Abigail turned to look at him and said.

"If the house is gone, it can be rebuilt. If the pot is gone, you can find a way to replace it with other things. There will always be a way."

"I've seen videos on the Internet, and there are people who use stones to bake food. You can bake it directly on the wood without using stones!"

"Our most important issue is still the same, which is the issue of food."

I have to say, Abigail sees the problem very clearly.

His words came to the crucial point.

As long as there is enough food, nothing is really a problem.

But food is also the biggest problem.

"I found something like this today!"

"how to eat!"

Charlotte howled.

Seeing this, Abigail sighed.

This guy really can't stand setbacks.

There's not enough food, what's the use of howling here?

You have to find a way to solve the problem!

"Since we can't find enough food here, let's go elsewhere."

"It happens that the house is gone, let's move directly and find a place with sufficient food!"

Abigail said.

In fact, he has long wanted to move.

Recently, he has been relying on another group of players to help, in fact, his heart is very uncomfortable.

In his heart, he does not agree with this kind of cheating, and has always been worried that clues will be discovered.

However, this is the above request, and he dare not refuse to listen.

Well now, just take this opportunity to move and start a new life.

Such a big island, can people starve to death?


Abigail is also a ruthless man, and he made the decision directly.

"Well said, as expected of Abigail!"

"People in our beautiful country will not easily admit defeat."

"Actually, it's long overdue to move, and many players have already moved successfully!"

"But moving is also a dangerous thing. Some people died during the move, and others were injured. For example, the two gold medalists from China."

"Like the Earthworms and the Bards, they all moved successfully."

"Yes, these two groups have no shortage of food in a short period of time, especially the earthworm team. They can still eat earthworms at the end of the road. Why can't other people think of this?"

"Perhaps I thought about it, but I don't want to do it. I'm so old and I haven't eaten earthworms yet. Just thinking about it makes me sick."


A large number of viewers were discussing in the live broadcast room, and the barrage scrolled wildly.

On the side of Charlotte and Abigail, as Abigail made a decision, Charlotte had no choice but to nod.

Then move on and give it a try.

Although Charlotte is not as calm and calm as Abigail, he is not willing to admit defeat in his heart, and he does not want to retire just like that.

"I definitely won't be able to leave tonight, so just stay here for now."

"After eating our food, we have to eat."

Abigail said.

Both of them ran back just now, but the eggs harvested today were well protected by them and did not break.

They really threw the bird eggs into the flames and baked them. As for the wild vegetables, they just washed them and ate them.

After the poor dinner, the two of them continued to sit next to each other, looking at the burning wooden house.

I have to say, this wooden house is quite durable.

With this posture, it can burn for at least an hour or two.

Some in the audience thought they should learn to have fun and start dancing around the bonfire.

good guy!

People dance around the bonfire, usually there is a lot to eat, drink, and some people sing, they have a fart!

Charlotte does seem to be able to sing, but how can he sing now?

I remember that he sang in the live broadcast before, it was a good harvest, and when he was in a good mood, he could sing two voices.

Now it's good that he doesn't cry.

"I'll go to bed if I have nothing to do, good night everyone."

"That's it. I'm going to bed too. I'll have a vacation tomorrow and go out drinking with my friends."

"Envy, I want to drink too."

"Alcohol is a carcinogen, don't touch a drop!"

"Oxygen is also poisonous. It turns out that it is difficult for people who breathe oxygen every day to live to be 100 years old."

"I'm here! Water is also poisonous. It's hard to live to be a hundred years old if you drink it every day."

"Outrageous, outrageous, outrageous."


Many viewers were chatting and chatting, and they got sleepy and went to sleep one after another.

Otherwise, there are benefits to staying up late!

After nearly two hours passed, Zhang Haoran and Sirius stopped.

Zhang Haoran didn't know that there were still players ahead. He wanted to stop and find a place to rest.

But at this time, he saw a faint fire in the distance!

Chapter 1015 Contest

When he saw the fire, the whole person was stunned and dumbfounded.

For a time, he even suspected that he had encountered a ghost hitting the wall.

But the next moment, he reacted immediately.

This is definitely not some ghost hitting the wall, but he met another group of players!

What day is it today?

Zhang Haoran really did not expect that he would meet another group of players!

But when he thought about it carefully, he understood.

All of this is unexpected, but it is reasonable and quite reasonable.

He first found the cipher carved into the trunk, and then to Charlotte and Abigail's cabin.

Now meet another group of players.

And the position of the trunk code is actually in the middle of the two groups of players, which is the most suitable place for the two groups to trade secretly!

Case solved.

Zhang Haoran suddenly realized and understood everything.

In this case, he does not intend to let this group of players go.

It is nothing more than another operation of stealing the house and setting fire to run away, which he is very familiar with.

"Calculate the time, it should be almost right?"

"If anyone really wants to come."

At this time, on the side of Noah and Benjamin, the two were talking.

Now that they have closed the live broadcast, they can naturally discuss issues without fear of being seen as abnormal by the audience.

"So what happened?"

"According to the original plan, I had to go to the other group tonight to give something to eat. That group is really useless. How can there be no food reserves?"

Benjamin spoke, his brows furrowed, worried.

This group of them has been helping the other group for some time.

Because of the limited information that the cipher can convey, they don't know what happened to that group of players.

But it was obvious that there was not enough food in that group.

"I deduce that someone must have discovered our secret code."

"That's why the above is asking to stop some actions."

Noah said.

"Now the person who discovered the code should be moving in our direction, so the signal will be sent from above to inform us of the danger and let us prepare in advance."

Noah is right.

At present, the two are staying in the wooden house, but they have been looking out and observing.

As for the fire, it was the bonfire they used to have dinner, and it has not been extinguished yet, so a certain degree of visibility can be guaranteed.

If someone is coming, you can see it quickly with the help of the firelight.

"The enemy may not have shut down the live broadcast, so we have to be careful when we talk and don't miss out."

"Before he launches an attack, he can't take the initiative to attack, otherwise he will be judged to be in violation."


Noah is explaining some precautions.

If he could, he wanted to keep as many comers as possible and retire them!

Hearing this, Benjamin nodded again and again.

He is a main fighting faction, and has always hoped that the beautiful country can attack the Shenzhou country and destroy the Shenzhou country.

There are other countries, and they should all kneel and surrender at the feet of the beautiful country!

Therefore, he also has great malice towards players from other countries.

He had always hoped that a battle could take place directly on the island, killing other players!

There is no doubt that this is a militant, a dangerous one.

At this time, Zhang Haoran became careful, and he asked Sirius to pay attention not to make any noise.

Because Sirius still likes to howl from time to time.

Afterwards, Zhang Haoran did not advance rashly, but stopped and began to think about countermeasures.

Many viewers are excited, this is the benefit of staying up late!

"Little Wolfdog found a group of players, which group is this?"

"It seems to be another group of players from the beautiful country, called Noah and Benjamin!"

"My God! There are only two groups of players left in the beautiful country, and they were all discovered by Zhang Haoran?!"

"Quick! Burn them for fun!"

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