The protein content of this thing seems to be 32 times that of beef, so it is edible!

Then, his whole body suddenly trembled.

He didn't dare to say anything else on this island, but there must be countless earthworms!

Chapter 1020 The birth of a new earthworm team

Abigail has discovered a new world!

Earthworms are a very cost-effective food, and there must be a large number of earthworms on the island, which can be found by digging the ground.

He quickly grabbed the worm and laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Look what I found!"

He took the earthworm and handed it to Charlotte.

Charlotte looked at it, then froze.

"Isn't this an earthworm?"

"You haven't seen earthworms? What's the fuss about that?"

Charlotte said.

The smile on Abigail's face froze.

It seems that his evaluation of this guy is really right, stupid and bad.

"Earthworms are very rich in protein and are a very good food."

"Hunting is difficult, but you can find a lot of earthworms by digging into the dirt!"

"In the absence of food, we can stick to it temporarily by eating earthworms!"

After listening to Abigail's words, Charlotte thought for a while.

He suddenly felt very reasonable!

"That's okay!"

"Let's start digging, dig more earthworms out, but I don't know if this stuff is delicious."

Charlotte said.

As for whether it tastes good or not, you can only know after eating it.

It is still more important to dig earthworms now.

The actions of these two people shocked the audience all over the world.

Of course, it wasn't because they were surprised that they wanted to eat earthworms, but because there was another group of bugs that learned to eat earthworms!

"The second group of earthworms has appeared!"

"Sure enough, I knew that other players would think of eating earthworms, but I didn't expect it to appear so soon."

"Then what should be the name of this team, the second team of earthworms?"

"I think it's okay, let's call the second team of earthworms."

"Then from this point of view, this group will not be in danger of being eliminated in a short period of time. They can eat earthworms all the time."

"No one wants to eat earthworms all the time. The earthworm team doesn't eat earthworms anymore."

"Really? I haven't paid much attention to the earthworm team recently. I'll go take a look."


Audiences all over the world are talking about it.

The audience on the beautiful country side breathed a sigh of relief.

Many people began to tip and praise Abigail.

After Abigail discovered that he can eat earthworms, this group of players is not at risk of being eliminated in a short period of time.

At the same time, a part of the audience came to the earthworm team.

The orthodox earthworm team, from the rot country, the two are Baker and Taylor.

They haven't had much attention from viewers for a while now.

The reason is very simple, because life is dull.

After finding a suitable place to live, they built their house, set traps around, patrolled every day, and hunted.

Then there are only two things left to eat and sleep, and there is no turbulence.

At present, the two are also eating, but they are not eating earthworms.

They haven't eaten earthworms for a while. They have the meat of their prey to eat. Who loves to eat earthworms!

Therefore, their earthworm team is no longer worthy of its name.

Now there's a new team of Earthworms, Charlotte and Abigail!

After a wave of spectators came, they quickly left.

Not much to see, let's go back and see how the new Earthworm team is doing.

At this time, the two had already obtained a lot of earthworms through digging.

Charlotte squatted by the stream, washed the worms, and pierced the worms with thin sticks.

Not to mention, it's quite fun, as if making your own skewers.

"I'll grill a bunch first!"

Abigail is in charge of the barbecue, he said, and put a bunch of cooked earthworms into his mouth.

Charlotte by the stream temporarily stopped what she was doing and looked at Abigail with anticipation.


"It tastes good, it would be nice to have some seasoning on it."

"Don't tell me it's an earthworm, I think it's a barbecue!"

Abigail exclaimed.


"Give me a bunch to try!"

Charlotte is in a hurry, he wants to eat too.

Abigail gave him a bunch of them, but he didn't care about burning them, so he hurriedly put them in his mouth and chewed them.

It tastes good, and it tastes like meat, delicious!

When you are hungry, everything you eat will taste delicious, and the two of them eat like crazy.

The first wave of earthworms excavated was quickly eaten up, and the two of them also ate all the eggs and plants, and then continued to dig earthworms.

No matter what you say today, you have to eat a full meal.

For the next time, the two have been digging for earthworms, then cleaning and grilling.

A large number of earthworms entered their stomachs.

These two people will not have any risk of being eliminated for the time being, unless they are unlucky and encounter an invincible beast.

In fact, this is also a small probability event.

Then many people in the beautiful country began to worry about another group of players.

That is, Noah and Benjamin.

Now that Noah is watching, Benjamin starts to sleep.

This night, until now, Benjamin's spirit has been highly tense, and now he lies down and closes his eyes and starts snoring.

Noah was upset, so he walked out of the wooden house and looked around.

He was very anxious.

This guy who looks like a savage still doesn't know which country he is a player from or where his accomplices are. Everything is unknown.

I'm afraid it will be difficult in the future, so beware of this person at all times.

As a result, the pressure will be great.

I have to figure out a way to get rid of this person.

Noah is thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

At this time, Zhang Haoran, who brought him great pressure, opened his eyes.

After Meimei slept, Zhang Haoran was full of energy.

He started to prepare lunch.

While he was sleeping, Sirius was guarding under the tree. If there was any danger approaching, Sirius would immediately issue a reminder.

So Zhang Haoran slept peacefully and steadfastly.

"Sirius, hard work."

Zhang Haoran rubbed Sirius' head, and then started to make a fire to roast the meat.

The opponent is thinking about how to solve him, but he is also thinking about how to harm the opponent.

If you go to kill directly, it will definitely not work.

And if let Sirius bite it?

There are many spectators who actually think this way. As long as Zhang Haoran sends Sirius to attack these two, there is a high probability that these two will retire.

But in Zhang Haoran's view, this method is not enough.

Because this would put Sirius in danger.

There are basically no weak people who can participate in the competition.

Of course, when he thought of this, Zhang Haoran automatically eliminated Zhu Chuanchuan. He believed that Zhu Chuanchuan was a complete weakling and was not qualified to survive in this wilderness.

But he didn't say it.

Before the start of the game, he also had contact with players such as Lengfeng, after all, they were all from China.

Therefore, he believes that the two carefully selected players have the strength to threaten Sirius.

Perhaps Sirius can force these two to retire, but I am afraid that it will also cause harm to Sirius, which is something he does not allow to happen.

In the eyes of many people, isn't Sirius a wolf?

But for Zhang Haoran, Sirius is his relative.

It is impossible for him to let Sirius take risks in order to eliminate two players.

Of course, if there is a chance, on the premise of ensuring the safety of Sirius, Zhang Haoran does not mind letting Sirius bite the enemy.

He is not pedantic, and letting Sirius take action is equivalent to the bug of the card program group, who would pass up such a good opportunity?

"Not in a hurry."

Zhang Haoran thought to himself, and then he started to share today's lunch with Sirius.

Chapter 1021 I think of happy things

One person and one wolf, eating mouth full of oil.

It's just the simplest barbecue, but this is also out of reach for many players.

According to some statistics, there are still more than ten groups of players on the island, and they dare not eat meat.

It's because of not enough food.

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