Just to go to a new place to start developing, because the old place can no longer find prey.

"Damn, just find such a thing, who can eat it!"

Charlotte cursed.

The two were busy for a long time before they found a few bird eggs and some plants that could be eaten as wild vegetables.

"I can also cook a pot of egg drop soup."

"The prey is not so easy to find. I have hunted before, so I still go hunting with a shotgun. I may not get anything after a busy day, so be patient."

"And in this area, we have also caught a lot of prey, which has also led to fewer and fewer prey."

Abigail is a man of understanding, and he soothes the emotions of his teammates.

Of course, his heart was not easy, but he was more mature and knew how to ease his negative emotions.


"I want to eat meat, let's look for it."

Charlotte said.

Abigail nodded, and the two moved on, trying to hunt.

At this time, the sky was starting to dim, and Zhang Haoran saw a wooden house in front of him smoothly!

found it!

Zhang Haoran's eyes lit up and he was very excited.

The audience also became excited, Zhang Haoran, the biggest scumbag on the island and the great demon king of stealing and setting fires, is about to go online!

Chapter 1011 Haoran Sets Charlotte Troubled On Fire

Now is the best time!

Zhang Haoran discovered the opponent's hometown, and the opponent happened to be away!

He could already conclude that the player who left the mark on the tree was definitely not a player from China.

But now he still wants to make sure again before he starts.

Under the attention of the audience all over the world, Zhang Haoran brought Sirius to the front of the wooden house.

The beautiful country is already in a hurry!

"OH! NO!!!"

"Damn China, **** Zhang Haoran, stop him!"

"Oh god, I really want to kick his **** with my boots, **** it!"

"Charlotte and Abigail, two idiots, why haven't they gone home yet?"

"Hehe, because Charlotte wants to eat meat and continues to look for prey, he still eats meat, eat farts!"

"The house is going to be burnt, and the meat is eaten. When he comes back, just beat him to death!"

"Praise God, Praise the great and beautiful nation of liberty, Amen!"

"Who is yin and yang? Found you, my compatriot, the red scarf on your chest is as bright as fire, hahahahaha!"


In Charlotte and Abigail's live broadcast room, a lot of barrage poured out, basically all of them were cursing.

Mainly the audience of Beautiful Country, they scold Zhang Haoran, Shenzhou Kingdom, their own two contestants, the show team, and the heaven and the earth.

There are also some audiences in Shenzhou, who are constantly yin and yang, mocking them.

Great onmyoji per capita.

At present, the two are still looking for food outside, because they are not far from home anyway, and it is not completely dark now, so they can continue to hunt for a while.

Of course, the probability of being able to gain something is very low.

This area has basically been cleared, where can the prey be found?

Even if there is, it requires a lot of luck.

And it was clear that the two had bad luck.

At the same time, Zhang Haoran had brought Sirius into their wooden house.

Exactly which group of players is, the answer is about to come out.

In any case, it is absolutely impossible to be a player from China, because players from China will not do such a rude thing as a secret code.

"People are not there, but they haven't been away for too long."

Zhang Haoran glanced at it and quickly made his own inference.

There are still traces of human life left in the wooden house, which does not look like it has not lived in for a long time.

Because in a place like a tropical rain forest, it doesn't take long, only two or three days without people living, and there will be obvious changes in the house.

For example, some insects will start to squat, and things like spider webs will definitely exist.

But now the house is relatively clean, without these things.

In addition, some thatch and animal skins are used as sleeping places on the ground.

Even pillows have been made, which is a very simple pillow by folding a piece of animal skin and tying it up.

"There is only one pot here, how come there is no stored food?"

"It's useless if I want a pot!"

Zhang Haoran frowned.

It's really useless for him to ask for a pot.

Because his pot is enough, why do he need so many pots?

It's not like a chef like Su Xiaoqi, who can use all the pots for every meal.

For Zhang Haoran, even if there is no pot, he can still live well.

Therefore, Zhang Haoran was not happy at all when he saw a pot.

Then those animal skins, it was useless for him to take them, but he even had a sleeping bag.

"This group of players is really poor!"

Zhang Haoran shook his head and muttered to himself.

His remarks once again caused a critical blow to the audience on the beautiful country side.

You must know that the beautiful country is a powerful country in the world, a big country, and they were determined to win this game from the beginning.

Who would have thought that there were only the last two groups of players left, and they were ridiculed by Zhang Haoran.

The most uncomfortable thing is that Zhang Haoran is telling the truth.

This group of players is indeed poor!

Now I have no meat in my hands!

It's getting dark, and I'm still looking for dinner today. If I can't get prey, I can only cook a pot of egg drop soup to drink.

Isn't that what poverty is?

Zhang Haoran took a closer look at the wooden house and determined that there was nothing worth taking away.

He had to take the pot with him.

Take it away and find a remote place to bury it, so you can't leave it to your opponent.

It's as if someone was playing a chicken-eating game and picked up an airdrop. There were third-level heads and third-level armors in the airdrop, but he already had them and didn't need new ones.

With so many sets of armor, it is better to throw them into the sea than to cheapen the people who come after them.

In competitive competitions, there is no problem with this mentality.

Throwing and destroying things that you can't use, don't leave them to your opponents!

And now that Zhang Haoran is a stone hammer, this wooden house belongs to players from other countries.

Because he saw English engraved in the wooden house.

What are you waiting for?

After taking the pot away, Zhang Haoran started to make a fire.

Stealing the house and setting fire to the road is one-stop!

Now that the step of stealing the house has been completed, the next step is to set fire and run away.

Zhang Haoran is quite familiar with this routine.

Sirius squatted obediently at the door to guard him. As long as someone came, Sirius would immediately notify Zhang Haoran.

Throughout the process, though, neither Charlotte nor Abigail returned.

They are still out hunting!

On the side of the wooden house, a light of fire slowly appeared, and then spread quickly.

Zhang Haoran walked out of the wooden house, and the fire was blazing behind him.

This scene was immediately captured by netizens and widely circulated.

Various versions of the p-pictures have also come out. Some people have turned the wooden house in the back into a collapsed building, some people have turned it into an aircraft carrier, and some have turned it into a spaceship.

How to exaggerate.

Someone even put sunglasses and cigarettes on Zhang Haoran, and even Sirius didn't fall.

One person and one wolf, all wearing sunglasses, holding a Chinese child, and pulling a group.

The sky was dark, and the firelight illuminated the jungle. Zhang Haoran took Sirius and quickly escaped into the jungle and disappeared into the night.

"Hahahahaha! Haoran shot and set fire to the beautiful house!"

"Last time, the cherry blossom hut was set on fire, and then the angry Neon country players went to burn the beautiful country's wooden hut. This time Zhang Haoran did it himself!"

"Charlotte should really be troubled now!"

"God is so annoying to Charlotte, hahahaha!"

"Actually, the name Abigail is also very interesting. Are they going back now?"

"The latest news, the two returned without success, and they are about to see the burned wooden house, hahahaha!"

"Not only is the wooden house smoking now, but some people in the beautiful country are also angry about smoking!"


A lot of discussion sounded.

The whole world is hotly discussing this matter, and it quickly rushed to the major hot search lists.

"Oh, let's go back."

"Let's drink egg drop soup tonight, add more water, and you can also fill your stomach."

Charlotte bowed her head dejectedly.

Abigail nodded helplessly, and the two began to walk back.

"I don't know what happened, it will suddenly come..."

Charlotte continued to speak, but was immediately interrupted by Abigail.

"Cough cough!"

Abigail coughed violently.

Charlotte was stunned for a moment before she could react.

He knew that he had missed his mouth, so he quickly rounded it up.

"Suddenly there will be... fire!"

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