Someone said so.

There is nothing wrong with what he said, but now, it is Cha Yongtai from the plastic surgery country who is committing suicide.

"Hurry up and contact Cha Yongtai and tell him not to commit suicide!"

On the plastic surgery group side, someone shouted.

Indeed, at special moments, the program team can indeed speak through the live bracelet and contact the players.

For example, last time, Sol of the White Elephant Country.

There was a killer on the island, and to kill him, the program team had no choice but to issue a reminder to him.

Now, the plastic surgery country has also quickly started to contact Cha Yongtai.

Soon, a voice came from Cha Yongtai's live broadcast bracelet.

"Cha Yongtae contestant!"

"We are the plastic surgery country program group, please don't commit suicide, stop now!"

"We can assure you that we will guarantee your personal safety after you retire from the competition. Please don't commit suicide!"

"Player Cha Yongtae, please answer when you hear me!"

"Please answer if you hear me!"


In the live bracelet, a lot of words came out.

But for Cha Yongtai at this moment, he couldn't hear clearly at all.

Because with the long-term lack of oxygen, his consciousness has begun to blur, and he can't see clearly what is in front of him. How can he hear these words clearly?

Now even if he doesn't want to die, he doesn't have the strength to break free!

In the live bracelet, there are not only the shouts of the plastic surgery group, but also the warning sound of the bracelet itself.

At this time, Cha Yongtai began to experience incontinence.

The tongue is also stuck out, revealing a large part!

very horrible!

In fact, most people have never seen the death by hanging.

So they were all misled by TV shows.

There are a lot of things in the TV series, that is really unbelievable.

For example, someone hanged himself in a TV series, died, and then died with make-up on his face, very beautiful.

Went very peacefully.

But in fact, the method of death by hanging is a typical mechanical asphyxiation.

The deceased has a high probability of incontinence, facial congestion, the hyoid bone is squeezed, and the tongue will stick out a lot.

Not at all the peaceful way to die in TV shows.

And if the death time is relatively long, the face will start to decay first, showing a terrible blue color.

Drop drop! ! !

Just when the plastic surgery country program team was still trying to get Cha Yongtai to give up suicide, a piercing alarm sounded from the live bracelet, which was a death alarm!

Cha Yong-tae hangs for six minutes and dies!

In an instant, many people on the plastic surgery group's side fell to the ground.

The whole country of cosmetic surgery has been wiped out!

At the same time, the official program team also knew about Cha Yong-tae's death.

The rescuers they sent out are still halfway there, so now they can only collect the corpses.

But for the audience, they don't know.

I can only see that Cha Yongtae closed the live broadcast, and then I don't know anything.

After all, ordinary viewers, unlike the show crew, have many privileges and can know many things in advance.

It wasn't until the rescuers from the program team came ashore and came to Cha Yongtai's wooden house, and after a while, the news was released.

They came to the wooden house, put Cha Yong-tae down, and tried to rescue him.

But the rescue failed, and people were completely cold.

The cold here does not mean that the body is already cold, not so fast, it means that he is completely dead and cannot be rescued.

So they put Cha Yong-tae's body in a body bag and took it away.

In the follow-up, someone will take a helicopter to send away Cha Yongtai's body and send it back to the plastic surgery country.

Then, the news about this matter was completely announced.

One stone creates a thousand waves!

"Cha Yongtai committed suicide by hanging himself, and the entire country of plastic surgery was wiped out!"

"The country of plastic surgery is finally over. It seems that some people were right before. Cha Yongtai committed suicide!"

"It's hard to imagine how much pressure he was under!"

"How many players died in their own country after withdrawing from the competition, it's really scary!"

"It's still China's national security, and the players who have retired are all fine."

"However, Shenzhou Kingdom also needs to reflect on it! When Zhang Yun retired from the competition, he also encountered Internet violence. The Internet keyboard warriors need to be rectified. They killed a lot of people!"

"Yes! Many people died because of cyber violence, which is very pitiful!"

"Now some social software will display the IP address of the user, I hope to fully real-name as soon as possible, and see if the keyboard warrior dares to attack the Internet!"

"Back to the point, let's once again celebrate the annihilation of the plastic surgery country!"

"Although Cha Yongtai is pitiful, it does not delay us celebrating the annihilation of the plastic surgery country. This is not a contradiction, let's shoot!"


The whole internet is going crazy.

The whole country of plastic surgery is crying.

They used to laugh at Neon Country, but now it's finally their turn.

There are people who want the beautiful country to stand on its back, but this hope has also failed.

Some people on the Internet said that the plastic surgery country used the annihilation of the entire army to add a fire to celebrate Ye Han's great harvest.

Really kill me to cheer him up.

As for the death of Che Yongtai, the whole network was full of backlash, and Ye Han continued to deal with the nine wild boars.

As time passed, the sky began to darken.

The processing of the nine wild boars has finally come to an end, and it is about to be done!

Chapter 1033 The truth of Xiaoqi's retching

At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were both exhausted.

The workload this afternoon is really a lot. Although there is nothing to do in the morning, in the afternoon, we will fight the wild boars and start the slaughter.

Then move wild boars and deal with wild boars.

The two of them felt that their breath had a **** smell, and they washed their faces with stream water several times, but it was of no use.

"Boss, I'm so disgusting!"

Su Xiaoqi retched there.

No way, the **** taste is too strong.

Ye Han wasn't much better either. It wasn't something he could endure with a strong heart, it was purely a physical discomfort.

It is estimated that the two of them will not be able to eat dinner very much, and they have no appetite.

"Just go back later."

"Be patient, you go farther, and I'll clean up."

Ye Han was very distressed when he saw Su Xiaoqi retching.

However, there are some bad people in the audience. It would be outrageous to say that Su Xiaoqi is pregnant.

"Xiao Qi is pregnant, this is the big news!"

"Don't say it... It does look like pregnancy. My wife was like this back then."

"In a few months will you start retching?"

"It usually starts in more than 40 days. I really don't know when Ye Han did the bad thing!"

"Enough of you! Hahahahaha! People are obviously smoked by the smell of blood, what nonsense are they talking about?"

"Don't! If Su Xiaoqi becomes pregnant, they will have to retire!"

"I just went out for something, and when I came back, I found out that Xiao Qi was pregnant? Is it true?"


Some viewers who didn't know the situation almost believed it.

This news was also topped the hot search, causing many people who didn't know what to do to start scolding Ye Han.

When they first saw the news, Su Xiaoqi's parents were terrified.

No, no, no!

They are still busy with work, and now they are panicking.

However, after a careful understanding, I understood the reason for my daughter's retching.

"Scared me!"

"Me too, these netizens are just too full!"

"Okay, okay, don't worry, it's fine."

"Yeah, Ye Han won't do such a thing, don't worry."

The two chatted, and then they felt relieved.

They all watched Ye Han's live broadcast every day, and they also knew something about Ye Han.

This kid doesn't look like the kind of person who does things recklessly, and although he usually laughs and jokes, this guy is sincere to Xiao Qi.

Not to let Xiao Qi get pregnant on the island for her own desires.

That's what Cruise, the pretty scumbag guy, does.

At this time, Ye Han was packing pork.

In this area, a lot of bonfires have been built, and the processed pork is smoked on the spot.

Some have been smoked, but some have not yet started.

The smoking process, which is also a big project, is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

But it's getting dark now, and it's not a very familiar place. For the sake of safety, it's better to go home and continue smoking.

Smoked pork has less moisture and less weight.

Ye Han's brains were all piled up on Xiao Hanhan's back, and he was fastened with ropes.

The ones that were not smoked were placed on the back of the big girl.

Even so, there is still no way to transport them all.

"Let's learn a little more, Xiao Qi, can we do it?"

Ye Han looked at Su Xiaoqi.

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