horseshoe crab?

Many people are skeptical, is this a creature on this planet?

It looks like it's from an alien!

The old rules, hurry to find Xiaoliang.

In Ye Han's live broadcast room, Teacher Piao immediately connected with Xiao Liang.

At the same time, a smile appeared on his face.

If there is no accident, this thing is probably not easy to do, and Aunt Liu in the cafeteria may not be able to do anything!

fg is not just standing up casually, now Teacher Piao is sitting and waiting to slap her in the face!

Sure enough, what Xiaoliang said next made Teacher Piao's eyes bright.

"This is a horseshoe crab, the pinyin is hou, four tones."

"To say that this is a corpse cricket, in fact, some people say that the corpse cricket in it was created based on this prototype."

"But the corpse is fictional, it's not a good thing, but the horseshoe crab is a rare good thing!"

Xiao Liang opened his mouth and said with a smile.

He also felt a little surprised. He didn't expect that Ye Han had even discovered this thing.

"The value of the horseshoe crab is very great. To use a word that has already been said, that is, the whole body of the horseshoe crab is a treasure."

"There is still a little more knowledge about this thing, I will tell everyone slowly."

Xiao Liang said, sorting out the knowledge points he knew in his heart.

"First, the Limulus is very, very ancient!"

"The ancestor of the horseshoe crab appeared in the Devonian period of the Paleozoic Era in geological history. Even dinosaurs had not yet appeared at that time, but the horseshoe crab had already appeared on this planet."

"The earliest limulus fossils appeared in the Ordovician period, about 505 to 438 million years ago, while fossils similar to modern limulus appeared in the Jurassic period, about 208 to 144 million years ago."

Xiaoliang surprised the audience by first introducing the ancient source of the creature.

I really did not expect that this thing appeared earlier than dinosaurs!

Dinosaurs are powerful, but they have long since become extinct, while horseshoe crabs have survived to this day!

This also caused many people to fall into contemplation and think a lot.

Then Xiaoliang continued to speak, but it made many people's mood more complicated.

"This ancient creature can boil all dinosaurs to death."

"But it still can't escape the clutches of humans!"

Xiao Liang's expression was also very complicated, and he said.

Chapter 985 Poor Limulus

As Xiao Liang said these words, many people in the live broadcast room felt nervous.

It's over, what should come is still here, and it's the claws of human beings again!

In fact, many creatures that have no natural enemies at all, their natural enemies are humans.

Or it can be said that humans are the natural enemy of all other creatures on this planet.

Even human beings themselves are their own natural enemies, and human beings have been destroying themselves.

So how do humans deal with this magical creature like limulus?

Is it because the meat of this thing is delicious?

Although it doesn't look delicious, I'm not sure.

Many people pricked up their ears and listened, waiting for Xiaoliang's next words, and some people specially turned up the volume and closed the barrage, for fear of missing out.

"Well, originally, the number of horseshoe crabs is not large, and there is no danger."

"But because of human manipulation, there are fewer and fewer of these creatures."

Xiao Liang first sighed, and then said slowly.

He himself knows all kinds of animals and plants very well, and he knows everything that ordinary people don't understand.

Sometimes knowing too much is not beautiful, and he feels very distressed that many animals and plants have been extinct or endangered by human beings.

But it's useless to feel distressed, you will find that you can't do anything, and your personal strength is minimal.

"Limulus is a living fossil-level creature with blue blood, because the blood of horseshoe crab contains copper."

"Its blood is very special, and it is precisely because of this blood that the horseshoe crab has brought disaster."

Xiaoliang continued, and many people have already reacted.

It turns out that humans want the blood of horseshoe crabs!

So, what is the role of horseshoe crab blood?

"Limulus blood is special not only because it is blue, but because it contains a type of cells called amoeba-like cells."

"This cell is very sensitive to bacteria and can effectively avoid bacterial infection. Through research, humans have used the blood of horseshoe crabs in the medical field, and some are involved in food safety testing and other fields, which have played a huge role."

"Interested viewers can search for the use of horseshoe crab blood, such as some injections, vaccines, etc. Anyway, it can be said that it saves countless people and is of great use, but this has also led to the hunting and harming of horseshoe crabs by humans. Causes the number of horseshoe crabs to drastically decrease!"

Speaking of which, Xiao Liang's face was very complicated.

The audience also had mixed feelings in their hearts, and many people searched for it themselves.

It was only then that they realized that there were still many things, and Xiao Liang probably thought it was too cruel, so he didn't say it.

For example, about the process of human beings' collection of horseshoe crab blood, the scalp is tingling.

A large number of horseshoe crabs were caught in the factory by humans, tied and fixed on the assembly line, and then a needle was inserted into the body of the horseshoe crab and began to draw blood!

It hurts just looking at it, but these horseshoe crabs, without the ability to struggle, can only be forced to drain their blood.

Moreover, the price of horseshoe crab blood is very expensive, each liter is 100,000 yuan!

"I'm so scared, the needle is so thick!"

"It is said that only 30% of the blood in the limulus is drawn every time, and it will not affect the limulus, but in fact, the impact is still very large!"

"Yes, I have also seen that during the blood drawing process, some horseshoe crabs will die on the spot, and some will die after the blood is drawn and released. Even if they do not die, the probability of their reproduction is much lower, which leads to The number of horseshoe crabs is decreasing!"

"Alas! This thing looks terrible, but it's really pathetic."

"It's actually difficult to judge right or wrong about this kind of thing. In a world dominated by humans, the interests of human beings are always put first, and horseshoe crab blood can save people!"

"It also makes sense, but while using the blood of horseshoe crab, I really hope that the relevant departments can better protect it."

"It is very difficult to get enough horseshoe crab blood without having too much influence on this biological group."


A large number of viewers were discussing it, and they also searched the Internet to know more about the horseshoe crab.

Before that, many people didn't know the existence of this creature at all.

And now they understand that perhaps the things they use in their daily lives consume the blood of horseshoe crabs.

"Don't worry too much, our country has listed the horseshoe crab as a second-class national protected animal."

"So, Limulus is not in danger of extinction at present, and with the continuous development of human technology, many problems will definitely have better solutions."

"By the way, there is one more point I have to say."

Xiao Liang opened his mouth and comforted everyone.

"Currently, there are two families, three genera and four species of Limulus, which means there are four species in total."

"Among them, there is also a kind of Chinese horseshoe crab in our country. There was once a craze to eat horseshoe crab."

"This is also one of the culprits in the decline in the number of horseshoe crabs."

Xiao Liang said.

Sure enough, nothing can escape the mouths of Shenzhou people.

Many foreigners dare not eat or don’t want to eat the food that the people of China can make very delicious, and everyone eats it.

Crayfish is an example. From the aggressive invasive species, it is hard to be eaten and needs to be cultivated artificially. It can be said that it has no dignity at all.

And what the people of Shenzhou Kingdom dare not eat, Asan dares to eat!

Those who can escape from the Kingdom of Shenzhou cannot escape from the Kingdom of White Elephant!

For example, Fushou snails, Chinese people talk about the color change of snails, but Asan of Baixiangguo eats it very well, they are not afraid of parasites in Fushou snails at all.

Everyone has a periodic table of elements in their bodies, so are they afraid of parasites?

However, many people think that this thing may not be delicious.

The first impression is that it looks too ugly, and then the blood is still blue. Humans are actually quite resistant to blue food.

Different colors will affect human appetite, affect the speed of eating, etc. This is a commonplace, everyone knows.

For blue things, people's first reaction is, this thing is blue, can you eat it?

In fact, horseshoe crabs are actually not tasty.

Some knowledgeable people have come out to popularize science, and now everyone wants to take Xiaoliang's life away.

"This thing, I ate it once when I was a child. Anyway, it was fishy, ​​and I didn't think it tasted good."

"I am allergic after eating it. This thing is actually poisonous. It is best not to eat it!"

Someone said so.

This sentence immediately made many people nervous.

Will Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi eat king crab meat?

What if they eat it and get poisoned?

"Ye Han, don't eat it!"

"There is poison in the feces, Ye Laoba, you can't eat it!"

"Hahahahaha Ye Han has really become the eighth, you guys are so bad!"

"That's what Xiao Qi called first, and if you want to blame it, it's Xiao Qi."

"Don't worry everyone, Xiao Qi doesn't know horseshoe crabs, but Ye Han does. Our boss Ye has a lot of knowledge and there are very few things he doesn't know."

"That's right, Ye Han will definitely not make low-level mistakes."

"I've been watching Xiaoliang Science, what's going on with Ye Han now?"

A lot of discussion sounded all over the Internet.

On Ye Han's side, he was also giving Xiao Qi popular science.

Of course, what he said is not as comprehensive as Xiaoliang. He only told Su Xiaoqi that this thing is very valuable, so it is often killed, so although it has lived from more than 400 million years ago to the present, the number has been decreasing. .

Then there is a very important point, Ye Han also told Su Xiaoqi that it is best not to eat this stuff.

Chapter 986 Tang Hong has a fever

Hearing Ye Han's words, the audience breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Ye Han knew that this thing could not be eaten.

In Ye Han's current situation, Yiqi Juechen is far ahead of the other players. If he retires because of food poisoning, the audience of Shenzhou Kingdom will be hospitalized on the spot.

The kind that has to call 120 to pull people away.

Anyone who has experienced falling from a cloud knows how hard it is.

For example, in a class, the student who took the first test every time suddenly degenerated and became the last student.

There are many reasons, but without exception, teachers and students will be very sorry.

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