For example, a big boss with a lot of money suddenly goes bankrupt, has nothing, and is full of foreign debts.

There are a lot of people who jumped directly from the building, and they couldn't bear the blow at all.

It is also applicable to Ye Han. If he retires due to an accident, it would be a pity.

Fortunately, Ye Han would not make such a mistake.

Some people have discussed on the Internet that if Ye Han is to retire, unless it is due to force majeure.

What is a force majeure factor?

Unless the island sank, Ye Han would not be able to retire!

"I've never made this kind of food."

"You can't eat it when you look at it!"

Su Xiaoqi breathed a sigh of relief.

If Ye Han really wanted to eat this, she still had a headache and didn't know what to do.

Best not to eat.

After Ye Han's popular science, Su Xiaoqi also learned that this kind of creature is very pitiful and was forcibly taken blood by humans.

But looking at the appearance of the horseshoe crab, Su Xiaoqi was still scared.

No way, people are visual animals, so ugly!

Ye Han was not afraid. He had already walked to the beach and caught a horseshoe crab.

These guys had never met anyone before, so they weren't so afraid of Ye Han.

Perhaps it was also because Ye Han didn't show any malice.

Ye Han also reached out and touched the shell of a horseshoe crab. This horseshoe crab was not small, and there was some sand on the shell, which was brushed off by Ye Han.

"Don't look at it ugly, but many people eat it."

"For example, the Chinese king crab comes from our country, and people in Fujian often eat it. Of course, that's all in the past."

"It's best not to eat if you can. The blood of horseshoe crab has copper ions, and the meat contains purines and allergenic proteins."

Ye Han continued, and turned over the horseshoe crab, turning his back to the sky.

The horseshoe crab began to struggle, eventually turned over with difficulty, and hurriedly fled into the sea.

"Boss, you are so bad!"

"While saying people are pitiful, they bully them at the same time."

Su Xiaoqi pouted.

Ye Han heard the words and laughed.

"You seem to be talking about yourself."

"Yes, my poor little Qi."

Ye Han said with a wicked smile.

Su Xiaoqi's face immediately turned red, this guy Ye Han!

"Who is your little Qi!"

Su Xiaoqi glared at Ye Han, turned her head and left.

Ye Han also stood up and clapped the sand on his hands.

There are plenty of horseshoe crabs found in this area, which is good, but of little use to him.

He doesn't need horseshoe crab blood, and he doesn't want to eat horseshoe crab. He doesn't want food allergies to cause him to retire from the competition. That would be a shame.

Big injustices are not so injustice.

So, the two left here and started walking towards the oyster area.

"Is this gone?"

"Otherwise, what else can I do, and I don't eat horseshoe crabs."

"There are so many horseshoe crabs, if you can eat them, it will be a big harvest."

"To say that this is a big discovery, and it is indeed a big discovery, it is useless to Ye Han, it just adds knowledge to us."

"Ye Han is also not short of this bite. Let's watch the live broadcast to increase our knowledge. This is a win-win situation, which is very good."

"Perhaps only in such inaccessible places can all kinds of wild animals flourish freely."


The audience is still chatting about it.

Especially after knowing the tragic experience of the horseshoe crab, I felt even more emotional.

In fact, there are quite a few creatures that have encountered the same thing. For example, bears are imprisoned, bile is regularly extracted, and coffee cherries are forced into the stomach of civet cats in order to obtain expensive cat feces coffee.

There are too many things like this.

What everyone did not expect was that there was actually a follow-up to this matter.

That's the country of plastic surgery!

There are also some viewers in the plastic surgery country who have been watching Ye Han's live broadcast room.

They also searched for information on horseshoe crabs and found blind spots.

"Watson Found a Blind Spot".

That's about horseshoe crab blood.

"Amoeba-like cells in horseshoe crab blood can prevent bacterial infection!"

"This thing is suitable for player Li Youxian. Are there any horseshoe crabs near the two of them?"

"Axiba, Li Youxian's situation is getting more and more serious, and a solution must be found quickly."

"This method doesn't seem to work. So far, only Ye Han has discovered the horseshoe crab."

"If there were horseshoe crabs near the two players, they would have been discovered long ago, but definitely not."

"Even if there is, they don't know about horseshoe crabs, they don't even know red coral, Axiba!"


The people here in the plastic surgery country are anxious and helpless.

In fact, in Li Youxian's situation, as long as he goes to the hospital, he doesn't need a big hospital. Maybe a small community clinic can handle it for him.

But he was on the island, and there was nothing he could do.

The audience could only stare.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had already started eating oysters by the sea, while Li Youxian of the plastic surgery country was soaking in the sea water by the sea, trying to relieve himself.

But it turned out to be useless.

Itching or itching, pain or pain.

Li Youxian's heart has sunk to the bottom.

If this continues, he may die on the island.

"Hey, it's time to go home and eat kimchi."

"Li Youxian is like a pickle now, but it's soaked in sea water."

"Hahahahaha, you want to laugh at me, he has become kimchi!"

"Axiba! People of China, you are not afraid of retribution!"

"Shenzhou Kingdom is very jealous that our country has kimchi, and we also invented a kind of clothing, which was stolen by China Kingdom and renamed Hanfu, shameless China Kingdom!"

"Ah yes yes yes, Chinese characters are also invented by the plastic surgery country, and Go is yours, and the universe is yours."

"Although everything is invented by the plastic surgery country, the Shenzhou country is the father of the plastic surgery country!"

"I'm your dad, ever-changing?"

"Let's say goodbye. If I had such a son, I would have to be strangled to death."

"Okay, okay, the stick should be in a hurry, stop talking, hahahaha!"

There are some people in China who are joking in the live broadcast room of the country of plastic surgery, and they are very angry with the people of the country of plastic surgery.

They were already very worried, and now the people of Shenzhou are coming to add fuel to the fire!

It is said that some people suffered a heart attack and went to the hospital.

On this side, everyone is still laughing at the stick, while on the other side, there is bad news.

Some viewers were staring at Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong's live broadcast room. After all, Tang Hong was injured and everyone was worried.

During this time, Tang Hong has been sleeping, which is not a good phenomenon to be honest.

Sure enough, now Tang Hong woke up and felt very uncomfortable.

Yang Qingqing checked it, and her face became ugly.

Because she found out that Tang Hong had a fever!

Chapter 987 This show is really interesting

At this moment, Yang Qingqing was very anxious, and there were already tears in her eyes.

Usually Tang Hong was taking care of her, but when Tang Hong was ill, she realized that she was at a loss.

Just like many people are usually looked after by their parents.

But suddenly one day, when their parents are sick, they will find out that their parents are old.

A considerable number of people have always regretted that they did not spend more time with their parents when they were still there.

"Miss Hong..."

Yang Qingqing's tears had already fallen.

Tang Hong's heart was also not feeling well.

She really didn't expect that this move would have so many twists and turns, so dangerous.

First the tigers, then the jackals, each time she was injured.

This time it was more serious, and a fever was a dangerous sign.

She didn't know what to do in her heart, and she didn't know if she could survive it.

The human body has its own immune function, but it is not necessarily whether it can survive on its own.

Depends on individual physique.

Some people have a cold, and they will be fine by themselves for a few days.

Some people can't do it, they have to go to the hospital for an injection to get better.

Tang Hong felt that her body was still very good and her immune system was very strong. She encouraged herself in her heart.

At the same time, he also opened his mouth to comfort Yang Qingqing.

"Qingqing, I'm fine."

"Don't worry, you boil some water, I'll try two cold medicines."

"Don't cry, don't worry, if I can't hold it, then we will retire. I believe that other players from China will perform very well. Even if we are eliminated, it will not affect the results of China."

Tang Hong said.

Even though she was a patient, she had to comfort Yang Qingqing in turn.

This made many viewers very moved and associated with their own experiences.

"My mother was hospitalized. I went to see her. She said she was fine and worried that I wouldn't have enough to eat."

"Grandpa had cancer when I was in college. I took the train back to see him for the last time, but unfortunately I missed it, an hour late!"

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