"Hey, why are there bubbles in the barrage you posted, why don't I?"

"Hahahaha, you just woke up, go and participate in the voting of the program group, and you can receive bubbles and special effects!"

"This is not bad, and some words will flash and be fancy!"


Some viewers who have just woken up have not yet figured out their status and feel that they are outdated.

Of course, normal people don't know that unless it's a party that stays up late, they can see the voting activities of the program group at four in the morning.

Of course, there are also people who get up at four and start work, such as some flower sellers, vegetable sellers, and breakfast sellers.

These professions all require getting up earlier.

On the island, it is pouring rain!

Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong are moving fast.

You can't retire now!

If you can hold on, then of course you have to hold on.

The two of them quickly came up with a solution.

Get all the hides out!

This time, many viewers were shocked. Only then did they realize that Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong actually had so many animal skins!

A whole piece of tiger skin was directly picked up by Yang Qingqing and draped over Tang Hong to help her block the rain.

Yang Qingqing didn't think it was enough, so he took another piece of leopard skin, another piece of jackal skin, and also used vines to bind these animal skins.

The two of them are more flustered now, but this scene is really funny, and many viewers couldn't help laughing out loud.

Some people who just entered the live broadcast room were startled at first glance.

Because there is no Tang Hong in the picture at all, but an extra eccentric who is wrapped and bound by animal skins!

Even Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong laughed.


"Sister Hong, you look so funny now!"

Yang Qingqing let out a crisp laugh.

Tang Hong also laughed.

Although she can't see what she looks like now, she can imagine it.

It's like a suture monster, dressed in tiger skin, and then wrapped in leopard skin and jackal skin.

Good guy, the jackal, tiger and leopard, it's just a wolf's skin!

The waterproofness of animal skins, then needless to say, rainwater can't soak the animal skins at all.

Tang Hong also imitated the movements of the beast and shook her body.

The water on the hide fell down.

Yang Qingqing was also wearing animal skins, not counting some of the animal skins he had harvested before, but now there are five other jackal skins, all of which were just obtained.

The hide is enough!

Both of them were covered in animal skins, almost watertight.

This also made the audience breathe a sigh of relief.

"Okay, okay!"

"A false alarm, our gold medal team is not only amazing in combat effectiveness, but also has a high IQ, we actually thought of such a method!"

"It's the same as wearing a raincoat!"

"Don't worry about Tang Hong now, I thought she was going to be eliminated!"

"The gold medal team can last for more than 200 days without saying anything. It's fine, don't worry!"

"Let's talk less, I think they can last for more than 300 days. They will see the blessing of blood sealing throat and venom, and they will be good!"


The audience is talking.

To be honest, seeing the venom that seals the throat with blood is simply an artifact.

If there is no such venom, I am afraid that when they encounter a tiger, they will be cold.

Next, the audience saw that the two of the gold medal team had not stopped.

They are continuing to work.

This rain will definitely not stop for a while. Although the two are not afraid of the rain, they can't just stand like this all the time.

And wrapping the whole body in animal skin all the time, it is not comfortable.

So, they set out to build a makeshift shelter.

Just use animal skins, branches, and vines as raw materials to build a canopy.

All animal skins are used!

The rain was getting heavier, and all the players on the island woke up.

Some people choose to continue to sleep, some people stare at the rain outside the house in a daze, some people work, and some people are frowning.

The one with the most frowning face at the moment is, of course, Li Youxian.

He was really uncomfortable, not comfortable anywhere.

But there is no way.

At present, many viewers in plastic surgery countries are afraid to watch his live broadcast.

Because the picture is terrible, it will make people unable to eat.

It's like having a serious skin disease, and the whole person is red and pus.

"It's kind of like systemic lupus erythematosus."

Someone described it this way.

It seems that there are pictures of this kind of disease in biology textbooks, so it looks really similar.

"Li Youxian, are you okay?"

In their wooden house, Cha Yongtai glanced at him and asked.

Li Youxian ignored him because it was nonsense.

Are you ok?

I'm very good.


iafihankyou, andyou?

At this time, Li Youxian continued to scratch his body, his hands were full of pus, because he had scratched his own skin.

There is an indescribable smell in the wooden house, which is very high.

Cha Yong-tae walked to the window and looked at the rain outside, not knowing what to do.

Li Youxian was obviously about to die, either waiting to die on the island, or retire and go back to die.

What will he do?

Cha Yong-tae felt that he had to find a way to save himself.

Can't sit still!

But what to do?

Looking for a way to escape the island?

I'm afraid this is unrealistic. The live broadcast bracelet can indeed be taken off, but this island is under all-round monitoring, how to escape?

Che Yongtai thought about it for a long time, but couldn't think of any way, his heart sank to the bottom.

"I'm so sick, I'm going out for a walk."

"It's no longer itchy, it still hurts!"

Li Youxian spoke and walked out of the room.

He entered the rain, and his whole body was quickly soaked.

The rain hit him, but it relieved some of the itching, which made Li Youxian feel better.


He let out a breath and wiped the water off his face.

"It would be nice if there were some anti-inflammatory and bactericidal drugs."

"Damn, those herbs should also be useful, but it didn't help if I rubbed them on my body."

"Have a dip in sea water, sea water can also sterilize."

Li Youxian walked to the beach.

Chapter 995 Li Youxian was swallowed alive

The waves on the seaside are not small, the sea surface is swept by layers of waves, and a large amount of rain falls, hitting the sea surface and blending into the sea.

Li Youxian was lying on the beach, just enough for the waves to hit him all the way to his chest.

The sea water washed his body, and I don't know if it was a psychological effect, which made him feel a lot better.

Li Youxian slowly closed his eyes and lay there to rest.

In the house, Cha Yongtai didn't come out. He is a little hungry now, but he doesn't want to go to the sea. Going to the sea now may be dangerous.


Cha Yongtai sighed and lay down.

He really couldn't think of any good way to save himself.

Now he can only hope that after his retirement, no one will deal with him.

But about the chaebol, he really can't tell!

The chaebol people are moody and treat female stars as playthings. This is a common thing.

In the eyes of those people, ordinary people are not human beings.

There is even a feeling that humans look at ants and do not treat others as people!

In their opinion, what is the fate of their own Cha Yong-tae?

They retire by themselves, leading to the annihilation of the entire cosmetic surgery country, and they think they deserve to die!

To be honest, there is no such truth, but people don't make sense!

Cha Yong-tae was about to cry as he lay there.

The audience on this side of the plastic surgery country can say anything.

Some people think they are pitiful, some people think they are incompetent, **** it.

There are also many people in other countries watching the fun and watching jokes.

"With this stance, the country of plastic surgery will definitely be gone."

"It's just that the competition was completely removed, and the country is still there!"

"Yeah, it's a pity. If there is no country, it will be fun."

"No, if the plastic surgery country is gone, then the universe will be gone, and the kimchi will be gone, that's not good!"

"Hahahahaha! One by one, you are so bad in the early morning, I like it!"

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