The water here is not too deep. Although there are wind and waves, he is confident that as long as he can find Li Youxian, he can bring Li Youxian ashore!

But can't find it!

Cha Yong-tae anxiously urinated in the sea with a large bubble of urine.

Again, when people are particularly anxious, they do want to pee.

"Li Youxian, where are you!"

Cha Yong-tae shouted anxiously, and then drank two more mouthfuls of seawater that smelled of urine...

At this moment, he was almost desperate in his heart. Can ordinary people hold their breath for a few minutes?

I am afraid that in a minute or two, Li Youxian will start to cool down.

He said it's best not to go into the water, why is he so big!

Survive in the wilderness, be careful!

Besides, what danger could there be in this water that actually made him lose his strength to swim?

Unknown things are the most terrifying, and Cha Yong-tae felt cold all over at this time.

He always felt the sea water go.

Why don't you go back to shore?

Li Youxian is almost dead, but he can't die!

At the same time, there was even a hint of joy in Cha Yongtai's heart.

If Li Youxian really died this time, then he would definitely not be able to continue the game by himself. I mean, he pretended to be sick and retire after a few days.

Time to go home and eat kimchi!

Damn, I haven't eaten kimchi for more than 100 days, but it's really sad!

He thought about it, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but start to rise.

No way, the temptation of kimchi is too great.

But this left the audience confused.

"Look, is Cha Yong-tae smiling?"

"Did he discover Li Youxian?"

"No, he didn't find any trace of Li Youxian, he was just laughing, what did he think of?"

"I'm thinking of happy things?"

"Hey! I suddenly feel that there may be a conspiracy here, is it Li Youxian, who was designed to murder by Cha Yongtai?"

"They don't usually have any contradictions, it shouldn't be, but why does he laugh!"

"It's so weird! This Cha Yong-tae has the feeling of a TV drama villain."


The audience kept talking about the scene.

And Cha Yongtai also realized that he had lost his temper.

What happened to almost laughing out loud?

It can only be said that he is really too hungry for kimchi.

Just after he regained his senses, a wave came over and covered him directly.

Following that, there is another human body, that is Li Youxian!

Audiences all over the world were in shock at this moment.

Li Youxian, who was drowning originally, was hit by a wave and landed right next to Cha Yongtai!

The audience of the plastic surgery country suddenly fell into ecstasy. They were about to despair, but now, they have survived in a desperate situation!

Cha Yongtai was dumbfounded, he couldn't believe it was true.

How is this possible!

How coincidental does it have to be for this to happen?

Cha Yongtai's heart was suddenly tangled, but he was not so mad. After a few seconds, he still decided to save Li Youxian.

You can't just go home and eat kimchi, and let Li Youxian die here, right?

The main thing is that the two usually don't have any conflicts, and they get along pretty well.

Next, Cha Yongtai quickly swam to Li Youxian's side. At this time, Li Youxian was in a coma, and there were a lot of dense red rashes on his chest and right arm, which looked shocking.

"What attacked Li Youxian?"

Cha Yong-tae tensed up and got goosebumps all over.

He held Li Youxian's body with one hand and paddled hard with the other hand, and finally brought Li Youxian to the shore.

After laying Lee Yoo Heon on the beach, Cha Yong Tae launched first aid.

First, he looked at Li Youxian's mouth and nose to see if there was anything blocking his airway. After confirming that there was nothing, he began to press on his abdomen and squeezed out a lot of water.

Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation and artificial respiration.

After a series of operations, Li Youxian was already breathing, and he began to cough and spit out a large pool of seawater.

Sour and smelly and bitter and salty.

Live, Li Youxian is alive!

Many viewers in other countries feel very disappointed. In this way, can the plastic surgery country continue to survive?

On the other side of the plastic surgery country, almost all the members cheered, as happy as the Chinese New Year.

It seems that this is just a false alarm, and Li Youxian has no problem now.

However, it was too early for them to be happy.

Li Youxian had already sat up at this time, coughing and spitting water, and shouting pain.

"Axi, it hurts!"

He patted his body with his hands and shouted loudly.

Only then did many viewers realize that although Li Youxian is not dead now, his body is covered with a large number of red rashes, which is likely to be poisoned!

If it is serious, he still has to retire!


Chapter 977

The mood of the audience is like riding a roller coaster.

Especially for the audience of plastic surgery country, their mood swings will be greater.

First, when I saw Li Youxian drowning, I was nervous and panicked.

Then Li Youxian was rescued, and his heart began to jump and be happy.

Finally, realizing that Li Youxian was still in danger, he began to feel uneasy again.

"Axi, what exactly hurt Li Youxian?"

"e... Is it possible that Li Youxian urinated in the sea himself, and he was poisoned by his own urine."

"Hahaha, brother upstairs, you are really bad, I like it!"

"Don't be complacent, guys from Shenzhou Kingdom, I have already reported your bad behavior, and you will all be banned!"

"Don't worry about the stick, let's be serious, Li Youxian's situation is very similar to that caused by fire coral."

"I went back and watched the video at the time. Before the sea became turbid, there were indeed fire corals around Li Youxian, which should be fire corals!"

"So what is fire coral, Xiao Liang, hurry up and work!"

"Well, I just took a look. Xiao Liang is not at work today, and it's Professor Yuan in the live broadcast room."


A large number of viewers are talking frantically, and most of them are very puzzled about Li Youxian's current situation.

In the Lengfeng live broadcast room, Professor Yuan also noticed this.

He looked at the screen in front of him. At this time, Leng Feng and Li Guang were continuing to build the tree house, and there was nothing to say.

So he began to use his mobile phone to watch the specific situation on Li Youxian's side.

And he went back and looked at the picture before he saw the incident, and then he came to a conclusion.

"Someone has already said the correct answer. The situation of Li Youxian in the plastic surgery country is indeed caused by fire coral."

"Let me briefly talk about fire coral."

Professor Yuan said.

"First of all, let's talk about corals. Corals are actually formed by the aggregation of calcareous skeletons secreted by coral polyps. The main component is calcium carbonate."

"It's shaped like a branch and comes in a variety of colors, and some corals are gem-quality, like red coral."

"As for the fire coral that hurt Li Youxian, there is only one word difference between it and the red coral, but the two are vastly different."

Professor Yuan said a few simple words, and people suddenly became enlightened and learned a lot about coral.

Everyone felt that they had gained knowledge.

"Fire coral, also known as thorn coral, can be seen from the name."

"But in fact, strictly speaking, this kind of creature does not belong to coral, but belongs to the same phylum with coral, and is part of the polyp species, and its relationship with jellyfish is more intimate than that with coral, of course, this is not important. "

"This thing contains highly toxic stinging cells with sharp calcified exoskeletons on the surface, which can easily stab the diver's skin and cause injury."

"If you touch fire coral, you will experience an immediate burning sensation on the skin, along with a rash and swollen lymph glands, which can be life-threatening if severe."

Professor Yuan made a big talk, which made the audience hooked.

It turns out that although fire coral is called coral, it is not an orthodox coral.

There is no wife in the wife cake, which is also the truth.

In many cases, what a name is, is not necessarily very real.

Following Professor Yuan's explanation, Li Youxian was still shouting at the seaside on the island.

It was obvious that he was really in pain.

Cha Yongtai on the side was frightened. If he didn't figure out this matter, would he dare to go into the water in the future?

What if you are the one who gets hit by yourself?

Looking at this large red rash, he felt like he was going to have a panic attack.

"Li Youxian, you're saying, what the **** is going on?"

"Have you been attacked by something?"

Cha Yong-tae kept asking.

But Li Youxian has not been able to answer, because he is not very able to speak.

Another wave slapped over and hit the two of them.

This made Li Youxian feel better, he thought for a while, then moved his body forward, and finally lay down on the beach.

Letting his body lie in the sea water made him feel a lot better.

Finally able to breathe.

"If you get hurt by fire coral, you should wash it with sea water first, and then treat it with something like vinegar or lemon juice."

Professor Yuan saw this scene and added.

Flushing with sea water can indeed temporarily relieve the pain, but it can not cure the symptoms.

"It's coral!"

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