"Take it easy, don't send all the spears over there."

"You can't get it back then."

Ye Han reminded.

Su Xiaoqi nodded.

"Don't worry, look at me."

Su Xiaoqi said, and launched the first attack.


The spear was sent out fiercely by her, stabbing a wild boar on the opposite side.

After the two big wild boars were all dead, all that was left were some medium-sized wild boars.

There was one just opposite the gap, Su Xiaoqi directly stabbed the wild boar in the eye!

"Wow, ooh..."

The wild boar made a miserable scream, backed away, and bumped into another wild boar.

Eyes are stabbed blind!

Su Xiaoqi was a little embarrassed. She originally aimed at the neck of the wild boar, how did she stab her in the eye?

This quasi-head is really a bit bad!


Ye Han couldn't help but let out an exclamation, Xiao Qi was really ruthless, coming up and piercing his eyes!

"Cough cough."

"I slipped my hand just now."

Su Xiaoqi learned Ye Han's words, and now she is learning and selling.

Just now, Ye Han said that her hands were slippery, but now she also said that her hands were slippery.

Ye Han raised his chin and asked her to continue.

He also saw that Su Xiaoqi was really not afraid.

In this case, it's not dangerous anyway, so let Su Xiaoqi have a good time.

Next, the audience saw very cruel scenes.

Su Xiaoqi made a frantic shot, using the spear in his hand to poke the wild boars on the opposite side again and again.

There is blood everywhere, the smell of blood is pungent, and the wild boars are covered with bruises and bruises!

"This is not good, change another one!"

"This one doesn't work either, the skin is too thick!"

"Ah ah ah, why didn't I stab a single one to death?"

Su Xiaoqi is about to collapse, it's not difficult for her to look at her next to her, why can't she kill one of them in her turn?

Now her arms are sore, and she can't kill a wild boar.

"Cough, Xiao Qi, are you tired?"

"You rest for a while, I'll come."

Ye Han said, and took the spear from Su Xiaoqi's hand.

Good guy, this spear is covered with sweat from Su Xiaoqi's palms, and it's slippery.

Ye Han wiped his clothes, then took a deep breath and continued to shoot.

With Ye Han's shot, the number of wild boars immediately began to decrease.

Basically, it's one move, and in the case of a few misses, at most three hits can stab a wild boar to death.

The wild boar's nest opposite is already a scene of purgatory on earth.

"Why is one missing?"

After more than 20 minutes, Ye Han ended the battle.

He looked through the gap, counted the number, and found that a wild boar was missing.

Audiences have found this too.

Some people saw it at the time, but some people didn't, so hurry up and watch the replay now.

It turned out to be the wild boar that was blinded by Su Xiaoqi. After losing one eye, he turned his head and hit the other wild boar, then turned around and ran away and left here!


Chapter 1027 Coal Mine

"It should have run away."

Ye Han shook his head.

Run, run, anyway, this wave has killed a full nine wild boars!

This is a new world on the island!

The only one!

This record, I am afraid that it is difficult for anyone to break it until the end of the game.

The attack power of a single wild boar is already very strong. If he encounters an adult big wild boar in front of him, Ye Han can only choose to shoot instead of fighting.

If it was a group, let's say the group Ye Han met, ten, a big family.

Even if the cold wind is encountered directly, I am afraid that I have to run away quickly.

That is, the current terrain, coupled with Ye Han's spear, has such an opportunity.

If there is no spear, it is impossible to do it with a shovel alone.

Because the length of the shovel is a short board.

"sore hands."

Ye Han put the spear on the ground, and then shook his arm.

The audience is enjoying watching it, but if you really play it yourself, you will know how tiring it is.

Roughly calculated, Ye Han has been repeating a mechanical movement for more than 20 minutes, that is, piercing the spear through the gap.

Now his arms are sore that he can barely lift them.

Su Xiaoqi felt the same way.

In fact, Su Xiaoqi didn't play for a long time, but she still felt sore hands.

Not to mention Ye Han, who persisted for such a long time.

"I'll give you a rub."

"Rhubarb, come here and take the torch."

Su Xiaoqi wanted to rub Ye Han's arm, but he was holding a torch in his hand, which was not easy to operate.

So she thought of rhubarb.

Only then did she realize that Rhubarb was gone!

Su Xiaoqi suddenly became nervous, Ye Han also quickly looked to the other side of the gap, but don't let Da Huang drill through.

But this is clearly not possible.

Because he has been in front of the gap, if Rhubarb passes, he can definitely see it.

Then there is only one possibility, Rhubarb went back.

"This guy!"

Ye Han shook his head, but was not too worried.

There is no danger in this cave, so don't be afraid.

Even if there are some fork in the road, people may risk getting lost when they walk in, but rhubarb is an animal and will not get lost.

In some directions, animals are indeed stronger than people.

"Don't knead it for me, go back and talk about it."

"Let's hurry over now and clean up these wild boars. Some are busy."

Ye Han looked at the nine wild boars across the gap and said.

Su Xiaoqi nodded, she had a hunch that she would usher in a huge workload.

In terms of dissecting prey, Ye Han is far inferior to Su Xiaoqi.

The main thing is Su Xiaoqi.

"Can you think of a way to widen this gap and go directly?"

Su Xiaoqi asked.

This is of course the most convenient and quickest.

But Ye Han shook his head, and he checked it carefully again to make sure that the gap could not be enlarged.

The rock wall is very solid. After these wild boars have hit for so long, at most they have dropped some slag, which shows that they are hard.

Ye Han didn't have the ability to do it, so he could only find other ways.

On the wild boar side, there must be an entrance and exit. What we need to do now is to find it as soon as possible.

"The cave is winding and winding, I'm afraid the same is true of the wild boar."

"Let Rhubarb help with this."

Ye Han said.

He has already thought of a way, but needs the help of rhubarb.

So, he took Su Xiaoqi and started to walk back, calling rhubarb all the way.

At a critical moment, this guy can't drop the chain.

"Rhubarb, if you don't come out again, you will have no meat to eat in the future!"

"Rhubarb, monkey brain!"

Ye Han shouted rhubarb over and over again.

Also threatened rhubarb with not giving meat.

Su Xiaoqi was even more ruthless, and said a monkey brain directly.

As the two walked out, they shouted Da Huang.

Finally, Da Huang appeared in the sight of the two of them.

"Da Huang, come here quickly, I need your work!"

Ye Han greeted Da Huang and said.

But at this time, he suddenly stopped and looked at a piece of things in Da Huang's hand.

The audience also saw it all, and in the hand of Rhubarb, it seemed to be holding a black stone.

What is this?

In fact, there are many kinds of black minerals in nature.

Such as magnetite, such as biotite, such as obsidian and so on.

Obsidian can also be made into obsidian pendants, bracelets, etc., which are loved by many people.

And, there is a special mineral that is also black, that is coal mine!

Ye Han's heartbeat began to speed up.

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