How strange! This guy obviously exceeds the strength of normal goblins.

For a bottom-class party like us, usually, we can't do anything but subjugate G-rank goblins.

But, the monster before our eyes is bigger and stronger than normal goblins by a notch.

If I am not mistaken, isn't that a hobgoblin, the higher species of the G-rank goblin?

Even though I've never seen a real one before, it is an F-rank monster.

After blowing away Michitaka-san, this time, it looks like the hobgoblin changed its attention toward us and was about to turn around.

"Not good. Attack quickly!"

"Ooohhh, [Fireball]"

Once again, another fireball flew forward and hit the hobgoblin.


The [Fireball] seemed to be dealing considerable damage to the hobgoblin; however, it didn’t die, and it came charging in our direction with a loud roar.   

Not good.

While I didn't know if it had the resistance to [Fireball] or simply because of its physical abilities, we couldn't defeat the hobgoblin at all.

The hobgoblin charged ferociously and punched heavily at the other party member, who was standing right next to me.

Even though it was just an ordinary punch, he was completely knocked out from the blow.

This is bad.

The instant when that thought appeared, the hobgoblin turned to face me, and our eyes met.

I am going to be killed just like this.

I have to run away!

For me, who can't attack, there is no way to fight back.

I was about to retreat from there at full speed, but the hobgoblin didn't allow that to happen.

The moment I tried to run away, I was caught by my cloth and was flung down a few meters ahead.



Because I was pinned down by the great strength of the hobgoblin, I couldn't get up at all.

I was pushed into a corner……

My life up to now resurfaced in my mind like a flickering lantern.

Not yet! I can't die yet.

I am only 16 years old; I don't want to die here!

"[Wave Blade]"

I forcibly pulled out my right arm, discarded [Fog], and activated [Faker] by imitating the skill that Michitaka-san was using just earlier.

A small blade with a length of about 30cm appeared in my hand due to the skill.

At my current level, it would have been impossible to stab this monster by using such a super-melee weapon in normal circumstances.

But now is the situation where I am in extremely close contact with the monster since it was mounting me from the top.

I thrust the blade aiming at the hobgoblin's abdomen with all my might.

I felt a small resistance, but I ignored it and pulled out the blade that was thrust deeply and stabbed again and again as many times as I could.


Putting my life on the line, I desperately attacked and, before I knew it, the hobgoblin unexpectedly disappeared.

In its place, only a single magic stone was left behind.

"I survived........."

At that moment, I miraculously succeeded in defeating a hobgoblin.

Even if I am asked to do that again, I would not be able to do the same.

This was merely a fluke.

I could only say that a miracle had happened; anyway, I was able to survive.

"I survived……... Oooh!"

"That is right, what about other members?"

After I calmed down, I searched for other members in a panic.


First of all, the member who was hit in the face has an awfully broken nose.

Perhaps, there might be other places where his bones were fractured too.

Michitaka-san is still breathing, although he is not conscious.

The survivor who arrived earlier is missing a chunk of flesh in the shoulder due to being bitten; however, he is still alive and breathing.

Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do without any medical skills.

So, I contacted the association and called an ambulance hurriedly.

This is the first time I am calling an ambulance but, there is an emergency contact button in the survivor's terminal.

And when I pressed the button, I was connected to the operator from the association, and they arranged everything immediately.

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