swim with me, and he knows the emergency measures in case of an accident. He will be fine."

"It's true that the wind and waves are not too big now, but I'm afraid of what to do!"

"After all, this is surviving in the wilderness, not playing a house."


A large number of plastic surgery audiences are worried.

They are not worried about Li Youxian's life, but worried that this will lead to the annihilation of the plastic surgery country.

Who cares if you live or die, Li Youxian!

But you can't be eliminated!

Others mentioned Eva as an example.

At this time, Eva was already living a good life.

Although she is still with Ivanov in the hospital, they are both in very good condition now.

Ivanov always had a smile on his face, and Eva was also very sweet. The two lived in a ward, like glue.

Because they were separated, although it was not long, it made them cherish each other even more.

It's the truth that Xiaobie is better than a newlywed.

It is said that an old man got up to go to the toilet the night before, passed this ward, heard a creaking sound, and thought it was haunted.

As for the specific sound, you know what it is.

Now, Eva and Ivanov are watching live together.

At the same time, Eva is still cutting fruit for Ivanov to eat.

"Mmm, so sweet!"

Ivanov ate an orange and kissed Eva again.

What they were watching was Ye Han's live broadcast room.

In Ye Han's live broadcast room, Ye Han was leading the team back.

It was not a few days since I walked this road last time, but the road Ye Han opened was already covered with plants.

Reopening is required.

Although it is not as troublesome as opening the road for the first time, it is not an easy thing.

This is also impossible. After all, the environment here is too suitable for plants to grow, and plants grow very fast.

Ye Han couldn't say that every plant was uprooted. He chopped it down with a shovel, and it would grow back after a short time.

Take Asan's house, for example. Now that house has not only collapsed, but it can no longer be seen.

If Ye Han didn't know that there was a house here, he would never have seen it just by looking at it like this.

Because the collapsed wooden house has been completely covered by various plants.

You won't be able to see the remains of the cabin unless you go past and rip the plants away.

After a while, when the wood rots, I am afraid there will be no traces of Asan left on the island.

"Ye Han is amazing!"

Eva couldn't help saying.

She didn't mean anything else, she just felt that Ye Han's performance in the competition was very good.

Of course Ivanov knew what she meant, and was not jealous.

"Yeah, if only we were just like them."

"Unfortunately, because of me, we both retired."

Ivanov said with a sigh.

He was really upset about this all the time.

If the performance is better, if it continues, there will definitely be more revenue.

When he first learned about Ye Han's reward income, he was completely dumbfounded.

That's a real reward from all over the world. Even if Ye Han retires from the competition and buys a private jet, it will still be the same as playing.

Ivanov is greedy!

"They've already retired, so there's no need to say this anymore."

"We also made a lot of money. When you leave the hospital, we can buy a house, a car, and get married."

"What do you want to do after that? I want to open a flower shop."

Eva fantasized about the future.

And at this time, in Ye Han's live broadcast room, a large number of barrages suddenly appeared.

"It won't rain today, Boss Ye, go forward boldly, go forward, don't look back!"

"Why is this still being sung?"

"Ye Han doesn't know if it will rain or not. He walked quite fast, so he probably wanted to go back as soon as possible."

"I've been out for so long, don't worry about my hometown."

"Fuck, everyone, go and see, something happened to the stick!"

"What? And this good thing, I'll take a look at it!"

"I just said that I fell into a cesspool in a dream last night, and something good will happen today. Tell me, is the stick dead?"


At first, the barrage style was normal.

But suddenly a lot of people started saying that something was wrong with the stick.

These are all agents scattered in other live broadcast rooms. Once there is any situation, they will come to Ye Han's live broadcast room, which is their base camp, to report.

As a result, a large number of viewers came to the live broadcast room of the plastic surgery players.

I saw that in the live broadcast, Cha Yongtai was standing on the shore, shouting anxiously, and running towards the sea.

The waves are rolling in the sea, and only one head can be seen floating up and down...

Li Youxian is drowning!

It could be seen that he was struggling with all his might, but to no avail.

There are wind and waves, but they are not fatal, especially Li Youxian's water ability is also good, how could such a thing happen?

Eva is also a person who often goes to the sea to swim in search of food, and she frowns.

Did you encounter poisonous creatures in the sea?

"Box jellyfish, blue-ringed octopus, some sea snakes, etc. are all dangerous creatures in the sea."

"The situation of this plastic surgery country player is somewhat abnormal, and it may be poisoned."

Eva analyzed.

Ivanov nodded, he thought Eva was right.

There are also many viewers who are inferring that Li Youxian should have been recruited, but it is still not sure what creature did it.

In fact, everyone just followed Li Youxian's perspective and could see his actions underwater.

But before the accident, Li Youxian mixed up the sea water on the bottom of the sea, so he couldn't see clearly at all.

So no one knows what happened to him.

Everyone in the plastic surgery country is in a hurry.

This is the last group of contestants from their country!

Hope for the whole village!

If Li Youxian has an accident, retires or dies, then only Cha Yongtai will be left.

And a person can't hold on to it.

Zhang Haoran, the only solo player on the island at present, is in a special situation. He grew up with the wolves since he was a child, and now he is accompanied by Sirius!

Try someone else?

At the very least, Cha Yong-tae would never be able to hold on to it by himself.

In other words, if Li Youxian is finished, this team will be finished, and then the plastic surgery country will be finished!

Chapter 976 The Temptation of Pickles

Li Youxian can no longer be seen on the sea now!

Cha Yongtai on the shore no longer hesitated, and hurried into the water to rescue his teammates.

But the house leak happened to rain overnight, and now the wind and waves have become bigger, making Cha Yongtai, who was already nervous, even more uneasy.

He was extremely anxious, took a deep breath, dived into the water, and tried to find Li Youxian.

The water, which was usually calm and clear, has now become turbid, and the waves beaten one by one, blocking Cha Yongtai's progress.

He found that he couldn't see Li Youxian at all!

How to find this?

He couldn't find it, but the audience could see Li Youxian.

With such a high-tech thing as a live broadcast bracelet, it is absolutely not afraid of water, even if it is immersed in sea water, there will be no problem.

In the picture, Li Youxian is blowing bubbles.

He started drinking sea water.

At this stage, it is actually quite dangerous, and the next step is drowning.

What the **** is going on here!

A large number of plastic surgery audiences were all panicked.

Although the speedboat of the program group has already set off, I am afraid it is too late.

When they arrive, there is a high probability that they can only salvage Li Youxian's body.

"Ashiba, what's going on!"

"It must be someone from Shenzhou who set a trap here!"

"Contestant Li Youxian, please hold on, the speedboat from the program team will be here in ten minutes!"

"What is Cha Yongtai doing, why hasn't he found Li Youxian yet!"

"It's over, it's over, contestant Li Youxian has already started rolling his eyes!"

"Hahahaha, thanks to the country of plastic surgery, for letting me appreciate the lower limit of human IQ!"

"Damn it! The trap we set in the sea was discovered by the stick and exposed!"


good guy!

There are people in the plastic surgery country who think that the players of the Shenzhou country have set up traps in the sea. What kind of brain can think of such an operation?

Some people wanted to say that there is no such thing as ten years of cerebral thrombosis, but when you think about it carefully, it seems that ten years of cerebral thrombosis is not enough.

Twenty years at least.

According to the current situation, there is a high probability that Li Youxian will drown in the sea, and then only Cha Yongtai will be left.

The annihilation of the plastic surgery country has become a foregone conclusion.

The wind and waves at sea were getting bigger and bigger, and Che Yongtai, who wanted to rescue his teammates, drank several gulps of sea water, his mouth was full of bitterness, and he was so anxious.

He still couldn't find Li Youxian.

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