Surviving A Harsh Fantasy With Cheat Items

Chapter 76.2 - Leaf Holy Relic

「Takeru, homo….I mean, Archbishop Nicholas is wearing a relic called “Leaf of Adamo”. It’s a fig leaf that is said to have been naturally attached to Adamo’s crotch, the first man created by Asama eight thousand years ago.」

「Is that so….」

No, Asama, you created the wrong man.

Adamo is probably Adam and he didn’t get this leaf until after he ate the forbidden fruit so it is odd that he was created with a leaf on his crotch.

「I can definitely understand that suspicious look on your face. There’s probably no way for a leaf to exist for 8000 years. It is an elaborately made replica.」

「No, it’s not about the leaf replica….ah, forget it!」

I feel like if it is anything related to the Asama Church, I can’t help but admit defeat!

Perhaps the identity of the goddess of creation, Asama, is one of the old ones.

「That ancient holy relic, the Leaf of Adamo, has the ability to disrupt the holy magic of the priestess of Asama. Because of that, the swift golem’s movement slowed down.」

「Explain the theory to me first.」

Then, she told me to a level where I can understand.

To summarize it, archbishop homo won in a holy magic item match.

Since the golems have been annihilated, archbishop homo who screamed “Iyahhhooooouuuuu” a number of times is severely sweaty. His raw skin is wet with sweat and he is roughing heavily when he comes to me.

Please put on your clothes. It’s hurting me visually.

「Ah, by the way, I’m alone. Crown Prince Freed is not here.」

「No, if you’re alone, there’s no way you can get here.」

Archbishop homo pointed at the magic circle while saying “Iyey” with a refreshed smile.

Right, if he used that magic circle which has similar quality to the magic circles of the “White Tower of Trials”, he’ll be able to come here alone and in an instant. The space time mage Jenny got his back.

「The Crown Prince is busy with errands so I came to Silesie’s Hero-sama in the name of scouting.」

「Why do you have to do that? What is your purpose?」

「Yeah, I’ll tell you. I only cooperate with the Crown Prince because of common interest and depending on what is Silesie’s Hero-sama belief, I don’t mind changing sides.」

「Then, I’ll listen to what you have to say.」

「Then, hear me out. I have a dream!」

Archbishop homo, who has nothing but a leaf to cover his body, suddenly pointed his fingers up to the heavens and began a speech.

No, he’s an archbishop so this is a sermon. However, I would prefer if he put on some clothes first before he starts his sermon.

「The Church of Asama, which officially proclaims gender equality, has clear discrimination against men from the inside desu. The current pope is a woman and the six archbishops, aside from me, are all women. It’s terrible, isn’t it? Yeah, please, wait. I know, I can’t help but feel discriminated because of my abilities desu yo.」

Ria looked like she wanted to say something but she chose to be silent for the time being.

He helped us so we have to at least hear what he wants to say first.

「However, reality is different desu. There are many male clergies who are as good as me but very few men are promoted to higher positions in the church. The best example of discrimination is that heroes have to be with a saintess desu yo.」

「What’s wrong with that?」

Ah, no, I’ve interrupted.

Archbishop homo seems to be very happy.

「It’s not right to make sisters the partners of heroes. I’m the only man who’s with a hero in the world right now desu! Do you know that more than 90% of heroes in history choses women as their partners? Why is it like that even though there were many excellent saints who can certify a hero, isn’t it terrible!?」

Uhm, I can’t say anything. That’s it.

When I look at Ria, she looks like she wants to say something too.

「So, I have a dream! Now is the time to correct the wrong of this female dominated church! Prince Freed chose me because of my high ability but he’s a filthy womanizer desu. He doesn’t understand my principles at all!」

Actually, I don’t get it either.


「On that note, you are a promising one, Silesie’s Hero-sama. I feel that you’re a clean person who rejects the lascivious temptations of that filthy saintess over there. I thought you were the hero I’ve been looking for. You are my fated one.」

Uwaaa, so that’s the reason why he did it with him. Freed is amazing.

I respect the fact that he was able to use this archbishop because of his outstanding capability to make someone a stronger hero. In order to become the strongest, he didn’t even choose the mean.

「Hey, homo, I mean, Archbishop Nicholas.」

「Oh, what is it, Silesie’s Hero-sama?」

「You said there were almost no saint chosen by heroes but doesn’t that mean that women rarely become heroes?」

「Oh, that’s….」

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