Not so many big things happen.

Time passed, and the day was about to pass.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi also rushed back to their hometown.

Everything was normal at home, Ye Han checked around and felt completely relieved.

He also collected the eggs laid by chickens and ducks in the past few days, and I can eat scrambled eggs tonight.

Moreover, he also took a closer look at the three little lambs.

He had said long ago that if a good discovery is made, it is to kill a sheep to celebrate.

The time has come, the time is ripe.

If you don't need to kill sheep to celebrate the discovery of such a big coal mine, when will you celebrate?

Time to kill the sheep!

This little lamb is at its tenderest, and it's sure to taste really good.

"Looking at you, it's you who looks beautiful!"

Ye Han waved his hand and pronounced the death sentence for a little lamb.

His words made the audience burst into laughter.

The beautiful face is also the cause of death, this little lamb is so wrong!

Of course, it's already late today, so let's not kill it first.

I'll kill and eat meat tomorrow.

It is worth mentioning that during this afternoon's journey, Ye Han made another excuse and deducted a pig head from Rhubarb.

Su Xiaoqi was so amused by him that she laughed until her stomach hurt.

Dare to love Ye Han is to play this one, and it is the same as deducting her salary.

Poor rhubarb, it's not clear what happened, but a pig's trotter and a pig's head have been deducted.

Maybe what the audience said will come true, and Rhubarb is likely to owe Ye Han in the end!

Listeners cry!

When night fell, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi entered the bamboo building to rest.

"It's a little dull today, but tomorrow, we can watch Ye Han eat roast whole lamb."

"What the hell, Aunt Liu in the cafeteria, remember to get ready."

In the live broadcast room, Teacher Piao summed up today's live broadcast.

And provoked Aunt Liu in the cafeteria again.

With the strength of the program team, it is actually nothing to give employees a roasted whole sheep, it is just a basic operation.

Because the food in the cafeteria of the show group is really good.

Teacher Piao's words aroused the greed of the audience again.

Who can not be greedy for something as good as roasted whole lamb?

The one hundred and forty-eighth day has passed, and the time has come to the one hundred and forty-ninth day.

Early in the morning, Ye Han woke up and started the live broadcast.

Now he has nothing to feel, and has completely recovered.

Su Xiaoqi was the same, both of them were getting better and better after they went to the island.

"Roast whole lamb, let's eat it at noon!"

"Do the prep work in the morning, then start roasting, have some breakfast first, and I start killing the sheep."

Ye Han was very excited.

Even with it, Su Xiaoqi's mood was also very high.

Needless to say, the audience has even bought a whole sheep, waiting to bake with Ye Han!

Some people went directly to some stores that can make roasted whole lamb, ordered a roasted whole lamb, and invited friends to eat together.

Generally speaking, a whole roasted whole lamb is almost enough for the whole family.

But Ye Han is relatively small, he thinks that he and Su Xiaoqi should be able to finish it.

After Ye Han had breakfast, he began to kill sheep.

Many people dare not watch this scene, so they went to other live broadcast rooms.

Just in time, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong started to set off!

Chapter 1036

Yesterday, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong had already negotiated, and they are going to leave today.

So after the two of them had breakfast, they also started to move on.

I have to say that their move this time was really tortuous.

First encountered tigers, and then encountered jackals.

Nearly alive!

Fortunately, the results were good. Although Tang Hong was injured and had a fever for a while, there was no major problem now.

Just wait for the wound to heal slowly.

The two of them continued on the road, and the audience suddenly had the illusion of learning from the West.

"Hopefully they won't be in any danger in the future."

"Learning scriptures from the west is difficult!"

"Don't be a crow, there won't be any danger."

"Tigers and jackals are dead, there should be no top predators in this area."

"Don't worry, they will definitely be able to find a suitable place to live next, and there will be no more setbacks."

"I hope so, Zhu Chuanzhuan bless."


The audience was discussing, and some people wanted to pull Zhu Chuan Chuan out and whip the corpse.

Zhu Legend: I met a few very bad people...

At the same time, the long-awaited Zhang Haoran and the Beautiful Country team are finally about to collide!

This scene is an extremely anticipated picture!

Noah and Benjamin had a fight yesterday, and their mental state was not very good.

As a result, this morning, they actually fought!

And the fight was so intense that it immediately attracted audiences from all over the world.

I saw that the two quarreled first, and then Benjamin punched Noah in the face.

The audience could hear the sound, and the real punch made Noah's mouth bleed instantly.

Noah let out a roar and kicked Benjamin to the ground with one kick.

The two scuffled together, and the whole body was covered in mud!

Not far away, Zhang Haoran naturally also saw this scene.

real or fake?

Zhang Haoran's first reaction was disbelief.

In fact, he has no evidence, but he just has an intuition.

Similar to the instinct of a beast, it is telling him that there is probably a deceit here!

In fact, there are also a few people who can see it, such as cat detectives.

With the eyesight of a cat detective, he could tell that the two were actually acting!

"Good guy, these two are fishing!"

"But how do they want to deal with Zhang Haoran?"

The cat detective frowned.

Because the rules of the show team are relatively stupid, even if their home is stolen, they can't beat people. This is purely a backdoor for people like Zhang Haoran.

Of course, this issue has been said countless times, mainly because the program team really did not expect such a variable as Zhang Haoran.

Except for Zhang Haoran, most of the other players follow the steps to survive in the wilderness.

Apart from traps and the like, Detective Cat couldn't think of how to deal with Zhang Haoran for the time being.

However, he believes that, if you look at it, you will get the results soon.

At this time, in the live broadcast, the two fought fiercely!

The acting is very good!

Very realistic!

That's why most viewers have no doubts.

After all, this is a real fight, not a fake fight.

Both Noah and Benjamin had blood on their faces and were very miserable.

Now Noah is strangling Benjamin's neck, and it looks like he will strangle Benjamin to death!

"Haha, it's hard not to believe it."

"But this Noah, obviously dissatisfied with Benjamin for a long time, took advantage of the opportunity of acting now to beat Benjamin."

The cat detective looked at it and laughed.

Indeed, Noah was taking this opportunity to beat Benjamin.

But what about Benjamin?

Noah looked down on Benjamin in his heart, and felt that this person was not enough to accomplish anything.

But Benjamin still thinks that Noah is a stinky fart, always taking the air of the captain to oppress people!

So both of them fought very hard.


Benjamin punched Noah **** the forehead.

At Detective Cat's house, he is now focused on three screens.

On one of the screens, it can be seen that Zhang Haoran is holding his troops.

Then, when the two were fighting, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were bringing a set of horses and chickens to the little lamb.

Yes, the poor little lamb with beautiful eyes was already dead, at the hands of Ye Han.

After some processing, they are now marinating the lamb with various seasonings.

"Look at this meat, how tender!"

Ye Han patted the lamb's flesh with his hands to make it easier to taste.

clap clap clap!

Noah slapped Benjamin's face.

Su Xiaoqi used a Swiss Army knife to poke holes in the lamb, which is also a convenient and tasty way.

Benjamin reached out and poked Noah's nostrils.

While fighting fiercely, the lamb is being marinated on the other.

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