If you continue to wait like this, your whole body will rot.

"It's so scary, I can't even eat breakfast!"

"Skipping breakfast will affect your health. Go and see Ye Han's dinner."

"Ye Han's dinner? I know what you mean, but sorry, my first reaction was that you said Ye Hancai, hahahaha!"

"I can't, I don't dare to eat when I see a handsome guy, for fear that my food will scare the handsome guy."

"If I want to eat, I have to watch Teacher Ma. I don't need to go to see Teacher Ma to play games now. I can eat two bowls of rice just by looking at his face."

"Mr. Ma feels insulted, hahahaha!"

The audience in the live broadcast room chatted one after another. Fortunately, this is the live broadcast room of the plastic surgery country, and Teacher Ma can't see it.

At this time, Teacher Ma was explaining in Ye Han's live broadcast room.

Today his partner is Teacher Piao. When these two get together, the live broadcast effect explodes directly.

"Ye Han is going to the beach. According to his plan, he is going to a new beach today. What does this mean, brothers, he will definitely make a big discovery!"

Teacher Ma is worthy of being a gold medal lecturer, and his tone is unquestionable.

"Could it be a whale that just ran aground, just discovered by Ye Han?"

"The meat of whales can also be eaten. For example, the Neon country eats a lot of whale meat every year, which belongs to the big country that eats whales."

Teacher Piao said casually.

He also knew that this kind of thing was basically impossible.

There has already been a stranding of a whale on the island, and if it happens often, it's unlikely.

The probability of a whale stranding is not high.

However, he never expected that his own words had already begun to be played by netizens.

"What did Teacher Piao say just now, surprised the big country?"

"No no no, it's another word, I dare not say it."

"Driving again? But I see it's true in Neon Country's art works."

"Well, there are still many children in the live broadcast room, so they are all restrained."

"Can you blame us? If you want to blame it, you can blame Teacher Piao. He is misleading."

"Yes, Teacher Piao is too serious!"


Seeing these barrages, Teacher Piao was all stupid.

Teacher Ma, who was beside him, squatted on the ground with a smile, unable to speak.

Teacher Piao had no choice but to spread his hands.

"Yes, yes, you are right."

"But to be honest, I just said that the whale stranding was just casual, but I always feel that there will be some discoveries at the seaside."

"It's like fish, shrimp, crab and clams. We are all tired of watching and eating. Aunt Liu in the cafeteria said she needs a new challenge."

Teacher Piao profoundly explained what is called repeated horizontal jumping.

Of course, Aunt Liu in the cafeteria is not a stingy person. Although she is old, she has a young mentality and often jokes with Teacher Piao.

"What Ye Han finds, what I will do at noon today."

Aunt Liu in the cafeteria sent such a sentence in the group chat of the show group, and Aite called Teacher Piao.

Teacher Piao specially pasted the mobile phone screen on the camera for the audience to witness.

This time, the live broadcast effect is full again.

Regarding the grievances between Teacher Piao and Aunt Liu in the cafeteria, that is something that many viewers love to watch.

"Mr. Piao successfully angered Aunt Liu, and he is finished."

"Aunt Liu: Young man, you have narrowed the way!"

"I really want to work in the show team. It is said that Aunt Liu's meals are delicious, and Teacher Piao often posts them online."

"The show crew can't live without Aunt Liu, just like the West can't live without Jerusalem!"

"Hey, my husband works in the show crew and often brings me some meals home. The taste is really good, it's better than what I make myself."

"People usually watch short videos online, and all they see are beautiful women singing and dancing. I watched someone show a work meal, and I was drooling."

"I love to watch carpets, is there any help for me?"


The audience in the live broadcast room were chatting, and the time gradually passed.

After ten o'clock in the morning, Ye Han took Su Xiaoqi all the way, and finally saw the ocean ahead.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that Ye Han stopped, showing a surprised expression.

No doubt, he saw something good again!

Chapter 984 Creatures That Can Boil Dinosaurs to Death

After seeing Ye Han's expression, the audience were all surprised.

Many times, when Ye Han made a new discovery, he basically showed a signature smile.

So when the audience saw his smile, they knew that Ye Han had gained something.

And showing a surprised expression, this number of times is not too many.

There are nothing more than two possibilities, one is that he has seen something very good, and the other is that he has seen something strange.

For example, when the bald monkey was discovered last time, Ye Han also showed a surprised expression.

The designation of the bald monkey is not a good thing, it can only be regarded as a strange thing.

So what did Ye Han discover this time?

The audience all watched.

It's just that because of the distance, it's not clear what it is.

Unless you really know it, you can't understand it.

For example, Su Xiaoqi couldn't understand.

"Boss, what is that?"

Su Xiaoqi saw Ye Han stop, and then looked at Ye Han's expression, she already knew.

In terms of understanding Ye Han, she knows Ye Han better than the audience.

The audience can only see Ye Han through the live broadcast, and only Su Xiaoqi knows what he looks like after the live broadcast is turned off.

"Guess it."

Ye Han laughed, and then took Su Xiaoqi to move on.

To be honest, Ye Han really didn't expect to find such a thing.

The seaside he came to this time was not the seaside he used to be, and of course, the distance was not too far.

The specific location is almost the pond where the lotus root was found. The beach in front of the pond is full of classrooms and overgrown with oysters.

Then this seaside is about half an hour on the left side of the oyster reef area.

"You're cheating again!"

"How can I guess, it looks like a turtle, is it a turtle?"

Su Xiaoqi took a careful look again.

"Well, it's a turtle."

"This is a brand-new species of sea turtle, which is usually named after the discoverer, so this kind of sea turtle is called the little seven sea turtle."

Ye Han said with a smile.

Su Xiaoqi understood, this was not a turtle, Ye Han was teasing her.

Not a turtle, what is that?

In the live broadcast room, some viewers were speculating that it might be a turtle, but the answer has been denied.

"It's not a turtle, what Ye Han means, it's not a turtle!"

"Hurry up and hurry up, I really want to whip Ye Han twice with a leather whip, how come he is still slow when he finds out?"

"It would be great if it was a turtle. You can eat turtle eggs and turtle meat."

"I really don't know what a turtle egg tastes like. In fact, I feel that as long as it is an egg, there is basically nothing unpalatable. Who knows the unpalatable egg?"

"I really know this. My girlfriend said it was salty and fishy."

"Drive again and throw you in the pig cage and throw you into the sea!"


The audience seldom had a particularly serious time, and now they were clearly discussing what Ye Han had found, and they started to drive while chatting.

At this time, Ye Han led Su Xiaoqi forward and approached a beach in front of him.

The picture is also clearer.

I saw that there was a large area of ​​strange creatures on the beach.

This thing has a round shell, which looks similar to a turtle shell, but there is no turtle shell texture on the shell.

It is a smooth shell with a tail extending from the tail.

The edges of the shell on either side of the tail are serrated.

This thing, Su Xiaoqi really doesn't know it, and neither do many viewers.

"Boss, what is this thing?"

"Look at the one turned over, how can it look so scary!"

Su Xiaoqi was frightened, and quickly took two steps back.

A creature was already in her mind.

That's the corpse.

Just looking at the front, you can't see anything.

But one just turned over, with the outer shell facing down, and it was in a state of facing the sky on its back.

The tail was like a thorn, pointing to the sky, and its legs were still swaying up and down, which looked terrible.

It's like a monster anyway!

On the beach, they are arranged one by one, and some are stacked, making people feel the scalp tingling.

"Isn't this a corpse?"

"Don't say it, it's really like a mother!"

"The corpses have come out, there must be a large tomb here!"

"Looking for the dragon is divided into gold and looking at the mountain, a heavy entanglement is a breakthrough! Look at me using the dragon-seeking art to find this tomb!"

"I'm not talented, I'm the last inheritor of the mountain lineage. I'm sure that Zong Chenzhu is hiding here!"

"You went to the wrong studio. This is survival in the wilderness, not tomb robbing, and that thing is not a corpse, but a king crab."

"How do you pronounce this word? I don't read much, so don't lie to me."


Finally someone said the name of this thing.

But what makes people uncomfortable is that this word is not very easy to pronounce, and many people do not know what it is.

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