Sure enough, on the opposite side of the rock wall, there is a litter of wild boars!

A stench came to her face, which made Su Xiaoqi choked, so she quickly covered her nose.

And the wild boars were very angry when they found out that Ye Han was back, especially the two big adult wild boars began to crash into this rock wall frantically.

dong dong dong!

A dull sound echoed inside the cave, and it sounded very frightening.

Ye Han's face also became solemn, and after checking it carefully, he was relieved after confirming that there was no problem.

Although the wild boar is powerful, it is still quite difficult to smash a rock wall.

Not in the short term at least.

"Rhubarb, be honest."

"If you go, I can't save you."

Ye Han pointed to the gap and said to Da Huang.

Da Huang naturally knew the danger on the other side, it would definitely not pass, he stood behind Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi, looking into the gap.

Next, Ye Han was about to start making his move.

He took his spear and extended it through the crack in the rock wall.

This is his plan, very simple.

Across a layer of rock wall, the wild boar can't attack him, but he can stab him with a spear through the gap!

Although I don't talk about martial arts, it's cool just thinking about it!

Many viewers feel itchy, and everyone wants to try this kind of good thing.

"Wow, I want to try it too!"

"Why does it feel like a game of whack-a-mole?"

In the live broadcast room, Teacher Piao said.

He is a game anchor, and of course he thinks about the game.

But what he said made sense.

"Look, Ye Han hit a wild boar!"

Little Sister Dian exclaimed and covered her mouth again.

I saw that under the light of the torches, through the cracks in the rock wall, I could see that the spear tightly held in Ye Han's hand stabbed directly into the neck of a wild boar!

The wild boar let out a cry of pain, and the neck was already bleeding.

But Ye Han frowned and shook his head.

"Not very good."

"It didn't kill it this time."

Ye Han took a deep breath and adjusted his rhythm.

There is only one gap that can't be used, and the wild boar's skin is rough and thick, and it is very difficult to kill with one hit.

Of course, he can also shoot directly through the gap, ensuring that one shot is accurate.

But it doesn't pay off.

In order to kill this litter of wild boars, it would be a great loss to spend all the remaining bullets.

There must be more powerful beasts in the Bisheng Mountain, and the bullets must be kept.

It takes the least amount of bullets to hit the Victory Mountain. This is what Ye Han wants.

Some viewers believe that this gap leading to the wild boar's lair was tailor-made for Ye Han, and it was one of the manifestations of his good luck.

Using spears to deal with wild boars is a complete set.

In such a situation, if you still need to use a gun, it will be completely inferior.

Ye Han actually thought so himself, he continued to stab the wild boar with the spear in his hand.

The target is still the big wild boar that has been injured just now.

The wound on the neck further stimulated the fierceness of this wild boar, as if it was dying, it rushed towards Ye Han.

Ye Han glanced at the rock wall, made sure there was no problem, and continued to shoot.

This time, it can be said that the big wild boar hit Ye Han's spear by himself.

Ye Han adjusted the angle and finally stabbed into the throat of the big wild boar.

He is also exerting his strength, and the wild boar is also exerting his strength. This wave is a two-way run.

The feel of the spear conveyed back told Ye Han that the wave was stable.

The wild boar howled, Ye Han twitched his arm and pulled out the spear.

The smell of blood began to spread, and the wild boar was spewing blood from its throat and mouth, and it was determined that it would not survive.

The first big wild boar hates the Northwest!

In Ye Han's live broadcast room, the screen is full of barrages and rewards, and the audience is more excited than each other!

Chapter 1026 Massacre ran one

It can be seen through the gap that the big wild boar can no longer keep standing, but collapsed to the ground.

Blood gurgled out, all over the ground!

The strong smell of blood masked the stench of wild boars in the air.

There is actually some feces inside the wild boar's nest on the opposite side, which is also the source of the odor.

But now, only the smell of blood remains.

Ye Han pulled the spear back and was very satisfied with the blow.

The spear he built himself was quite sharp.

Even if the wild boar has rough skin and thick flesh, he can take down an adult big wild boar within two attacks!

With the death of the wild boar, the other big wild boar became angry and hit the rock wall harder.

But that doesn't do much, it just makes it dizzy.

Ye Han seized the opportunity and continued to attack.

He shot through the gap and handed out the spear.


This time, a **** hole was drawn on the back of the big wild boar, and the wild boar roared in pain.

"Cough, my hand slipped."

Ye Han was a little embarrassed.

He stabbed the wild boar in the throat, and it went crooked.

"Come again!"

Ye Han continued to shoot.

This made Su Xiaoqi, who was holding a torch beside her, very envious.

She is not a particularly timid and petite girl, to know that the prey they got is basically all Su Xiaoqi is responsible for the dissection.

There are many men who are not as good as Su Xiaoqi!

Many people are afraid of blood, and if they faint, they don't say anything, but there are also people who don't faint, but they are afraid when they see blood.

Although this is human nature, in this regard, many people are indeed inferior to Su Xiaoqi.

"Boss, please let me play too!"

Su Xiaoqi said.

Ye Han was numb.

"Don't make trouble, you call this a play?"

"This is hunting wild beasts, and also fighting big wild boars!"

Ye Han said seriously.

"Anyway, it's across the wall, and there's no danger. What if I try?"

Su Xiaoqi pouted and said.

What she said also made sense, and there was indeed no danger.

Ye Han thought for a while, then nodded.

"Then wait a minute, I'll kill the biggest one first, just two, I've already killed one."

"The rest is done, and I'll let you play."

Ye Han said, and continued to stare at the gap to shoot, find the right angle, and stab the spear in his hand.

This time, it still didn't hit the nail on the head.

Regarding this operation, it actually sounds simple, but when you actually do it, you will know the difficulty.

For strength, angle, you must have a precise grasp of Caixing.

Speaking of which, it is exactly what netizens said.

Brain: I learned.

Body: No, you don't.

Next, Ye Han attacked again and again.

Finally, the second big wild boar was also stabbed in the throat by him.

Ye Han clenched the handle of the spear and turned his arm in such a twist.

This trick is particularly ruthless. It directly increases the bloodletting of the big wild boar, and the wound cannot be recovered.

The principle is the same as that of the Three-Edged Army Spear. When Ye Han made the spear, he came in this direction.

The second big wild boar was unwilling and slumped to the ground, with its eyes wide open and blood spurting continuously.

During this whole process, other wild boars in the cave were also in front of the rock wall, trying to attack Ye Han.

They are not idle either!

Some viewers have already counted them, including the two biggest ones, there are ten wild boars in total.

"No more, no less, exactly ten!"

"This is a wild boar den, and a massacre is about to happen today!"

"My dear, the sentence of killing your whole family has been fulfilled here, and it is no longer just a simple cruel word!"

"Ye Han is really going to kill this wild boar's family!"

"Is it time for Xiao Qi to make a move?"

"If it were me, I wouldn't dare to go, Xiao Qi is really brave."

"Xiao Qi has dealt with so many animals, she dares to cut open the body of a tiger, let alone a wild boar."

"Perhaps in Xiao Qi's eyes, these are just food."


The audience chatted.

At this time, under Su Xiaoqi's urging, Ye Han finally handed her the spear in his hand.

He himself took the torch in Su Xiaoqi's hand, and used the remaining flame to light a new torch, continuing.

Su Xiaoqi was very excited, she clenched the spear in her hand, her palms were already sweating.

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