"That's the characteristic of anthracite."

Ye Han pondered.

Anthracite is indeed more difficult to ignite because of its high ignition point.

Anyone who has studied chemistry knows that in order for combustibles to burn, they need oxygen on the one hand and temperature to reach their ignition point on the other hand.

Ye Han waited for a while before seeing the two pieces of coal slowly being ignited.

"It's a campfire, and it's a bit difficult to get the temperature up to the point of anthracite."

"If it's inside the cooktop, it locks in more heat."

"It looks like I'm going to make a stove here."

Ye Han said to himself.

But in any case, this is also a coal mine. What is it to build a stove for the coal mine?

Ye Han started to cook lunch.

His craftsmanship was incomparable to Su Xiaoqi's, but it wasn't bad either.

After lunch was ready, Ye Han went back to the house and woke Su Xiaoqi.

This girl was sleepy and confused, thinking she was dreaming.

"Boss, I dreamed a lot of blood!"

Su Xiaoqi was a little scared and hugged Ye Han.

Ye Han patted her on the back and comforted her.

After going to the island, yesterday was definitely the one that saw the most blood.

The blood of those wild boars dyed the stream red!

"It's alright, it's alright."

"Get up and eat something, are you hungry now?"

Ye Han asked.

Su Xiaoqi nodded, she was indeed hungry.

Their habit is to eat three meals a day. After doing so much work yesterday, they haven't eaten dinner, and now they feel empty in their stomachs.

Next, the two of them ate something together, and they both felt much better.

Then it's time to pack up and go back home.

"Player Ye Han is here..."

"Cough cough, I'm sorry, I was so excited yesterday that I made my voice hoarse."

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye explained.

His voice was indeed hoarse, because he shouted too much yesterday.

Ye Han killed nine wild boars, completed the massacre, Ye Han discovered a coal mine, and Che Yongtai committed suicide. These are all big events.

Lord De on the side was not much better. The two had already drank a lot of water to moisten their throats in the morning.

Explaining every day is also a matter of throat.

What's more, I yelled so many times yesterday.

In fact, there are many viewers in the same situation as them.

As for the plastic surgery country, there are many people whose eyes are swollen from crying.

It was really a shame that their own players were wiped out, and they couldn't help crying.

Some people are still crying.

From now on, this competition will have nothing to do with their plastic surgery players.

Even some shabby small countries that they despised, only one group of players participated in the competition, and other players are still competing!

For example, two black players from Rwanda will be eating in their treehouse.

They also ate some foods that seemed to be primitive people, but the two enjoyed it.

In addition, there is actually a group of players, which also attracted the attention of many people.

That's the two players from Haiti.

People in this country live on soil!

Many people say that they are poor enough to eat dirt, but people are really eating dirt.

Therefore, after the players from this country came to the island, they felt that everything could be eaten, and it was much more delicious than the soil!

Good guy, that's a ruthless man. Basically, they won't let anything they see. These two people have never been troubled by the problem of food, because they dare to eat anything.

Then, the picture came to the Shenzhou National Gold Medal Team.

The situation of Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong, especially Tang Hong's injury, is also watched by many people every day.

Chapter 1035 Roasted Whole Lamb Celebration

On Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong's side, they have been resting in place for the past few days.

There is no action, except for eating and sleeping every day, resting and chatting.

I have to say, life is really easy.

Eat tiger meat!

Many people are very envious.

"Sister Hong, how are you feeling today?"

Yang Qingqing is dressing Tang Hong's wound.

In fact, now that her wound has scabbed over, it's not a big problem.

Originally Tang Hong said that there was no need to take medicine, but Yang Qingqing insisted on taking it.

And also boiled some herbs for Tang Hong to drink.

It can reduce inflammation, and it is really important to reduce inflammation.

"Qingqing, I feel better now."

"Let's continue to set off tomorrow, it has been delayed for a long time."

Tang Hong said.

She was already starting to get a little anxious and wanted to leave quickly.

Because of the move, the two of them have no place to live now, so they always feel uneasy.

In fact, Yang Qingqing felt the same way, but she was still more worried about Tang Hong's body.

"Let's rest for two more days."

"Sister Hong, your wound is not completely healed yet."

Yang Qingqing said.

Tang Hong laughed and waved his hand.

"How can two more days be enough for this wound?"

"Do you want to wait until the scabs fall off before leaving? It will take at least ten days and a half months, no need."

"It doesn't affect my activities now. It doesn't hurt or itchy. No, it's a little itchy, but it doesn't hurt. What are you afraid of?"

Tang Hong said.

Yang Qingqing thought about it and thought it made sense.

It will take at least ten days and a half months for this wound to heal completely, and that's all to say.

In fact, as long as the wound does not hurt and does not affect normal activities, you can actually move on.

"Alright then, Miss Hong."

"But if you don't feel well, you must tell me."

Yang Qingqing said.

"Don't worry, is my sister that stupid?"

"If there is really a problem, I have to hold on. It is not that I am irresponsible for myself, but it is irresponsible for you and our country!"

Tang Hong's attitude has always been very positive.

This competition is for the country, and she doesn't dare to be careless.

With her promise, Yang Qingqing was relieved a lot.

Take a day off today and leave tomorrow!

This news also caused a lot of discussion among the audience of Shenzhou Kingdom.

The gold medal team will continue to move tomorrow!

On the other side, the picture came to Zhang Haoran's side.

Zhang Haoran didn't go far, just in the surrounding area of ​​that group of beautiful players.

In the words of the audience in the beautiful country, Zhang Haoran is like a ghost, haunted.

Really annoying!

The **** stirrers on this island are now completely eyeing this group of players.

In fact, Noah and Benjamin can also perceive that they have always had a feeling of being spied on.

They knew it was the player who was lurking in the dark, which made it uncomfortable for both of them to poop.

It always feels like someone is watching!

In fact, this is not the illusion of the two of them. Even Zhang Haoran has seen things like two people going to the toilet several times.

Now the pressure is on the players from the beautiful country. They don't know when Zhang Haoran will shoot.

They can't take the initiative, so they are very passive.

As time went on, both of them got worse and worse.

There was a quarrel between the two today, and Zhang Haoran saw them all.

In fact, Zhang Haoran has also been waiting.

Just like beast hunting, it also exhausts the physical strength and stamina of the prey first, and then shoots.

Now the time is almost there, just waiting for one chance.

Zhang Haoran was very patient. He didn't even make a fire for dinner these days, but ate bacon directly.

This will not reveal your position.

"The little wolf dog is really fierce. He is a qualified hunter."

"Growing up with the wolves, aren't these tactics familiar?"

"If you want me to say, it doesn't need to be so troublesome at all, just let Sirius bite these two people?"

"Zhang Haoran must be worried about the safety of Sirius. If these two are ruthless, Sirius may also be injured."

"Never mind, I think this group is finished anyway."

"However, the other group ran away, that is, the new earthworm team, they will not be eliminated in a short time, alas!"


The audience in the live broadcast room were talking.

Some people are in a hurry and want to get into the screen and bite these two beautiful players, so that they can retire quickly.

Compared with yesterday, today is relatively calm.

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