This person is the staff member of the plastic surgery country who informed the whistleblower!

His death was actually expected.

He violated the rules of the program team, caused the game to change, and was directly imprisoned in a prison in the beautiful country.

He didn't have any chance to defend himself the whole time!

When he was imprisoned and entered the prison, he immediately began to endure various tortures.

On this point, the Brown of the Beautiful Country has a say.

Brown was put in jail because he accidentally killed his teammates, and he died tragically in prison.

Of course, he is dead now, naturally unable to speak.

As for the staff of this plastic surgery country, this time it was just the news, but there were no videos or photos.

This is also because the program team secretly takes control to avoid causing too much impact.

Even the corpse will not be transported back to the plastic surgery country, but will be directly burned into ashes and sent there.

One can imagine what the corpse would look like.

Certainly no longer in human form!

This person is indeed patriotic. In order to delay the annihilation of the plastic surgery country, he did not hesitate to violate the rules and inform, which eventually led to his tragic death.

After learning of his death, there were not many people in the plastic surgery country who sympathized with him and spoke out for him!

Now these people's attention is on Cha Yongtai, and basically no one cares about his death!

This person is almost equivalent to dying in vain, it is really miserable!

Chapter 1005 The Power of the Little Wolfdog

For the whole day, Cha Yongtai basically sat there, not even eating.

No way, he doesn't dare to go into the water, where can he get food?

He didn't even dare to approach the beach, for fear of the beach

In fact, if he goes to the beach to dig some clams and the like to eat, there will be no problem.

Mainly because now that he has been frightened, he doesn't dare to take half a step.

After sitting for a whole day, Che Yongtai's whole body became even worse, which made the people in the plastic surgery country extremely worried.

And the other side.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi finished breakfast and led the team to the place where Bisheng Mountain Gourd Field was located.

There were not many melons, which made Ye Han heave a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that wild boars would come to steal melons.

Then, he picked a melon and ate it with Su Xiaoqi.

The two of them can eat a whole melon, but it will be very supportive, so there is no need.

So rhubarb also ate the melon, as did Da Niu'er and Xiao Hanhan.

As for Jiutian, Ye Han also gave it to him, but he didn't eat it.

People are carnivores, not melons.

"Okay, then you can play by yourself."

"See if you can catch a pheasant or something."

Ye Han waved his hand and Jiutian flew away.

They continued to crouch there and eat melons.

The watermelon rind was not thrown away, but was kept, so that we can cook a dish at noon.

After eating a melon, they continued to set off.

The last exploration stopped after discovering the melon fields.

Now is the time to start exploring.

"Wait, I'll pee first."

Ye Han patted his stomach, all the sound of water.

He asked Su Xiaoqi to wait for a while, then turned off the live broadcast and started running water.

"Ye Han is not authentic. We have a bathhouse in the north. When you enter a row of Jill, who has never seen another."

"Hahaha, I'm a southerner, and I was stunned when I went to the bathhouse in the north for the first time."

"First take a shower, wash my hair, and then ask for a rubbing bath, as well as tea, fruit, and beverages. Once I go in, I don't want to come out. It's really comfortable."

"After washing, you can find a technician, soak your feet, do a pedicure, and your whole body will feel comfortable!"

"Some bathhouses also provide buffets. When you're full, you can read comics, watch movies, sing songs with friends, and howl."

"Stop, stop, I've never been there, don't talk about it, I'm so greedy!"

"Ye Han has finished urinating, let's stop this topic."


The live broadcast screen resumed, Ye Han reappeared, and he specially called Da Huang over, touched Da Huang's head, and touched it repeatedly.

Immediately, many viewers understood, Ye Han, this kid, probably got urine on his hands and wiped his hands with Rhubarb's head!

Or to say that he is not a human being, he is a real dog.

Da Huang didn't know anything about it, he thought it was Ye Han's favor, and deliberately rubbed his head against Ye Han's hand.

Full of dog licking.

Next, they moved on, walking among the mountains and forests.

Ye Han opened the way, looking for possible supplies and prey.

A large number of viewers gathered in Ye Han's live broadcast room, looking forward to the next screen.

And at this time, the program team spoke up again!

It immediately attracted the attention of a large audience.

Because the program group announced a big news here.

That is Zhang Haoran is about to meet a group of players!

Good guy, after waiting for so long, is it finally coming?

In a certain university dorm, someone was so excited that he started banging on the washbasin.

The whole building began to howl, and one was happier than the other!

"Zhang Haoran is about to meet a certain group of players, which group of players will it be?"

"The catastrophe star on the island is dispatched again to bring bad luck to other players!"

"Wherever Haoran goes, no grass grows, and other players retire one after another, hahahaha!"

"The power of the little wolf dog, how can mortals be able to figure it out?"

"I don't know which unlucky person will meet Zhang Haoran this time?"

"First of all, if plastic surgery countries are excluded, Cha Yongtae is still at the beach, so it's definitely not Cha Yongtae."

"Could it be our own players? The players from China have never met a player from China."


The news immediately sparked a lot of discussion.

Of course, the program group still sold a pass, and did not say which group of players it was.

This is a basic operation to whet your appetite, and audiences are used to it.

It would be weird if the program team said it directly.

The audience scolded the program group, and the program group didn't hurt or itch, it was completely rotten, and it was really happy.

At Detective Cat's home, Detective Cat was talking with Xuanling at this time.

Xuanling still showed no signs of waking up, but the cat detective was not impatient at all.

He knew that even if he could wake up in this situation, the time unit would be calculated in years.

No hurry.

"The last contestant in the plastic surgery country, he is likely to commit suicide."

"Tang Hong's fever has subsided today. All the players in China are good, except for Zhu Chuanqi."

"Well, what's the news? Did you know that the two members of the Datang team turned out to be a plastic brotherhood. I almost died of laughter yesterday..."

Detective Cat told Xuanling about some recent situations.

Then he left the room, returned to his study, and started watching the live broadcast.

He also saw the news of the program group immediately.

Because there are still many viewers asking him, which group of players is it?

Viewers don't know, but Cat Detective sure does.

Because he has a strong brain, he can analyze the correct answer.

You must know that the program group has already started a new round of voting lottery activities. If you guess the correct answer, there is a higher probability that you can get the prize.

Detective Cat smiled, then shook his head.

Of course he knew which group of players it was, and he knew it two days ago.

But he couldn't speak out.

In the recent period of time, he has not made any predictions or judgments. The reason is very simple, or because the program team chatted with him.

Detective Cat expressed understanding, after all, his spoilers will have a certain impact on the popularity of the show.

Whether it's a good or bad influence, the program team actually doesn't want to see it.

So he simply stopped prophesying.

Just know in your heart.

After watching the live broadcast for a while, Detective Cat checked his watch again, it was almost noon.

He went out to the orphanage to visit the children.

Yesterday, the head of the orphanage called and said that Sunja missed him.

Thinking of Sunja, who likes to call herself Daddy, a smile appeared on the cat detective's face.

He went out to buy a lot of things, and then rushed to the orphanage to accompany Sunja and the other children.

On the island, the time has come to noon.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi stopped by a stream and started to prepare lunch.

Jiutian really brought back a pheasant for Ye Han, which made Ye Han very satisfied, and he could eat chicken at noon.

Rhubarb looked at this pheasant, and his heart was also hot.

Chicken bones are delicious!

"Nothing found this morning."

"Let's take a walk in the afternoon."

Ye Han said while eating chicken.

He felt that something should be found in the afternoon.

On the other side, Zhang Haoran took Sirius forward in the jungle, and he began to gradually discover some traces of other human activities!

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