When rhubarb first returned to Ye Han, his body also stinks, and there are fleas.

In the back, Ye Han forced Rhubarb to take a bath. After several times of washing, he was considered to have washed Rhubarb clean.


Looking at the dark entrance of the cave, Su Xiaoqi was a little scared.

"Xiao Qi, you step back first."

Ye Han opened his mouth and said, and at the same time his footsteps were retreating.

If he got too close and the things inside suddenly rushed out, he couldn't guarantee that he could respond quickly.

Still be careful, withdraw a certain distance one after another, and then take a look.

They began to back away from the hole.

Ye Han had already taken out his pistol.

He currently has 11 rounds left, which is still plenty.

Even if some incomparable creature appeared, Ye Han was sure that he could kill it.

Of course, he hoped it would be better not to.

The bullet is one less, and the game is not even halfway through. The more bullets he has left, the more certain he is.

Although he also collected the used bullets, it is very difficult to use them again, and it is basically impossible.

"Ye Han found a cave!"

In the live broadcast room, Teacher Piao called out.

Today, Ye Han's commentary is done by him and Dian Xiaomei, the combination of the two.

Xiaomei also covered her mouth in surprise, but the red lips exposed through her fingers were still very attractive.

"What could be in this cave?"

The little sister shouted.

They were also very nervous, for fear of something dangerous.

Now Ye Han is observing the traces around the cave, hoping to find some clues through the footprints.

But he was disappointed, there weren't any footprints or feces left.

This also made Ye Han suspicious.

He took a closer look at some of the plants, vines, etc. that he had just pulled down.

"Something's wrong."

"This cave was originally completely covered by lush vegetation. Logically speaking, it doesn't seem like any creatures will come in and out through here."

"But what about the stench of this beast?"

Ye Han frowned.

He couldn't figure out what was going on either.

In the end, Ye Han decided to take a look.

Standing here, it's useless to guess, you still have to look carefully.

"Boss, you have to be careful!"

Seeing Ye Han walking over with a gun, Su Xiaoqi raised a heart in her throat.

She began to think wildly.

Could there be a tiger or leopard's den here?

But don't worry!

The audience was also nervous, staring at the screen while exploring the possibilities.

Some people think that this is an abandoned beast's nest. There used to be wild boars living in it, but after the beast died, it was naturally vacant, and the hole was covered.

This statement has been recognized by many people, and it is very reasonable.

Even Xiaoliang made a similar point.

Lengfeng and Li Guang are still building houses there, so Xiaoliang and Professor Yuan are both idle.

The two of them were sitting there watching Ye Han's live broadcast.

Building a house and exploring new areas is, of course, more interesting than exploring new areas.

While everyone was discussing and guessing, Ye Han also took a gun, walked to the entrance of the hole, and looked inside.

Although it is still unclear, at least it can be guaranteed that there is no danger in sight.

Ye Han also felt in his heart that this cave might have been abandoned, and the creatures that existed in it had died.

Then he retreated temporarily and started making simple torches.

"If only Ye Han had a flashlight."

"The Bards have a bazooka!"

"What? Why even the bazooka came out, it's outrageous!"

"This is obviously a typo. The bard has a flashlight. It's solar-powered, and it's waterproof. It's very good."

"That's the materials they got in the lottery. It would be nice if the materials in the lottery were also given to Ye Han."

"Ahem, Ye Han already has a lot of equipment. He even has a pistol, so what kind of bicycle does he need?"

"Okay, okay, the torches are ready, let's see!"


There was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

At this time, in the live broadcast, Ye Han was already holding a torch and a pistol, and once again came to the entrance of the cave.

With the torch illuminating, he finally saw the scene in the cave clearly.

This cave is not small, but it extends out, and I don't know where it leads.

The interior is quite empty, bigger than the hole.

In this respect, it is very similar to the cave on the other side of the small volcano.

The opening is not too big, but the interior is very wide, the space is not small, and it is very winding.

The difference is that there is poisonous volcanic gas in the cave of the small volcano, and the cave in front of you, except for a little smell, at least has no poisonous gas.

Ye Han held a torch and continued to move forward.

Before that, he told Su Xiaoqi to wait outside and not to act rashly.

Although Su Xiaoqi was worried, she listened to Ye Han's words very much, because she knew that if she went in, it would only distract Ye Han and become a burden.

"Ye Han entered the cave!"

"One Piece's treasure is about to appear!"

"You mean onepiece? It seems like someone said that when Ye Han discovered the Bat Cave last time."

"Give it up, there is no One Piece treasure in this world, it's just a straw hat boy's fantasy!"

"Eo, don't say that!"

"Look, what's in this cave, **** it, a big centipede!"

The audience all stared at it.

At this time, Ye Han also discovered that a large centipede was crawling on the ground in front of him.

Ye Han was not polite, he just stepped up and crushed the centipede to death.

Then he moved on, turning a corner.

This cave should lead to the middle of the mountain, it's amazing!

Nature really does wonders, this is good luck!

At this time, Ye Han was relieved. Although the cave was stuffy and smelly, like wearing underwear that had not been washed for several days, under his observation, he did not find any signs of the survival of beasts.

Safe for now.

So, will there be any discovery in this cave?

Chapter 1023 The mystery in the cave

A large number of viewers poured into Ye Han's live broadcast room.

To be honest, Ye Han has been exploring Bisheng Mountain for so long, but the big scene that the audience expects has never happened.

A big wild boar was shot before, which is quite a wonderful picture.

But it didn't take long, fired a shot, smack, gone.

And now, the appearance of this cave has made many people's eyes shine.

With Ye Han's luck, if nothing is found in this cave, it is unlikely.

So, everyone's eyes widened, for fear of missing a little detail.

"It's a pity that big centipede just now, it should be used to make wine."

"For those who like to make wine, it seems that everything can make wine. The last time I saw someone who used Ultraman to make wine."

"The centipede has already been smashed by Ye Han's foot. It looks very relieved."

"Ye Han has turned another corner. How can this cave be twisted and twisted? There won't be any fork in the road, right?"

"Actually, these forks and gossips are an ancient formation. At this time, Xiaoqi is needed to help Ye Han decipher the formation."

"Be careful! This is survival in the wilderness, not immortal cultivation!"

"Then what will happen after cracking the formation? According to the usual routine, the soul of an ancient powerhouse will appear, trying to seize Ye Han!"

"It's getting farther and farther, hahahaha!"


The imagination of the audience is really strong, and even the immortal cultivation set is used.

At this time, inside the cave.

With a torch in one hand and a pistol in the other, Ye Han was moving on.

He was very careful, and he had to check carefully where he walked, so the speed was not fast.

Even the top of the head should be taken a good look, for fear that some dangerous creatures will appear on the top of the head.

For example, poisonous spiders, poisonous snakes and the like are also very easy to appear above the cave walls.

If you are not careful, if you are bitten, it will be really wrong.

Fortunately, apart from the big centipede, no other dangers have been found in this cave.

"The inside of this cave is relatively dry because it is ventilated."

"Then where did the stench come from?"

Ye Han decided to move on with the smell.

He wanted to see where the odor was coming from.

Outside the cave, Su Xiaoqi waited anxiously.

In fact, she really wanted to go in with Ye Han to have a look, but she also knew that when she went in, Ye Han had to be distracted to protect herself, so she could only be a burden.

"Hope the boss is okay."

"His luck is so good, the cave is definitely safe, even if there is any danger, he still has a pistol, what are you afraid of!"

"I am willing to sacrifice 10 years of rhubarb's lifespan in exchange for the boss's safety."

Su Xiaoqi was muttering something there, muttering in her mouth.

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