Chapter 1006 The trick of the mysterious signal beautiful country player

It stands to reason that there has just been a heavy rain, even if there are any traces of human activities, it will be washed away by this heavy rain.

But the traces Zhang Haoran saw were not washed away by rain.

Because that's a mark someone carved on a tree!

Zhang Haoran can see it, and audiences all over the world have also seen it.

"It's... some special tokens!"

"I don't understand, what mark is this?"

"Hey, it seems to be used in some movies. What agents use when they communicate with each other?"

"Who remembers which country's players have left such a mark?"

"I don't have an impression. Besides, who can watch all the players' live broadcast rooms?"


The audience was confused.

No one can understand this mark for the time being, and it is completely unknown which group of players left it.

Some studios specializing in editing videos also hurriedly held meetings to discuss.

Ordinary people can't watch all the content of the live broadcast room, but there are some such studios, but there are enough people, each person is responsible for staring at a live broadcast room and summarizes the editing video content.

But none of them have seen this kind of content.

Then there is only one answer.

Some players left these marks when they closed the live broadcast!

Seriously terrified!

These things cannot be seen by the audience, so you have to hide it from the audience and secretly engrave them when the live broadcast is closed!

So there must be some ulterior motive in this!

Others have begun trying to decipher the signs.

"This mark, it looks like a little person is shitting, it means that we are free to **** together!"

"Look at that mark, it looks like a rhubarb, which means to hunt rhubarb!"

"And this, I'm sure the meaning of this sign is to drink and dance at eight o'clock tonight, because I have used it!"

"Good guy, everyone in this audience is at the agent level!"

"I feel like there's a huge conspiracy here, but I don't have proof."

"Survival in the wild, just finished the spy war?"


Audiences all over the world are talking about these marks.

For ordinary people, it is basically over after reading it, but for some people in special fields, they can see some clues.

For example, on the side of Shenzhou Kingdom, in a special department, several people gathered together to try to analyze the meaning of this symbol.

The netizens are all nonsense, and the analysis of what is free to **** together is pure nonsense.

In fact, the real meaning of that sign is that we agreed to meet at a certain time!

"This is a set of codenames developed independently, and it is not yet possible to fully parse them."

"But what is certain is that there should be two groups of players communicating with each other!"

This result shocked the relevant departments in China!

The regulations for this competition are that the two groups of players are not allowed to cooperate. Obviously, this is someone who is engaged in underground activities!

Great discovery!

I really didn't expect that Zhang Haoran would make such a big discovery this time!

At this time on the island, Zhang Haoran was also staring at these symbols.

Of course he couldn't understand it, and it was difficult for even professionals to decipher it in a short time, let alone Zhang Haoran.

But there is one thing that Zhang Haoran can be sure of.

That's the place with other players!

what are you waiting for?

The island's strongest **** stick should be dispatched!

One-stop service of stealing home, setting fire and running away, helping you start from scratch on the island and experience a new feeling!

Zhang Haoran is very good at this.

Zhang Haoran first looked at the surrounding environment to see if anyone was nearby.

The premise of doing bad things is to make sure you don't get caught.

Zhang Haoran is very familiar with this.

So after he was seen by Eva, he just left.

"Little Wolfdog is going to do something bad!"

"I see, his eyes have betrayed him."

"Hahahaha, I really don't know which group of players will be unlucky this time."

"No way, the show crew doesn't say anything, and the cat detective has disappeared, alas!"

"Actually, Detective Cat has not disappeared. He has been watching the screen silently, but he just stopped talking."

"So what are these markings carved into tree trunks for?"

The audience continued to discuss.

At the same time, in a secret stronghold in the beautiful country, a group of people were panicking.

"Oops, our code has been discovered!"

"It's this **** Zhang Haoran again. He's the biggest shitposter on the island, so he should be killed by a missile!"

Some people were outraged and roared.

The person next to him smashed the whisky bottle in his hand to the ground, and the blue veins burst out on his forehead.

"what should I do now?"

"There are only the last two groups of players left in our beautiful country, and there can be no surprises at all!"

"There is no other way, but to inform these two groups of players and stop all actions."

"As for these marks, hum, no one has enough evidence to say that they were carved out of the players to play when they pooped."

"That's the only way to do it, this **** Zhang Haoran, after the game is over, he must find a way to kill him!"


These people are conspiring.

Then, on the island, not far from Zhang Haoran, there was a group of players from the beautiful country, and they immediately received a reminder.

Their live-streaming bracelets are very obscure and vibrate reminders, three long and one short.

The two looked at each other immediately, and then one of them clutched his stomach.

"Ouch, Charlotte, I must have had a bad stomach at noon. It hurts a little now. I'm going to make it easier."

"Hey, I'm afraid there is something wrong with the food, and my stomach hurts too!"

After all, the two closed the live broadcast and began to discuss.

"Abigail, the signal just now can't be wrong, right?"

"The signal I received is three long and one short. Is this to stop all actions?!"

"What happened, are we exposed?"

Charlotte said, his face was very ugly, even more ugly than a real stomachache.

Abigail next to him also looked bad.

This is a group of players from Pretty Nation named Charlotte and Abigail.

The audience on China's side felt that the name Charlotte might have collided with the name of a movie called Charlotte Annoyance.

But in fact, Charlotte is also a relatively common name in the beautiful country, which means strong, and there is a city in the beautiful country named Charlotte.

In addition, there is a group of beautiful country players, who also received the signal.

Moreover, the distance between these two groups of remaining beautiful players is not far, only less than half a day!

Ordinary viewers don't know this, but it can't be hidden from the show crew, and people like cat detectives.

The program team has known about it for a long time, but there is nothing to do.

Because there is no rule that the distance between the two groups of players is not allowed to be too close!

Also, there is no explicit communication between the two groups of players!

"It turns out that these two groups of players have been communicating secretly, and they should be helping each other."

"Hehe, the beautiful country is very slippery."

In the cat detective's home, he had seen through everything and sneered.

Now the place where the two groups of players set up secret codes to communicate has been broken by Zhang Haoran, let's see how they will end!

Chapter 1007 Mutual help is bold

At this time, many viewers also noticed that something was wrong.

Although there are the most fools in the world, there are also many smart people with the population base there!

Even if there is only one smart person in a hundred people, there are more than 70 million smart people in the world.

"It's not right, I don't think it's right."

"Why after Zhang Haoran discovered these marks, not long after, the remaining two groups of beautiful country players all stopped the live broadcast."

"One group of players said they had a stomachache, and the other group said they wanted to take a shower. How could this be so coincidental?"

"There's something tricky here. I now seriously suspect that the mark on the tree is used by these two groups of players to communicate!"

"The beautiful country needs to give an explanation for this matter!"

"I'm so anxious, what is the truth of the matter, the cat detective hurry up and tell me!"

"There is definitely a conspiracy, I have already reported it to the program team, waiting for the result!"


A large audience began to discuss.

When things go wrong, there must be demons!

On this side of the beautiful country, it suddenly became anxious.

It's true that they are playing tricks. Everything was going well. Who would have thought that Zhang Haoran found this place, **** it!

In fact, even if you are passing by normally, you may not be able to find these marks. How can it be so coincidental?

This **** Zhang Haoran is really the biggest **** stirrer on the island!

More and more viewers felt that something was wrong, and they reported the situation to the program team.

On the island, the two groups of players from the beautiful country are still negotiating.

Charlotte and Abigail were both frowning.

It would be very unfavorable for them both to end all these actions.

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