Charlotte looked up and saw that in the jungle, the fire was soaring into the sky, and the air began to be filled with the smell of burning smoke!

That's the way home!

Chapter 1012 The end has just begun

The fire is soaring!


That's where their log cabin is!

The two were stunned on the spot, and then the whole body shook!

"What happened?!"

Abigail let out a roar, and started running back.

Charlotte followed close behind, her eyes popping out in surprise.

All right, how could there be a fire?

The first reaction in their hearts was, could it have something to do with the signal sent during the day?

The above requires the termination of all actions, and temporarily cannot have any dealings with another group of players.

That was in the afternoon, and then at night, the house caught fire?

It's a coincidence that they naturally have associations.

But the worst thing is that they are still broadcasting live, and they have no way to discuss this matter openly.

And it's too late to discuss, now no matter what, we must hurry back to put out the fire!

The two ran back as fast as they could.

As the distance shortened, they finally saw the scene ahead.

It was indeed the wooden house of the two of them, which was burning brightly!

The entire wooden house has been completely covered by fire, burning very fast, the night is illuminated, and the heat wave can be felt from a distance!

How does this put out a fire?


"Use a pot to scoop water, then use water to put out the fire!"

Charlotte waved her arms and shouted.

But Abigail shook her head.

"It's too late, the house is gone."

"The pot is in the house, so I can't go in and get it."

"Even if you get it, it won't be useful. A pot of water is a drop in the bucket for this wooden house."

Abigail said in a hoarse voice.

Of course he doesn't know the idiom of Shenzhou, and the word "drop in the bucket" is a translated meaning.

At this point they didn't know it, their pot was no longer in the house.

But on Zhang Haoran's body.

Zhang Haoran took Sirius and left here as quickly as possible.

Because Zhang Haoran deduced that although this group of players was not at home, they were definitely in the vicinity. As long as the wooden house was on fire, they would soon find out and rush back.

Now, he ran out a certain distance and felt that it was enough, and then he stopped.

Looking back, you can see the burning fire of the wooden house, which is very beautiful and dazzling in the dark night.

"This group of players is basically finished."

"I think it is. There was no food to eat. Now the house has been burned and the pots have been taken away. How can we continue?"

"Originally they wanted to drink egg drop soup, but now that there is no pot, how can they cook soup?"

"Hahahaha, this wave of little wolf dogs is too bad, I like it!"

"When did the little wolfdog let us down?"

"Now this group of players only has a sapphire shovel, a backpack, and a little bit of food today. If this happened to me, I could sit on the ground and cry."

"It's almost there, you see, Charlotte has already sat down. She's not crying now, but she's about to cry."


The audience kept talking.

Some people can't even care about eating, and their eyes have been staring at the live broadcast screen.

And it's still a bit difficult to see. I want to see the situation on Charlotte and Abigail's side, and I want to see the situation on Zhang Haoran's side.

It is foreseeable that tonight will be another sleepless night for many people.

At this moment, Charlotte was paralyzed, sitting on the ground, looking at the fire in front of her.

Abigail was still standing, but felt her legs go weak.

He was sure it was definitely artificial.

The temperature in the tropical rain forest is very high, but it is also relatively humid!

For no reason, it is impossible to create such a big fire by yourself!

who did it?

What exactly happened?

Abigail, who had just run back, was sweating profusely, but at this moment she felt a chill.

In the afternoon, I received a signal to terminate all contact with the other group of players, and now my hometown is burned down, which must be related.

There were many guesses in Abigail's heart.

Did the other group of players betray the country, a traitor inserted by another country?

Or was the plan revealed and their cheating discovered?

The latter is more likely, so who did this?

There are a total of 100 groups of players on the island. He knows that it is impossible to still have 100 groups, but there must be many left.

The scope is so large that there is no way to lock it, not even the object of suspicion.

Chase now?

No kidding, which way to chase?

It was already dark, and it was even more difficult to find the trail and direction of the enemy's departure. It was doomed to be futile.

Finally, Abigail sighed, sat down beside Charlotte, and patted him on the shoulder.


"Charlotte, we're done."

Abigail said.

Hearing his words, Charlotte couldn't help crying and started to cry.

"Fuck! Fuck!"

"Don't let me know who did it, I'm going to kill him!"

"kill him!!"

Charlotte is out of anger now, he wants to kill!

In fact, he had killed people, but it was covered up in the past.

He used to be a police officer in a beautiful country. Once he met a black man and asked him to show his driver's license.

When he went to dig his pockets, he thought he was going to take a gun, so he quickly shot and killed him...

It's a joke on the internet, but it's what really happened to Charlotte.

Of course, he had no guilt at all.

And because he has some background, this matter is not settled in the end. This is a beautiful country, a magical and free country.

"It's over, this group is over."

"All the accumulation in the early stage was destroyed, and even the standard materials for the program team are not complete now, there is no pot!"

"Zhang Haoran eats by himself, what's the use of him asking for a pot?"

"I see. He can't use it himself. He would rather throw it away and destroy it than leave the pot."

"Zhang Haoran should be stabbed by a thousand swords! I heard that there is an ancient punishment in the Shenzhou Kingdom called Ling Chi, which is the most suitable for Zhang Haoran!"

"No, no, in fact, the most cruel thing is to cut off the limbs, gouge out the eyes, tongue, and nose, turn people into human husks, and raise them in pigsties. It seems that some people have been treated like this in the history of Shenzhou!"

"Okay! When the game is over, be sure to catch Zhang Haoran and torture him!"

"He deserves to die, no matter how cruel the punishment is!"


The audience on the beautiful country side are cursing fiercely, and they want to catch Zhang Haoran and torture him frantically.

Someone had already imagined such a picture, with a terrifying smile on his face.

For such a thing, China will definitely not tolerate it.

Soon, the relevant departments of China State made a statement, first contacting the official program team, banning these mad guys, and then issuing a statement, severely condemning!

Zhang Haoran is a legal citizen of China and is protected by China. Who dares to touch him? !

So far, although this matter is still being discussed by netizens all over the world, many people think that it has come to an end.

Charlotte and Abigail were unable to find Zhang Haoran, who had already fled.

That should be it tonight.

But only a few people know, maybe this is just the beginning!

Chapter 1013 I Have Evidence But I'm Just Playing If I Don't Say It

For most viewers, they thought it was over.

But for some, this is just the beginning.

The reason is very simple, because they can know that Zhang Haoran's escape direction is actually where another group of beautiful players is located!

The beautiful country was completely panicked, and they didn't even bother to care about the situation of Charlotte and Abigail.

They are already like this, it is a foregone conclusion.

But for the remaining group of players, Zhang Haoran must not be harmed!

Could it be that Zhang Haoran is going to completely destroy the beautiful country tonight?

A dignified superpower, there are seven groups of players participating in the competition, so far only the last two groups are left, but they will all fall into Zhang Haoran's claws!

If Zhang Haoran harms another group of players next, it will directly force the beautiful country to the edge of the cliff!

Just one step is the abyss, and the entire army is directly annihilated!

This result is really unacceptable for the beautiful country.

At present, there are many people in the beautiful country discussing this matter.

"We should inform the last group of players and tell them the situation!"

"Yeah, if Zhang Haoran forced them to retire in the past, or retire directly, then our beautiful country would almost be wiped out!"

"But how to inform them?"

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