At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had already finished their lunch.

The two sat there eating watermelon and discussed plans.


Ye Han spat out a watermelon seed and hit Su Xiaoqi's eyebrow with precision.

Su Xiaoqi gritted her teeth angrily, Ye Han was a bastard, not enough to play!

"You're finished, stinky boss!"

"You don't want to come back in the future. Go and explore Bisheng Mountain by yourself. I'll stay here by myself."

Su Xiaoqi put the watermelon rind in Ye Han's head directly.


"Are you trying to experience a long-distance relationship?"

Ye Han's face was ridiculously thick.

Su Xiaoqi opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

God is so long-distance.

One by one, the audience was laughing and laughing.

"Interesting, it's still interesting to watch Ye Han and Xiaoqi's live broadcast, hahahaha!"

"The green melon rind on Ye Han's head looks like a green hat!"

"He opened the eyes of Xiaoqi directly. Do you look at the watermelon seed between Xiaoqi's eyebrows, does it look like a third eye?"

"Speaking of the sky eye, a friend of mine got a tattoo, and now he regrets it very much."

"Time is tight, just say it directly next time, don't make up a friend."

"It's useless to regret. After all, people have to pay for their youth and ignorance."

"So the two of them discussed what the results came up with, and patronized and played there!"

The audience kept sending barrages, interspersed with many gifts.

Next, finally got to the point.

"Just stay at home this afternoon, burn bricks and drink tea."

"Do you want to go to the bamboo forest tomorrow, or to the seaside?"

Ye Han asked.

He handed over the choice to Su Xiaoqi.

Su Xiaoqi chose the seaside.

Ye Han was not surprised by this result.

But this time, he decided not only to eat some oysters, but also to explore the seaside.

For his decision, Su Xiaoqi supports and agrees.

When the audience saw this, they understood it.

"A Leisure Afternoon".

This also means that this afternoon, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi won't have anything to watch.

In fact it is.

After Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi ate the watermelon, they went to make bricks and tiles.

Then he let the little lamb out and slipped out to get some air.

"Look at this lamb, it's pretty, it must be delicious."

Ye Han touched the head of a lamb and said.

"I think this one is fatter!"

Su Xiaoqi pointed to the other one.

The three little lambs were all good looking, all very tasty.

"So when do we eat roast whole lamb?"

Su Xiaoqi asked.

Ye Han thought for a while.

He had always planned to slaughter a little lamb to celebrate after he made a big discovery.

In fact, this wave of exploration to Bisheng Mountain can be regarded as a lot of gains.

Tea, watermelon, wild boar...

But Ye Han always felt that something was missing.

He was just not satisfied, and always wanted to get a better harvest!

This appetite is not ordinary small!

"What else do you expect from Bisheng Mountain?"

"It's nothing more than all kinds of prey, fruits, and edible plants."

"What more can there be?"

Su Xiaoqi looked at Ye Han and asked.

This Ye Han can't tell, but he always feels that there is still a better harvest.

After sending the lamb back to the nest, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi began to drink tea and chat, stealing their lives for half a day.

On the other side, on the side of Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong, they were not so leisurely.

The two of them are in the process of moving, and they also need to beware of dangers that may arise at any time.

After all, they found the jackal's footprints before, which was a dangerous signal.

Many viewers have been squatting and guarding in this live broadcast room, waiting for them to encounter the jackal group.

Among them were Jackson and Schmidt.

The two of them came to China for tourism and are currently drinking milk tea at a milk tea shop.

Milk tea is delicious, but not healthy.

These two also know the reason, but they can't stand it!

Jackson took a sip of milk tea, then ate a charcoal-grilled oyster, let out a satisfied exclamation, and smacking his lips.


"Schmidt, you said that the jackals near the two Shenzhou players were the ones who almost killed us?"

Jackson asked.

He punched a burp straight out and sprayed it on Schmidt's face.


"Why didn't those jackals kill you?"

Schmidt let out a curse.

Jackson wasn't angry either, he smiled there.

"I got you, you are not allowed to burp at me in the future!"

"I feel that this is the group of jackals, I hope they can kill this group of jackals completely!"

Schmidt looked at the live broadcast and said.

The group of jackals that nearly killed the two of them split and became two strands.

One of them has been killed by the cold wind.

The remaining one should be near the gold medal team.

"Qingqing, I'll wash my face."

In the jungle, Tang Hong said to Yang Qingqing.

There was a stream in front of the two of them, Tang Hong was sweating profusely, and squatted down to wash her face.

I thought it would rain today, but I didn't expect the sun to be so big and hot now.

Of course, rain is not a good thing for the two who are moving.

It was still more comfortable on a cloudy day, and there was still wind.

Yang Qingqing also misses the morning weather.

"Sister Hong, I always have a sense of danger."

Yang Qingqing looked around, but saw nothing.

No way, the plants are so dense, it's hard to see the hidden animals.

"Well, I feel that way too."

"The owner of those footprints should be nearby."

"I have a hunch that if I get rid of these things, the road will be much easier in the future."

Tang Hong got up, wiped the water on her face with her sleeve, and picked up the engineer shovel again to open the way.

It is really not easy for two women to endure such hardships.

Many men can't compare to these two.

"The fight should be tonight."

"I don't know if the night will affect Yang Qingqing's performance."

The cat detectives are watching their live stream from home.

And also made its own inferences.

He believes that this group of jackals will most likely attack tonight.

Just like last time, they were also Jackson and Schmidt who attacked at night.

During the day, Yang Qingqing's archery is definitely fine, but what if it's at night?

Low visibility at night will still cause some impact.

Time passed, and soon it was night.

Detective Cat has been staring at the live broadcast room of the gold medal team, and he also has a hunch in his heart that the jackal group is about to be dispatched.

Tang Hong and Yang Qingqing, who were making dinner, were also very vigilant.

Yang Qingqing has always been fully armed and dare not relax.


A burst of voices came from all directions, and both of them realized that something was wrong.

And the next moment, around the two of them, a full six jackals jumped out and attacked!


There are a total of six jackals in this batch, and they are all dispatched now, like very patient hunters, finally waiting for the most suitable opportunity to launch a fatal blow!


Chapter 981 Tang Hong Injured

finally come!

The vast majority of viewers believe that there must be a battle, it is only a matter of time.

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