Among the remaining players, there are still quite a few, who always maintain two meals a day to save food.

Having enough food now does not mean that it will be available in the future. You must plan ahead.

There are not many people who dare to eat like this, and most of them are players from China. Are you angry?

People from the beautiful country now hate the Chinese players, especially Zhang Haoran.

For Ye Han, it was a loss of temper. He had the ability and luck was very good.

For Lengfeng, he has no temper. Lengfeng's hard power is there, and he dares to kill no matter what it is.

For the gold medal team, they still have no temper. They found the venom that seals the throat with blood.

Anyway, the players of China State are basically all against the sky.

There are only two groups of players left in the beautiful country, and both groups are very dangerous by a Zhang Haoran.

Many people have already made up their minds, just waiting for Zhang Haoran's game to end, and trying to kill this **** savage!

The situation on the island was messed up by him from the very beginning.

He is the initiator, the culprit!

It is conceivable that as long as he is still on the island, he will pose a huge threat to other players from time to time!

Some people have even begun to use some evil methods to target Zhang Haoran.

For example, some so-called wizards abroad have launched various curses on Zhang Haoran.

But this doesn't even work. Zhang Haoran slept well and ate deliciously.

Time passed, and a large number of players had already finished their lunch and started their afternoon work.

On Ye Han's side, continue to lead the team to explore Bisheng Mountain.

"It's so hot!"

"It would be nice if I could eat ice cream at this time."

Su Xiaoqi wiped the sweat from her forehead and said.

Ye Han can shave her head, but she can't!

Su Xiaoqi has long hair, which is fluttering and very beautiful.

Girls with long hair are usually very hot in summer.

With so much hair on your head, can it not be hot?

It's not impossible to say shaved, but where is Su Xiaoqi willing?

Only in extreme cases do girls choose to shave their long hair.

For example, a lovelorn is very painful, and shaving your head means starting over and abandoning the past.

Others cut their long hair during pregnancy to avoid competition between the hair and the baby in the womb.

But whether this statement is true or false is uncertain.

However, what is undeniable is the love a mother has for her child.

Even if some people don't believe it very much, they are still willing to shave their long hair when they are pregnant.

Su Xiaoqi's hair is now tied behind her head, and she has a ball head.

As for the hair rope, the rattan leather is used, which is quite beautiful.

"How can you eat ice cream when you go out to explore?"

"Let's eat it later, I'm hot too."

Ye Han took out a military water bottle and took a sip.

The quality of this kettle is really good, and it deserves to be the materials distributed by the program team.

Ah San got this kettle in the lottery, and finally got Ye Han cheaper.

And to say that the most uncomfortable thing right now is the animals.

Rhubarb's mouth was swollen and looked pitiful.

At noon, Ye Han asked Su Xiaoqi to get some meat for him to eat, and the meat he usually likes to eat is not fragrant anymore.

I can't really taste the taste, my mouth is numb.

If you want to reduce the swelling, I am afraid it will take about two days.

Then Da Niu'er and Xiao Hanhan are also very hot. They are water buffaloes. If they want to dissipate heat, they need to soak in water.

But now following Ye Han's exploration, there is no such opportunity.

Only when passing by the stream, Ye Han will stop and let the two soak for a while, cool and cool.

For the rest of the time, he had to follow Ye Han to walk among the sultry trees.

However, both of them are hard-working, especially the eldest girl, who has never shown any dissatisfaction and is very docile.

This also strengthened Ye Han's determination.

In any case, take them away after the game and take care of them.

He has already thought about it, and then he won't be able to get Xiaohanhan a solid gold nose ring?

If it is rhubarb, hang a big gold chain and a gold watch on it, and it will turn into a big underworld brother!

Thinking so in his heart, Ye Han couldn't help but laugh.

"Boss, what are you laughing at?"

Su Xiaoqi was very puzzled.

Everyone is moving forward normally, why are you laughing all of a sudden?

Did you find something?

The audience in the live broadcast room also became nervous.

"Ye Han smiled!"

"Look, what's in here?"

"Ye Han smiled, there must be a discovery, but what is it?"

"I didn't see anything, could it be something I don't know?"

"Please Xiaoliang, Xiaoliang definitely knows what we don't know."

"It's not right, this smile doesn't seem to be the same, it's not the kind of smile that finds something."

"Good guy, can Ye Han's smiles be classified into different categories?"

Many viewers think that Ye Han has discovered something, but there are also viewers who think that Ye Han's current smile should not be the smile of discovering something.

Instead, it was more like his usual smile when he was playing with Su Xiaoqi.

I have to say that these viewers are really careful.

Got it right by them!

"Ah, I think of happy things."

Ye Han said a classic sentence.

In fact, many times, people do suddenly think of some happy things, and then laugh.

Of course, there are times when I suddenly think of embarrassing things, or the kind after many years.

For example, when I was in elementary school, I pulled up my pants in the classroom.

"What's the matter?"

Su Xiaoqi always felt that Ye Han had bad intentions.

But this time, she really wronged Ye Han.

"I'm thinking, Big Girl, Xiao Hanhan, and Jiutian, Da Huang, it's not easy to follow us."

"Be sure to take them away after the game, take good care of them, get a big gold chain for rhubarb, and wear sunglasses or something."

"You think about that picture, isn't it funny?"

Ye Han said with a smile.

Su Xiaoqi made up her mind, it was true.

She couldn't help but laugh.

But then, she retorted again.

"You said it's not easy for a big girl, I promise."

"But what's not easy about rhubarb?"

Good guy, Su Xiaoqi's words directly negated all of Rhubarb's efforts!

"Your words are too much, and it's fortunate that Da Huang can't understand."

"If it can understand, maybe it will be depressed."

"How much work did they do!"

Ye Han was heartbroken and said to Su Xiaoqi.

Then both of them looked at Da Huang and laughed.

Some viewers think that Su Xiaoqi is moving in the direction of Ye Han, which is very dangerous!

Ye Han is a capitalist who squeezes rhubarb, and now Su Xiaoqi has learned it too!

Of course, everyone knew in their hearts that they were just joking around here.

And then, as the group continued to move forward, they finally found something.

When opening the road, Ye Han swept out with the engineer shovel in his hand, but he pulled a vine and pulled out a hidden hole!

A cave appeared in front of them!

Chapter 1022 Mysterious Cave


It’s still the same old sayings. Many people yearn for the cave and think that there will be treasures in it.

In many stories, the last treasure cannot escape the fate of being hidden in the cave.

It seems that the existence of the cave is to save the treasure.

To be honest, Ye Han really found a lot of good things in the cave.

For example, the legendary relic that everyone has been thinking about for a long time is in the cave.

In addition, there is bat dung in the cave, which is an important raw material for Ye Han to make saltpeter.

It can be said that it has helped Ye Han a lot.

Looking at it this way, Ye Han was able to kill the green anaconda, all thanks to the things he got in the cave!

Now the audience all stared at it one by one.

I hope I can see what good things are hidden in the cave.

But unfortunately, the cave is relatively dark, and the current lighting angle is not right, and the situation inside the cave cannot be seen clearly.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were both staring at the cave.

They could already smell a stench coming from the cave.

This made Ye Han instantly vigilant.

If he guessed correctly, this cave should be the nest of some kind of wild animal, which is why it smells bad.

Wild animals basically have a smell on them.

Such as rhubarb.

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