Ye Han said.

Then he was slapped in the face.

In the live broadcast, Da Huang walked in front of the biggest wild boar and stood still.

Then he reached out his hand, patted the wild boar, and grinned.

It smiled, but the smile on Ye Han's face was slowly disappearing.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was laughing crazy!

Rhubarb really shines with a little sunshine, and floods with a little flood!

Alright now, let's see how Ye Han ends up!

Su Xiaoqi was already squatting there and couldn't help laughing, especially looking at Ye Han's stiff expression.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Boss, you still don't know rhubarb!"

"I knew that Rhubarb would choose the biggest wild boar, hahahahahahaha!"

Su Xiaoqi laughed until her stomach hurt.

With her understanding of rhubarb, how could rhubarb not be greedy?

It is estimated that Rhubarb wished that all wild boars belonged to it, and let Ye Han eat bones!

I really don't know where Ye Han's confidence comes from, saying that Rhubarb is not greedy.

"I can't do it anymore, I can't breathe with laughter!"

"Me too, I almost died, watching a live broadcast is actually life-threatening!"

"The family can't live without laughing, let's just say, doesn't Ye Han know the nature of Rhubarb?"

"This wave of rhubarb hitting Ye Han in the face, I would like to call it the strongest!"

"Look at how Ye Han ends, does he really want to give the big wild boar to Rhubarb?"

"Rhubarb is a typical big heart, small belly, like my wife, buys a lot of things, and then can't finish it."

"My wife has a big heart and a big belly. She wants to eat everything she sees, and she can finish it."


At this time, Ye Han's face was stiff.

After a long time, he grinned and pulled out an ugly smile.


"I mean what I say, Rhubarb has made such a big contribution, and the biggest wild boar belongs to Rhubarb!"

"If there is no rhubarb, we may not be able to find a coal mine. What is a wild boar?"

"Besides, rhubarb followed me, it's my family, it's reasonable and reasonable to give this big wild boar to rhubarb."

Ye Han said.

Da Huang was still standing next to the biggest wild boar. Although it couldn't understand the conversation between Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi, it could probably guess it with its cleverness.

Maybe such a big wild boar is all his own!

Rhubarb's face was full of smiles.

The audience immediately turned it into a meme.

And also arranged the text.

Rhubarb: I'm not greedy at all.

There are also some more exaggerated ones, including master P pictures, rhubarb stepping on a big wild boar, giving orders to Ye Han, Ye Han kneeling on the ground and crying, etc.

The most classic of them is Ye Han kneeling on the ground crying, he said: I can't bear this big wild boar, I beg you rhubarb.

But Da Huang said: This is Lao Tzu's wild boar, you are not allowed to touch it.

For a time, Rhubarb turned over to be the master and went against the sky.

The audience was having a good time, and Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were about to start working seriously.

Time is tight and tasks are heavy.

It has to be done quickly, so as not to have too many dreams at night.

When dealing with wild boars, Su Xiaoqi is mainly busy, she is more professional.

Ye Han would just do something by the side.

"It's a waste to throw away so many internal organs."

"But it's enough for us to eat meat. If you give nine days, it won't be able to finish it!"

Ye Han was troubled.

He chopped up some wild boar viscera, bloody, for Jiutian to eat.

To be honest, Jiutian has never seen such a big battle.

It is really open to eat, but how can it be finished?

"Nine days, eat more."

"All you can eat, buffet."

Ye Han asked Jiutian to eat more.

As a result, Jiutian flapped his wings and flew away quickly, not wanting to pay attention to Ye Han.

This wave made the audience laugh collectively.

"Ye Han is so pitiful!"

"Rhubarb bullied Ye Han, slapped Ye Han in the face, and rode his face! Now Jiutian won't give Ye Han face!"

"Who dares to say that Ye Han is the emperor of the island, he is just a bottom player!"

"Hahahahahaha! Ye Han, the cat hates the dog!"

"Humble Ye Han, live online, I gave him a dollar to comfort him."

"I'll come, I'll come too, laugh to death!"


Unexpectedly, today's Ye Han is so pitiful, being bullied and disgusted by the two animals he raised.

Ye Han was squatting by the stream thinking about life, but Su Xiaoqi also started.

"Boss, are you here to poop?"

"Hurry up to work, wash these ribs."

Hearing Su Xiaoqi's words, Ye Han came back to his senses and started to wash the ribs.

Now, only the gentle big girl is left without targeting Ye Han.

As for Xiaohanhan, it didn't even look at Ye Han directly, and ignored Ye Han at all.

Lu Xun once said: Silence is the highest contempt.

It is very appropriate to use here.

Ye Han's live broadcast room was full of joy and joy.

Everyone laughed at Ye Han, and they were all joking there. In fact, everyone was happy for Ye Han.

So many harvests are really quite good, it is an extra-large harvest.

On the other hand, in the plastic surgery country, the audience couldn't laugh at all.

Everyone could see that Cha Yong-tae was about to die.

Today, Cha Yongtai still didn't eat or even drink water, and he was like a walking corpse.

His lips were pale and dry, his eyes were dull, and all hope had been lost.

He's going crazy!

Retire, die!

Race, die!

It's all dead!

It was at this time that he chose to close the live broadcast.

This move immediately made everyone in the plastic surgery country panic.

It's not time to go to bed, why turn off the live broadcast?

And even if Cha Yongtai was going to sleep in the past two days, he didn't turn off the live broadcast, because he didn't have the heart to care about these things at all.

Everyone in the plastic surgery country sank in their hearts and had an ominous premonition.

The show crew is also anxious, everyone thinks that he may have some outrageous actions.

Therefore, the official program team immediately sent people to where Cha Yong-tae was.

In addition, they also used satellite permissions to directly check the current situation of Che Yongtai.

But Cha Yong-tae was in the house, so he couldn't see the situation in the house at all.

Satellites can lock the picture here, but they can't see through!

At this moment, Cha Yongtai took off his clothes and pants and made a rope. He wanted to hang himself!

Chapter 1032 Cha Yongtai commits suicide, plastic surgery, and the whole country is wiped out

Cha Yong-tae is going to hang himself!

But at present no one knows, no one can see this scene.

Next, Cha Yongtai hung up the rope, tied it up, and wrapped his neck in it himself.

Therefore, those who really want to die will not hesitate.

Many people who stood on the top of the building saying that they had broken up and did not want to live, most of them did not want to die, so they waited for the arrival of the fire brigade.

If you really don't want to live at all, you just jump.

Cha Yong-tae really wanted to die right now, so he didn't hesitate at all.

I have to say that the quality of the clothes and pants distributed by the program team is really good. Cha Yongtai hangs there and immediately feels unable to breathe.

Generally speaking, the time it takes for someone who hangs to die is about 5 to 7 minutes.

Even if the people in the program group arrived at the fastest speed, it was too late.

Soon, an alarm sounded from Cha Yongtai's live broadcast bracelet.

He couldn't breathe, and the live broadcast bracelet could immediately detect abnormal conditions in his body.

And this alert can also be received by the program group.

"It's over, the live bracelet reminds Cha Yongtai that he hasn't breathed for three minutes!"

"He must have committed suicide!"

"He's hanging, he's not breathing now, but he's not dead yet, it must be hanging!"

"Fuck, it's over, we're finished with plastic surgery!"

"How could Cha Yongtai, a coward, seek death!"

On the side of the plastic surgery country's program group, the chaos has become a pot of porridge.

In fact, they all know that it is a foregone conclusion that the entire country of cosmetic surgery will be wiped out, but they did not expect it to end in such a way!

So far, no player has committed suicide by himself!

"Damn it, suicide is obviously something people in Neon Country love to do!"

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