Anyway, Li Guang is definitely not wanting to eat bear's paw again, and he will never want to eat it in this life.

And those bear meat, which doesn't taste good either.

Although it is a rare ingredient, it tastes not as good as the fish in the lake.

"Don't think about those that are missing, there are still many things in this area waiting for us to explore and harvest."

"Let's not talk about it from a distance, just the lotus root in the lake, I can see it, but I can't eat it. I've been greedy for a long time, you know?"

Leng Feng said, looking at the lotus on the lake.

Knowing that there are lotus roots underwater, but there is no way to get them, which is really uncomfortable.

It's like you know that there are 100 million in the safe in front of you, and if you open it, it's yours, but you just can't open it.


"I've thought of a few ways, but you've denied them all."

Li Guang scratched his head.

For example, build a canoe and row over there.

But this is also quite dangerous, and it was directly rejected by the cold wind.

First of all, they are not familiar with how to build a canoe, and there is a high probability of failure.

Secondly, even if the canoe is built and launched into the water, if there is any big guy in the water, let's not talk about it, it will be black caiman.

Chapter 1019 Five eggs kill two soldiers

I can see it, but I can't eat it.

Lengfeng's words actually expressed the distress of many people.

Not to mention, there is such a poor person on the island, who is almost the same as Leng Feng.

He is Ye Han.

Many viewers are actually very curious, Ye Han sleeps with Xiao Qi every night, how did he hold back?

How much willpower does this require?

What everyone doesn't know is that the most important thing Ye Han lacks is willpower.

Without a tenacious will, he can't play extreme sports.

Of course, when it's time to solve it, it still has to be solved. It's definitely impossible for Ye Han to let the audience see such a thing.

At this time, the audience is also discussing how to eat lotus root.

At present, the only group of contestants on the island who got lotus roots are Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi.

However, it was Ye Han's luck that he found a pond with lotus flowers growing in it.

If it was in the lake, then Ye Han had nothing to do.

"Professor Yuan, what do you think about this?"

In the Lengfeng live broadcast room, Xiaoliang asked.

Today, Xiao Liang and Professor Yuan are in the same frame, and they are in charge of explaining Leng Feng's live broadcast room, so there are quite a lot of viewers in this live broadcast room.

"How do I see, I see with my eyes."

Professor Yuan made a joke and everyone laughed.

Then, he started to get serious.

"The first thing to be sure is that you can't go into the water anyway."

"This must be guaranteed, otherwise it will be too risky and life-threatening at any time."

Professor Yuan said.

The little bright spot nodded, revealing the solemn expression of the Tibetan fox.

Once you get into the water, if you encounter any beasts in the water, even if Leng Feng is good at it, I am afraid it will not escape death.

It would be stupid to risk your life in order to eat lotus root.

There may also be crocodiles in the water, or some terrifying creatures like green anacondas.

And in addition to these two creatures, some other creatures will also threaten human life.

For example, electric eels, such as piranhas, are also killers hidden in the water.

Leng Feng and Li Guang have not found these creatures yet, but this does not mean that there must be no such creatures in the water!

"Then about the way to build the ship, in fact, as long as the ship is big enough, nothing will happen."

"A crocodile can topple a canoe, but can it topple a ship?"

"Of course, in order to eat lotus roots, spending a lot of time building a big boat is also not good."

"Then we can consider it from a different angle. As long as there is something that can't be overturned, isn't it alright?"

Professor Yuan continued to speak, and his ideas made many people feel bright.

Who says you have to use a boat on the water?

As long as it can ensure that people can move on the water and will not be overturned by the creatures in the water.

In this way, the operability becomes much stronger.

There's no need to spend time and energy making a big boat, but what if it's a big wooden raft?

The minds of many viewers were instantly opened.

It seems that this is the gap between them and Professor Yuan.

Even Xiao Liang was amazed and couldn't help applauding Professor Yuan.

"Listening to your words is like listening to a seat..."

"Ah! Listen to Jun's words, it's better than ten years of study, Professor Yuan, how do you have such a brain?"

Xiaoliang exclaimed.

And also almost mouthed, came a nonsense literature.

Professor Yuan waved his hands again and again.

"It's just to think about the problem from a different angle, it's not as exaggerated as you said."

"Lengfeng and Li Guang are also smart people. I believe they can definitely think of a way."

"Of course, this is still a stupid way. I think the best way is to make a piece of equipment that can dip into the water and find a way to remotely take the lotus root."

Professor Yuan said a few more words.

Xiaoliang nodded again and again.

Of course, this method of making equipment is still difficult.

Anyway, in a word, in a word, it is very difficult for the scenery CP to eat lotus root.

The two also knew in their hearts that Leng Feng did not force it. At this stage, his main goal was to build the house first and gain a firm foothold here.

Before I knew it, it was noon.

The players on the island basically started to eat, and many spectators also began to choose suitable players, watching the players eat, and eating with them.

Ye Han's live broadcast room became deserted.

The most numerous are Charlotte and Abigail from the United States.

That is, the trouble brother and the pen cover in everyone's mouth.

The two started from scratch and spent the entire morning walking through the jungle.

Both were very hungry.

And so far, the mentality has not been completely adjusted.

Well done, the house is gone, the pot is gone.

After suffering such a big loss, I don't even know who did it.

Who is this changed, who can not be angry?

So wrong!

This incident is a disaster, a disaster from heaven!

"Abigail, I'm so hungry!"

"Let's eat something quickly."

Annoyed brother Charlotte said.

Abigail heard the words and looked at the time.

It's almost time for lunch, but they have lunch there?

All morning, except for five more bird eggs and some plants, there was nothing else.

It would be nice to have a pot of soup, but now they both don't have a pot.

A lot of things are the same, only when you lose them do you know how to cherish them.

Usually they don't take this pot as the same thing, but now I know that a pot is really important.

"Eat, eat."

"Eat these things and rest."

"It's too hot, let's wait until it's a little cooler before we move on."

Abigail said.

Then the question arises, how should the five eggs be distributed?

Charlotte must have wanted to eat them all, but Abigail was thinking, how could she eat three and let Charlotte eat two.

"Well, I think you like to eat these plants."

"I'll give you all the plants, and give you two more eggs. The remaining three eggs are mine."

Abigail said.

Charlotte: ? ? ?

Others are stupid, which eye do you see that I love to eat these **** plants?

Chewing on the mouth full of bitterness, if it can't fill the stomach, who would eat this stuff!

Abigail is not talking about martial arts!

The audience all laughed, and many audience members in the beautiful country were very worried.

Don't fight these two over food distribution!

Someone also said this: In ancient times, there were two peaches who killed three scholars, but today there are five eggs who killed two scholars.

"No, it's more or less the same."

Charlotte quickly objected.

Abigail's head hurts, and Charlotte is not a good person, so forget it, you can't annoy him.

Don't look at him stupid, but he's still bad!

"It's better to divide them all equally, which is the most fair."

"Okay, let's make a fire and bake the eggs."

Abigail waved his hand, and the two started making a fire.

However, while collecting dead leaves, Abigail suddenly made a new discovery.

falling leaves everywhere

Some common sense about earthworms flashed through his mind quickly.

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