Many viewers heard her words and couldn't laugh.

"Rhubarb's ten-year lifespan?"

"Ah this... how many years does rhubarb live in total?"

"The monkey's lifespan seems to be around 20 years. Xiaoqi will directly cut the lifespan of Rhubarb in half!"

"Rhubarb: You are amazing, you are arrogant!"

"Xiao Qi is so cruel, she wants Rhubarb's life!"

"I'm still saying that, Rhubarb, run away, these two are not good things!"


The audience had a great time playing, but Da Huang didn't know anything about it. It was still squatting on Xiao Hanhan's back, looking at the cave.

If this is normal, according to the character of rhubarb, it will definitely follow in to see the excitement.

But now Rhubarb is in the state of eo, the network is in the state of cloud suppression, and there is no energy to do anything.

Time passed little by little.

Inside the cave, Ye Han followed the source of the odor.

Although there are several forks in the cave, even if he goes wrong, he will soon reach a dead end, and Ye Han can turn back and move on.

In the blink of an eye, ten minutes have passed.

"This cave is not too small!"

In the live broadcast room, Teacher Piao said with emotion.

Although Ye Han walked slowly, no matter how he said it, ten minutes had passed.

It is enough to see that this cave is not small.

"The torches in Ye Han's hands are not enough!"

The little girl was a little nervous.

The inside of the cave is ventilated, but not light!

Once the torches are exhausted, then Ye Han loses his lighting.

Inside the dark cave, what a terrible thing would it be if you couldn't see anything?

Just thinking about it makes it hard to breathe.

At this time, Ye Han also noticed this, and the torches had already burned a lot!

"Walk for another three minutes and start walking back."

"I didn't expect that the inside of this cave is not small."

Ye Han looked at the time and made a decision.

In his mind, he was trying to construct a three-dimensional pattern.

The entrance to enter by oneself, the cave route behind, these are all hidden in the mountain.

In the end, Ye Han came to a conclusion that although this cave was not small, it was not so exaggerated as to extend into the mountainside.

At most, it is the outer mountain of Bisheng Mountain, and there is such a cave.

This is also quite reasonable, but every mountain basically has caves, more or less, big or small.

Next, Ye Han moved on and walked for more than two minutes.

If he still finds nothing, it's almost time for him to start walking back.

Although he can remember the route back, if there is light, it is better to have light.

The darkness is really uncomfortable.

And at this moment, Ye Han discovered that the cave was over!

There is no road ahead!

This discovery surprised Ye Han.

"Is there a fork in the middle?"

Ye Han frowned and thought.

The audience in the live broadcast room also began to discuss and say anything.

At this time, Ye Han realized that something was wrong, and he shook his head.

Not wrong.

He followed the stench in the cave, and now this place is the place with the strongest stench.

And the cave is ventilated, not the wind blowing from the outside, but the wind emerging from the inside.

This wind is smelly, and its source is the rock wall in front of Ye Han!

With the help of the light of the torch, Ye Han looked carefully and finally found something.


Ye Han couldn't hold back, and let out a foul language.

However, the lighting was very poor, and the effect of the live broadcast was not particularly ideal. The audience basically didn't see clearly what Ye Han had discovered.

They were in a hurry, and Ye Han put his face on the rock wall and looked carefully.

At this time, everyone heard a dull crashing sound, and a low roar from the throat of some animal.

Something is hitting the rock wall in front of Ye Han!

Ye Han quickly took a few steps back, but there was a smile on his face.

This is the smile he only shows when he finds something.

Next, Ye Han couldn't even hold back his haha. The laughter echoed in the cave, a little scary.

The good thing is that he didn't laugh savagely, otherwise it would be like some big villain came out of the cave.

Next, Ye Han didn't act in a hurry, but quickly started to run back.

His actions made audiences all over the world extremely curious!

Chapter 1024 Blocked but not completely blocked

Finally, before the torch was completely burned out, Ye Han drove out of the cave and reappeared at the entrance of the cave.

Seeing Ye Han appear, Su Xiaoqi hurried over.


She looked at Ye Han up and down, and after making sure that Ye Han was fine, she was relieved.

You can rest assured.

"Boss, what's going on in the cave, why did you go in for so long?"

"I seem to have heard terrible laughter, the kind with echoes, like the devil in some horror movie laughing!"

Su Xiaoqi asked.

Hearing these words, Ye Han's face suddenly fell.

"Your boss, I can't say how nice my laughter is, but it doesn't have anything to do with the laughter of the devil!"

"Xiao Qi, you're going too far. You will be deducted from your salary for ten years."

Ye Han said.

Good guy, 10 years of salary will be deducted from the start.

But Su Xiaoqi didn't panic at all.

"Only ten years?"

"You still haven't opened the pattern yet. Next time, just use 100 million as a unit."

Su Xiaoqi also saw that Ye Han was still thinking about joking, saying that there should be no danger in deducting wages.

Perhaps, what else has been discovered.

If he didn't find it, what was Ye Han laughing at?

"You hurry, hurry up and say."

"What's the situation?"

Su Xiaoqi pulled Ye Han's clothes and asked.

The audience is also very anxious, one by one perked up their ears to listen.

In fact, a small group of people already have their own guesses.

But not so sure.

For example, Xiao Liang, with his strength, can probably already know what it is from the cry just now.

"The time delay is longer because the cave is relatively large."

"I can't say how big it is, it's just relatively long. During this time, I have been walking all the time, and I haven't stopped for a moment."

"There are still some fork in the road, some are dead ends, and some I didn't continue."

Ye Han first briefly explained the reason why it took so long.

It took him more than twenty minutes to come and go!

And this is not a complete understanding of the cave.

Ye Han believes that there should be some fork in the road, which will lead to the deeper part of the mountain.

But this time, he mainly followed the direction of the wind and the smell, and did not take those forks.

"so what."

"So what are you laughing at, did you find anything?"

"Can you say the point!"

Su Xiaoqi urged.

The audience in the live broadcast room were also scolding Ye Han.

Everyone could see that Ye Han definitely had the intention of deliberately selling out.

He just wanted to see Su Xiaoqi in a hurry.

This is because so many viewers are anxious to follow along, Ye Han, **** it!

"Come on, let's talk about the main point."

"At the end of the cave, there is no way, but there is a smelly wind blowing!"

"I put my face close to the rock wall, only to hear a series of eerie laughter coming from the rock wall!"

Ye Han began to make up stories.

The audience spit at the screen angrily.


"Ye Han, you can't finish it, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

"No, I'm going to the island to fight Ye Han!"

"Count me in, let's form a group, I'll beat Ye Han with my rolling pin!"

"Rolling pin? You're too kind, I'll take the axe!"

"Have you forgotten the fear of being dominated by a chainsaw? I'll take the chainsaw!"

"It's too cruel, Ye Han just sold a relationship, but you want his life!"


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