Seeing this, Yang Qingqing had no choice but to nod, and then began to sleep.

Chapter 993 Is the Gold Medal Team Retired?

Yang Qingqing was indeed exhausted, she fell asleep not long after lying down, and snored slightly.

When people are very tired, even if they don't usually snoring, they will snor because they are tired.

Tang Hong sat next to the fire, adding a little firewood from time to time, and then looked around.

As it turns out, the area should have been safe.

Because the body of the jackal would emit a strong **** smell, and there were bloodstains on the two of them, but still no beasts were attracted.

With the tigers and jackals taken out, there is no more danger here.

Next, it depends on how Tang Hong recovers.

This will determine the future of the Gold Squad.

Tang Hong has returned to normal, and can continue to move and continue the game.

Tang Hong couldn't recover and retired home.

But for now, Tang Hong doesn't feel that there is a big problem.

The main injury was still a scratch on the arm, but it feels better now.

And after taking the cold medicine, Tang Hong didn't feel so hot, and the whole person was much more awake.

Taking medicine and sleeping will help the body recover.

"It should be able to recover, the game is still long!"

Tang Hong cheered herself up in her heart.

As the time passed 0:00, it was now the one hundred and forty-fifth day of the competition.

Three hundred and sixty-five days away, there are still two hundred and twenty days.

If she just gave up and retire like this, Tang Hong would definitely not be reconciled.

Those who can win the gold medal will never lack perseverance.

Even talented players need far more effort than ordinary people to win gold in international competitions!

Because when a competitive game rises to the international level, you will find that the opponents are all talented.

Everyone is a genius, and the competition is naturally whoever works harder.

Even the fastest person in the world, that black lightning bolt, still doesn't dare to slack off!

"Sister Hong looks in good spirits!"

"It should be that my prayer is effective. I summoned Vasily to pray for Sister Hong, and now it has an effect!"

"Even if you want to put gold on your face, you shouldn't be summoning Vasily. It's outrageous."

"Sleep and sleep, I really can't stand it, staying up late is too hurtful."

"Speaking of Vasily, then Sean can't be avoided, and I don't know how poor Sean is now."

"All the players on the island, I sympathize with Sean the most, he is so miserable!"


Someone mentioned Sean, and in the middle of the night, when the name Sean was mentioned, some people wanted to be depressed.

Sean is currently staying in a mental hospital in Pretty Country.

The doctors also took good care of him and hoped to help him recover.

But obviously, this possibility is very remote.

Sean's situation is particularly bad, he has a lot of mental illnesses, and it's very difficult to stay the same.

Many caring people want to help him and do their part, but apart from material help, they are really powerless.

Unfortunately, material things are useless to Sean now.

Even if he were to give him the wealth of the entire planet, he would still be mentally ill!

In addition, there is another patient.

That's Bill, Bey's beloved disciple.

Bill has been in a good mood since the surgery.

Because the next step is to recover slowly, exercise slowly, and he has every chance to get back on his feet.

Of course, this takes a long time.

Regarding the patients among the retired players, it is also a topic that netizens often discuss.

For example, Ivanov is still being treated in the hospital.

Eva has been with him in the hospital, and the two are true love.

And it is already discussing when to have a child, which requires Ivanov to re-operate.

After all, he was ligated before he went to the island. How can he give birth to a child after being ligated?

Need to re-surgery to recover.

At four o'clock in the morning, the program team temporarily issued a notice.

It's about the weather forecast on the island.

It's raining today!

After seeing the forecast of the program group, there are many night owls who can't sleep.

Originally, some people were already sleepy and planned to sleep, but now they don't need to sleep.

The reason is very simple, the rain will affect the players and disrupt the players' plans.

And now there is a group of players, that can't be rained!

Gold Team!

Everyone was still happy just now, and felt that Tang Hong's hope of recovery was not small, and he could continue the game.

But if it rains at this juncture, it will be very detrimental to Tang Hong!

Some pessimistic players already thought that Tang Hong was going to retire this time.

Tang Hong was injured, and now there is no place to shelter from the rain, once it rains, it will definitely make her situation worse.

Even if there is no injury, if you get sick because of the rain, you may retire!

"It's over, it's over, God is not beautiful, but it's raining at this time?!"

"The weather forecast of the program team has always been very accurate. It seems that this time Tang Hong is hanging."

"Actually, it's not bad. Let Tang Hong and Yang Qingqing come back as soon as possible. The two female players have suffered so much. I really feel pain."

"When will this rain start and how long it will last, the spicy chicken show team won't make it clearer!"

"Yeah, if the time is short, maybe you can hold on. If it's a long-term heavy rain, I'm afraid it's really not easy to survive."

"The program team is here again, and a voting campaign has started."

"Bah! My whole family has never voted for a prize! And the show team said to open the surrounding mall, when will it open?"


In the middle of the night, people's emotions are definitely not as stable as they are in a normal state.

As the saying goes, don't make decisions at night.

There are many examples of this, such as being unable to sleep at night, eo, posting a sentimental circle of friends, hypocritical, mourning.

When I woke up the next day, I found out, what the hell, this is what I posted? Delete it now!

Research also shows that people's decisions at night are often less rational, but more emotional.

Therefore, many viewers are scolding the program group.

Of course, in this matter, in fact, day and night are the same.

No matter when, it's right to scold the show team.

This refers to the official program group, not the Shenzhou country program group.

There are still differences between the two. Everyone's sense of the Shenzhouguo program group is quite good.

This time, the voting was about whether Tang Hong and Yang Qingqing would retire because of the rain.

There are two options, yes and no.

But this time the reward has changed, which makes many people's eyes shine.

You can win as long as you vote. This gimmick is 100% winning, isn't it?

Generally speaking, it is like a 100% winning event, and most people basically get a consolation prize, or they fool people, such as how many points are given to you, it is all a routine.

The points are useless, who has the patience to accumulate points?

However, the program group did not engage in the set of points, but directly presented chat bubbles and chat special effects!

As long as you vote, you can choose any chat bubble and any chat effect, and it does a good job.

Many chat softwares have these things, and in the live broadcast room, if you have your own chat bubbles and special effects, it's cool to think about!

And there will be some limited-edition bubbles and special effects, which is good, everyone is crazy, let alone sleep.

Limited edition, these three words have always been magical and very attractive.

The audience has already voted quickly, and received their favorite chat bubbles and special effects, and began to show off in various live broadcast rooms.

Directly tossed to more than six in the morning.

At this time, the weather on the island began to change, and the sound of thunder sounded!

It is going to rain!

Chapter 994 Animal Skin Stitching Monster

Thunder explodes!

Ye Han woke up from his sleep and heard the sound of rain.

"It's raining?"

Ye Han frowned.

According to his plan, he would set off after getting up today and rush to the Bisheng Mountain stronghold.

But now that it is raining, it is definitely not possible to go.

Ye Han looked at the time, then looked at Su Xiaoqi beside him, and simply went back to sleep.

For the players at home, the rain has little effect.

But for players in the wild, that can be troublesome.

Among them, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong were the ones who were most afraid of rain.

Tang Hong just got better, but now it's raining again, what should she do?

The wound should generally not touch water, otherwise it is more likely to cause infection.

A large number of audiences in Shenzhou Kingdom gathered in Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong's live broadcast room.

"It's raining so soon?"

"It's over, this rain is not small, it is a heavy rain!"

"The hemp rope is cut at the delicate point, the bad luck is looking for the poor, and the house leaks when it rains overnight!"

"Maybe Tang Hong will retire this time."

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