Ye Han caused public anger!

Even Xiao Liang couldn't help but laugh, this was Ye Han's anger.

"This guy, Ye Han, really deserves a beating!"

"Let me tell you, that roar should come from a wild boar."

"The stench Ye Han smells should also be the stench of wild boars."

Xiaoliang couldn't stand Ye Han, and spoiled directly.

After the audience saw it, they continued to discuss it wildly.

You mean, this cave is connected to a wild boar's nest?

Sure enough, what Ye Han said next confirmed Xiao Liang's guess.

I have to say that Xiaoliang really had something, he guessed it right, and just based on a low growl, he concluded that it was a wild boar.

Very strong!


At this time, Ye Han let out a scream.

Because Su Xiaoqi couldn't bear it anymore, she was holding onto Ye Han's clothes corner with her small hand, acting like a spoiled child.

But Ye Han didn't eat it softly, so he had to be hard.

She directly grabbed the soft flesh around Ye Han's waist and began to twist it hard.

It can be said that any girl knows nothing about pinching someone.

When they came up to the master level, they also knew where pinching hurts the most.

Su Xiaoqi just pinched Ye Han's waist, but she was merciful.

"I said I said it!"

Ye Han hurriedly begged for mercy.

Only then did Su Xiaoqi let go.

The audience cheered and began to give Su Xiaoqi a reward.

"It's like this, at the end of the cave, there is a wild boar's nest."

"That smell was blown into the cave by the wind."

Ye Han told the truth, and it really was a wild boar!

To be honest, Ye Han has obtained a lot of wild boars, and the wild boars at home have basically never been out of stock.

It can be said that as long as he wants, there is wild boar to eat every day.

But the wild boar's nest has never been found.

This is the first time.

"The boar's lair?"

"I didn't understand. Since the cave is connected to the wild boar's nest, the wild boar didn't come after you?"

"You didn't shoot!"

Su Xiaoqi questioned.

Ye Han is running the train with his mouth full, who knows if he is still lying this time?

"Is such that."

"Between the cave and the boar's den, there is a rock wall blocking it."

"But not completely blocked."

Ye Han explained.

"Blocked, but not completely blocked".

But Su Xiaoqi could probably already understand.

It means that there may be holes, gaps and the like on the rock wall.

Can be ventilated, can see the other side, but can't get through.

Su Xiaoqi spoke out her thoughts.

"Is that what you mean?"

she asked.

Ye Han gave her a thumbs up.

"As expected of our little Qi, she's so smart!"

Ye Han is thick-skinned.

Su Xiaoqi snorted and didn't answer his words.

If you don't confess, who will admit to being your little Qi?

Dream it!

"There is a long and narrow gap in the middle of that rock wall."

"It's not wide, it's probably less than the length of two fists, so the wild boar can't get over."

Ye Han continued.

Hearing what he said, many viewers hurried back to watch it.

Because the inside of the cave was dark and Ye Han's torches were limited, no one really found this gap.

But after knowing that there is a gap, if you take a closer look, you can find that there is indeed such a gap.

Many people's minds suddenly became alive.

In this case, you can take advantage of this gap and find a way to kill off a litter of wild boars on the opposite side of the rock wall!

The maneuverability is still very strong!

What the audience can think of, Ye Han can also think of naturally.

This is also the reason why Ye Han laughed.

He really doesn't have too many wild boars.

He took a cursory glance just now, and there is definitely a lot of wild boars in a litter. If they can catch them all at once, even rhubarb can achieve the freedom to eat meat!

Chapter 1025 The first big wild boar hates the northwest

Be aware that wild boars live in groups.

If less, two or three wild boars live together.

If there are too many, it is more than ten wild boars living together!

As for the wild boar's nest that Ye Han discovered, he glanced at it and saw at least seven or eight wild boars.

Among them, the smallest wild boars are also considered to be medium in size.

There are at least two adult wild boars, and the rest should be descendants of these two big wild boars.

Ye Han felt that the wild boar he killed in the Bisheng Mountain area might also belong to this group of wild boars.

Now, he decided to find a way to wipe out this group of wild boars without leaving a single one!

"Then I'll go with you this time too!"

Su Xiaoqi said.

Such a fun thing, how can she be missing?

Although there are many wild boars, they are very powerful, but across a wall, the wild boars cannot break through!

So what are you afraid of?

If the gap was wider, she might be able to squeeze through it!

Of course, she's not an airport, so she can't squeeze through.

Alas, a woman with money will have more troubles, and Su Xiaoqi has nothing to do.

"Yes, yes, but the matter of attacking wild boars is left to me."

"You have to follow my command."

Ye Han agreed in advance that Su Xiaoqi had to be obedient before she could take her there.

"I know, I know."

"Then what are you doing now, get the ignition out first?"

Su Xiaoqi asked.

Ye Han nodded.

"There must be more torches."

"There is no light coming from the wild boar's nest. I don't think it's a small cave."

Ye Han said.

Then the two continued to make torches, using branches and resin to make simple torches.

The light produced by the burning of this torch will not be very strong, and the time will not be long, and it can only be regarded as an inferior product.

But better than nothing.

The two worked together and quickly produced a large number of torches, ready to enter the cave for the second time.

This time, Ye Han put the gun in his pocket and picked up his spear.

His spear, to be honest, has not been used many times since it was built.

But now, it's time for this spear to shine!

Ye Han was ambitious and took Su Xiaoqi into the cave again.

Two buffaloes were **** by him and waited in place.

But Rhubarb followed.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi are going to enter this cave, and Rhubarb is also curious.

It jumped off Xiaohanhan's back and followed the two of them into the cave.

Ye Han glanced at it, then frowned.

He and Su Xiaoqi couldn't get through the gap in the rock wall, and neither could the wild boar, it was nothing.

But rhubarb...

Maybe rhubarb can squeeze through!

If the rhubarb squeezes past, isn't that a courier for the wild boar?

But Ye Han thought about it and felt relieved.

Rhubarb is still quite smart, and won't do such a thing of courting death.

The wild boar is calling from the opposite side, and if it hits the wall, will Rhubarb go over and deliver it by himself?

No, rhubarb is not that foolish guy like Xiaohanhan.

Therefore, Ye Han did not stop Rhubarb.

Two people and one monkey entered the cave.

The journey ahead was still the same as last time. Although there were some forks, Ye Han did not go.

He led the group to the rock face at the end of the cave.

Su Xiaoqi leaned over to the gap to take a look.

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