"The distance between these two groups of players is very close, and they are still from the same country. Think about those secret codes!"

"It's a stone hammer. Some great gods have already issued their own analysis on the Internet, but there is not enough evidence to show that these two groups of players are really fornicating, so there is no way to do it."

"Isn't this the obvious thing? Hurry up and let both groups retire!"

"Don't worry, wouldn't it be more interesting to watch them struggle slowly?"

"That's right, they are not destined to win the championship anyway, even if they persist for more than 300 days?"


Zhang Haoran's live broadcast room exploded in an instant!

As long as people who didn't sleep, basically poured into this live broadcast room.

Even if they fell asleep, many of them were woken up by friends, and they quickly picked up their mobile phones to watch the live broadcast.

Except for a very small number of insiders, other viewers could not know about this in advance, so seeing it now, they are all extremely shocked.

In a short period of time, Zhang Haoran found the only two groups of beautiful Chinese players left in a row!

There is no doubt that this is a big event that can shock the world!

Zhang Haoran has just completed the one-stop operation of stealing the house and setting fire to the road, so will he do it again now?

This thing, for a small group of people, is actually playing a clear card.

But for the majority of the audience, there are still ups and downs, which they did not expect.

No way, there is information gap between them.

Those who truly know the truth are always in the minority.

At this time, Zhang Haoran was thinking about what to do not far from the wooden house.

He thought a lot.

Don't look at Zhang Haoran growing up with wolves since he was a child, out of touch with modern society, but his learning ability is very strong and his brain is also very smart.

He has already guessed that this group of players may have known about his arrival!

Even if he doesn't know, he has to deal with it as he knows and plan for the worst.

First of all, the first element must be to ensure the safety of himself and Sirius.

Then it's a matter of how to deal with this group of players.

A large number of spectators were watching intently, waiting for Zhang Haoran's operation.

But Zhang Haoran has been holding his troops still, as if he is trying to be patient!

It's a contest!

The two people in the wooden house were also anxious.

Time has been passing, but the enemy they think about has never arrived, is it a mistake?

Noah is better, but Benjamin has lost his temper.

"Why don't I go out and have a look."

"I pretend to wake up at night, go out to pee, and observe the situation around me by the way."

Benjamin suggested.

He dared to say that, and he was justified.

There are not many ordinary people who can participate in the competition, but basically some talented people.

As for Benjamin, he has a certain night vision ability and is more dominant at night.

I dare not say that you can see particularly clearly in the dark, but it is also much stronger than ordinary people.

Thinking of Benjamin's special ability, Noah also nodded.

The imaginary enemy has never arrived, and his heart is also a little anxious.

Then, the door of the wooden house was opened, and Benjamin came out.

On the surface, he whistled and walked to a tree and started urinating.

But in fact, he was quickly observing the surrounding environment to see if there was anything unusual.

And halfway through the urine, he also flicked it, pretending to be playing a sniper, and observing the other direction by the way.

Three hundred and sixty degrees without dead ends, read them all!

Chapter 1016 Haoran was discovered

Zhang Haoran hid in a nearby tree and stared at Benjamin.

He didn't know that Benjamin had a certain night vision ability, so he didn't go to hide it.

That's why he was seen by Benjamin!

At this time, Benjamin had an earthquake in his pupils!

When he saw Zhang Haoran squatting on the tree, he only felt that the hairs on his whole body were about to explode.

Intuition tells him that this person is very dangerous!

But on the surface, he didn't show any sound, but shivered a little, then went back to the wooden house and closed the door.

"How about it?"

In the wooden house, Noah asked.

Benjamin took a deep breath, sat down, and looked at Noah.

"I saw someone."

"Squatting on a tree at seven o'clock, staring at us all the time."

Benjamin's words made Noah's heart tremble.

Although they have made an inference, when this inference is verified, they can't help but be shocked.

"Sure enough, there are other players coming, and they are eyeing us!"

Noah felt a toothache.

How to deal with this situation now?

"I really want to go out and beat him!"

Benjamin licked his lips and said.

In the darkness, Noah glared at him.

"That's illegal!"

"Do you see who it is?"

Noah asked.

"I know the violation, so I just think about it."

"I can't see clearly, like a savage, could it be the natives of the island?"

Benjamin replied.

Zhang Haoran's current appearance is indeed not a good compliment.

The audience who likes him knows what he looked like and can remember his appearance.

But now he, and when he just landed on the island, were like two people.

Because he didn't trim his hair, his beard, which is already very long now.

It does look like a savage.

However, Benjamin's statement was immediately denied by Noah.

Noah glanced at him and shook his head secretly.

In addition to a little special ability, this teammate is still relatively poor in other aspects.

When the team was assigned, he didn't really want to team up with Benjamin.

He'd rather be with Bill, or maybe with Thomas.

Because he thinks these two are the strongest.

However, after the above consideration, let these two strongest form a team, strong alliance.

As for Noah, he matched Benjamin.

He didn't think much of Benjamin in his heart, but he paid attention and didn't show it.

"There must be no natives on this island."

"Before the start of the competition, the program team has carried out preliminary exploration of the island, and there can be no humans on the island."

Noah said.

This person must be a player.

So what should we do now?

Noah also felt a headache. Now this person is staring there, and he doesn't do anything. It's not good for them to attack directly.

Whoever attacks the other side first will violate the rules.

Damn rules!

If there is no such rule, now they can just rush out and kill this guy who doesn't know where he came from!

But now, because of such rules, they can only live in this wooden house!

Especially Benjamin, he is a belligerent himself, and he hopes that the island can directly start a big fight, attack, and hunt other players!

Of course, this can only be imagined, this situation is impossible.

That's not a wilderness survival game, but a real chicken-eating game.

The current situation is that the two players are in a stalemate.

This made the audience anxious.

"Why is there no movement at all?"

"Just now someone came out to pee, and then it was gone."

"That person is so sassy, ​​pee, I can't wait to pee to the sky!"

"There is a situation! That person is Benjamin, a beautiful country player. It is said that he has night vision. Maybe he has discovered Zhang Haoran!"

"What? No way! Zhang Haoran has been discovered?"

"Really or not, this guy has night vision?"


The audience is still talking.

And some people are already worried.

Because they all know that for Zhang Haoran, the biggest advantage is that the enemy is in the open and I am in the dark.

And now if he is exposed, then no matter what he does, he will be more passive.

For example, if Zhang Haoran is going to steal his home now.

You can't steal it at all.

Everyone knew he was here, how could he steal it?

Want to set fire?

Can there be a chance?

too difficult!

Originally, everyone thought that Zhang Haoran could win another victory this time, and give Huo Huo the last group of players from the beautiful country.

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