Now the battle finally begins!

Everyone became nervous, staring at the live broadcast without taking a breath!

Ye Han had just eaten dinner and was about to go to bed.

After the audience heard the news, they came to the live broadcast room of the gold medal team.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, six!"

"This group of jackals really can't finish, it's annoying!"

"The jackal is really annoying!"

"Come on, Qingqing and Sister Hong must be safe!"

"It's definitely possible, Yang Qingqing has already shot, and the first arrow hit the target, beautiful!"

"The demeanor of the world champion is fully displayed, plus the toxins that seal the throat with blood, the jackal group is actually here to deliver vegetables, don't panic."

"Sister Hong has also shot, and she will turn one with a shovel!"

A lot of barrage surging, this big night, it is foreseeable that many people will have insomnia.

In the picture, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong have already started a showdown with the jackal group!

Yang Qingqing shot out an arrow, hitting the jackal's mouth with precision and inserting it into the jackal's mouth.

The jackal let out a whimper, and fell to the ground before running a few steps!

The last time I dealt with the tiger, I shot a lot of arrows, and it took a while before the tiger died.

On the one hand, it is because the tiger is too powerful, and on the other hand, it is also because the size of the tiger is there.

You must know that a certain amount of poison has a different effect on targets of different sizes.

How effective can a poison that just poisoned a mouse be used against an elephant?

Although the jackal is also very powerful, its single body cannot be compared with the tiger.

After being shot with an arrow, he will die very quickly.

In one face-to-face effort, two jackals have already died!

One of them was shot to death by Yang Qingqing, and the other was slashed in the neck by Tang Hong with a shovel, and fell to the ground and could not get up at all.

But there were still four left, and they approached the two at the fastest speed!

Yang Qingqing bent the bow to take the arrow, clenched her teeth, and shot another arrow, hitting the jackal in front of her in the eye.

The jackal cried out in pain, fell to the ground and struggled, but could not get up.

It's just that, taking advantage of her archery skills, there is another one, which has already rushed over from the right side, and will bite when she opens her mouth!

The situation is very dangerous!

Tang Hong hacked one to death again, but was also scratched by the other with his claws. The calf was bleeding and injured!

Seeing the state of Yang Qingqing's side, she let out a loud roar, it was too late to rush over, and she threw the engineer shovel in her hand!

At a critical moment, the engineer shovel made a great contribution and hit the jackal in the head, so that the jackal failed to bite Yang Qingqing!

"It's dangerous!"

"Yang Qingqing was almost bitten!"

"Tang Hong is injured, Sister Hong, you must not be in trouble!"

"Damn, these jackals are so cruel and cunning!"

"Hahahaha! Shenzhou Kingdom is finally going to downsize, and this time they will definitely be eliminated!"

"That's great, why can China still keep so many players, they should all be eliminated!"

"This Tang Hong looks so ugly, hurry up and be bitten to death by a jackal!"


At the moment when many Shenzhou audiences were extremely nervous, some people jumped out to sing the opposite, cursing Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong.

Many people are angry, and some capable people have begun to look for these people along the Internet.

Most of them are people from plastic surgery countries. Because they are very panicked now, they are worried that their country will be wiped out in the game, so they come here to vent.

These damned guys have no memory at all!

Jumping out again and again is simply courting death!

Zhang Yida, who was in the plastic surgery country, was out of anger because he found out that several of these people were employees of his company!

He was determined to punish these people severely.

In addition, there are many bigwigs who have decided to make a move.

And the official side of Shenzhou Kingdom was also very dissatisfied with these remarks and decided to take some measures.

Whether or not the plastic surgery country is wiped out, in fact, it will not have any impact on the game on the Chinese side.

Even if it is night now, Shenzhou Kingdom is already preparing.

From import and export trade, financial stocks, cultural fields, etc., to sanction and punish the plastic surgery country!

Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong are Shenzhou Nation's players and athletes, and the country does not allow them to be wronged!

Directly punch and attack, never force Lai Lai!

This punch will cause the plastic surgery country to suffer huge losses.

Now they have no time to think about whether their country's players will be wiped out, and the problem before them is even more serious!

If you lose the game, you will lose. Anyway, the Neon Country will take the back, right?

But if China starts to suppress, then they will be miserable.

In the middle of the night, the plastic surgery country directly arrested a lot of people. They were all screaming on the Internet, hiding behind the network cable and talking nonsense. They were all arrested, and even some chaebol people were also arrested.

Because this time China is angry, they must quickly calm the anger of China.

Otherwise the consequences are unbearable.

The next day, Plastic Surgery Country hurriedly contacted Shenzhou Country and apologized. This was the end of the matter.

At this time, on Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong's side, the situation became even more tense.

Tang Hong threw out a shovel to help Yang Qingqing repel a jackal, but she had no weapons in her hand.

Yang Qingqing took the opportunity to shoot an arrow to kill the jackal in front of him.

She was out of danger for the time being and was not injured.

But Tang Hong is in danger!

At present, only the last jackal is left, just in front of Tang Hong, but Tang Hong has no weapons!

Then use your fist!

Tang Hong let out a roar and punched the jackal that was rushing over.


The punch was heavy and smashed **** the jackal's head.

Tang Hong's biggest advantage is her strength, this jackal was beaten directly.

But at the same time, it also continued to scratch Tang Hong with its claws, scratching Tang Hong's right arm!

Left leg, right arm, all bleeding!

Yang Qingqing's eyes were red, she shot the last arrow, hit the jackal, and completely eliminated it.

The battle was short but very tragic.

The bodies of the jackals fell to the ground, and some were still twitching, not quite dead yet, but they were foaming at the mouth and could not survive.

Yang Qingqing was fine, but her whole body was shaking.

Not scared, but worried about Tang Hong's situation, too nervous.

Tang Hong let out a long breath, frowned, and looked at the injury on her body.

Yang Qingqing came to her side crying and helped her check.

"Qingqing, don't cry, it's nothing major."

"It's just a little flesh wound."

Tang Hong comforted Yang Qingqing, while she gasped in pain.

The heartbeats of both of them are very fast and need to slow down slowly.

The audience was extremely worried, watching Tang Hong's situation.

Flesh wounds, indeed flesh wounds.

But if it is not handled properly, the consequences can be very serious.

Can Tang Hong continue the game?

Chapter 982 Judgment of Rabies Virus

"I didn't expect that there would be so many twists and turns in this move."

Tang Hong sat down against a tree and said with a wry smile.

At the same time, she reached out to wipe away the tears on Yang Qingqing's face.

Now everyone knows the specifics of her injury.

The one on the left calf is better, not too deep.

Deal with it in time, and then apply the medicine, it is not a big problem.

The most serious injury is the right arm.

That was the last jackal's death-defying counterattack, and the strength was not small, so it was relatively deep.

If it goes deeper, I'm afraid it can hurt the bones!

"Oops, Tang Hong's injury is a bit serious!"

"It hurts when I look at it, Tang Hong is really not easy."

"I'm crying, Tang Hong and Yang Qingqing are the pride of our Shenzhou Nation, but some people scold them, this matter can't be just let it go!"

"Don't worry, none of those Internet trolls can escape, even if they are abroad, we can deal with them!"

"I contacted a senior who is a top hacker, and he is already investigating!"

"The official voice of Shenzhou Kingdom, everyone wait, these people will be punished!"

"Gan! There is a person from Shenzhou who made a speech and insulted the gold medal team. This person has been arrested. If you want me to say it, shoot him directly!"


The battle is over, but the aftermath remains.

Relevant departments found that there were people from China who made inappropriate remarks.


Such people will be caught immediately and will be severely punished.

One of them was found to be a spy!

As for the people in the plastic surgery country, and some people from other countries, they can't escape, and they will bear the wrath of China.

At this time, Yang Qingqing was treating Tang Hong's wound.

Clean first, then apply medicine.

"Sister Hong, can you really hold on?"

Yang Qingqing asked while weeping.

This process is also very painful, Tang Hong insisted that he did not say a word.

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