The cat detective looked hooked.

Many viewers in the beautiful country are sending barrage frantically.

"Stop fighting, you two idiots!"

"Damn, this group is over!"

"Is our beautiful country also going to be wiped out?"

"I feel like this game is fake, everything is fake, the world is fake."

"They are going to kill each other!"

"You don't even need that **** Zhang Haoran to take action, they're finished like this?"


The audience in Beautiful Country was very anxious.

However, things took a turn for the worse at this time.

It's almost time for the two to fight now, and it's time to stop.

So Noah gave Benjamin a wink.

But to his surprise, Benjamin didn't stop, he was still pinching his nostrils desperately, and his tears flowed wildly!


Noah roared, slapped Benjamin again, then stood up and kicked Benjamin hard.

It hurts to look at.

This is obviously a fake show and a real fight through acting.

"Benjamin, you're an arrogant ass."

"I really should have kicked your ass, I think your head grows on your ass!"

"Playing with people like you is a shame in my life, I don't care to play with people like you, bah!"

Noah pointed at Benjamin and cursed, then turned around and left here!

Benjamin lay on the ground, feeling a burning pain in his face and a buzzing in his head.

After a while, he realized that he is now acting!

"Fuck, Noah, the **** raised by a whore!"

"I'll find it back sooner or later!"

Benjamin's face was ugly and his eyes darkened.

But for the sake of planning, he struggled to stand up and limped forward in pursuit.


"For the sake of the beautiful country, we can't be separated, and we have to be together to continue the game!"

Benjamin shouted, and his figure gradually disappeared here.

Both are gone!

And no equipment or materials were taken away!

Many Chinese audiences were excited.

This is simply a godsend!

For Zhang Haoran, now is the best time, and he should take advantage of this opportunity to start his operation.

Stealing the house and setting fire to the road is one-stop!

Must be arranged for him!

Chapter 1037

Zhang Haoran's live broadcast room was very lively, and a large number of viewers were waving their flags and shouting, so Zhang Haoran hurried to do it.

Now the cat detective can conclude that there are traps in this wooden house.

If there are no traps, he is willing to drink a case of beer upside down!

In addition to him, there are also some very smart people who can also see clues.

The two knew that Zhang Haoran was waiting for an opportunity nearby, how could they just leave the house without taking anything?

But the vast majority of people still have no doubts.

The reason is very simple, because these two are really fighting!

The fake play is really done, and there are basically no flaws.

In fact, Zhang Haoran didn't see any flaws, but his intuition told him that there was a problem.


Zhang Haoran snorted coldly.

He also guessed that these two people are likely to play.

But so what?

Am I, Zhang Haoran, afraid of this?

However, Zhang Haoran did not rush to the wooden house, but started to do some preparatory work.

Since you know there is a fraud, of course you have to be prepared.

On the other side, in a bush, two people were lying on their backs, looking at the situation on the side of the wooden house from a distance.

"Fake! Noah, you are too ruthless!"

Benjamin lay beside Noah and cursed.

"Hehe, each other."

Noah said with a sneer.

This time, both of them are really fighting!

They both feel pain all over their bodies now.

"You came up with the idea, what if that guy doesn't fall for it?"

"We can't even live in our log cabin."

Benjamin continued.

If the plan fails, he hopes Noah can pay.

"If you continue to live here, do you think you can still live here?"

Noah glanced at Benjamin with the eyes of an idiot.

Benjamin opened his mouth, but was unable to speak.

It turns out that Noah is planning to move!

Since this place has been targeted, it will definitely not be safe to live here in the future.

Just give up here, make a big trap with a wooden house, and try to kill this enemy!

Benjamin's heart twitched, and he was suddenly scared.

When it comes to playing tricks, who's heart is more dirty, he is definitely not Noah's opponent.

What if Noah wanted to get revenge on him after the game?

Forget it, forget it for now, let's see the situation first.

Benjamin wiped the blood from his face and began to look beyond the cabin.

At this time, audiences all over the world also understood.

Dare these two were acting just now? !

The audience of Beautiful Country suddenly realized, and then began to look forward to it.

On the other hand, the audience in China is extremely nervous!

"Fuck, this is a conspiracy, they are acting!"

"Grass, a kind of plant! This acting is Oscar-level, right? Did you deceive me?"

"It's like how smart you are."

"I'm only one decimal point away from the Qingbei score line, do you think I'm stupid?"

"It's over, if Zhang Haoran passes by, there must be some traps, traps and the like!"

"Why are these two so bad! Especially that Noah, he came up with the solution, it's too dirty!"


Many people in Shenzhou were anxious and began to scold Noah and Benjamin.

Others came to see the jokes and mocked wildly.

Most of them are from the beautiful country and the neon country, and there are slightly fewer people in the plastic surgery country.

Because they are in a heavy heart now, they have been wiped out, and they have no time to watch the live broadcast and comment.

At this time, the time was approaching noon.

On Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi's side, they have already prepared a barbecue rack, and roast the lamb on the fire.

That fragrance...

Some haggis are not thrown away, but can be cooked in a pot of soup.

This is also the basic operation of many roasted whole sheep stores.

When guests order a roasted whole lamb, they will usually be given a pot of lamb soup, plus some side dishes, which can be eaten with a rinse.

Then some stores will give away a roasted rabbit or a roasted suckling pig.

When everyone goes to eat, they can eat until they are full, but they may not be able to finish it.

"It's delicious!"

Ye Han said his famous words, squatting beside him and staring at Roast Quanyang.

Rhubarb was always by his side, and his eyes never left the little lamb.

Skip the rhubarb wild boar, that is Ye Han's basic operation, mainly for playing.

What should be given to rhubarb, he will still give it to rhubarb.

This roasted whole lamb must have rhubarb in it.

On the other side, Zhang Haoran was finally ready.

These two want to plot against him?

I'm afraid that I won't lose rice by stealing chickens!

At this time, the audience all saw that Zhang Haoran was holding a long wooden stick in his hand, and he had also lit a fire and held a lit simple torch.

Next, he was fully armed and came to the place where the two beautiful players were fighting just now.

There is definitely no problem here. The two of them blasted each other here just now, and it can be confirmed that there is no mechanism.

"I'm coming!"

"Which country's player is this, why is he still carrying a wolf!"

Seeing this scene, Benjamin, who was hiding not far away, almost couldn't help exclaiming!

Noah also widened his eyes, unable to believe this scene.

Has any of the contestants domesticated the animals on the island?


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