After picking up the hobgoblin’s magic stone, I refused to board the ambulance and returned to my room riding my bicycle.

"Huuu~. I am tired~!"

Until now, I'd faced several dangerous situations where I almost died ever since I became a survivor, but today was the most tiring out of all.

Not only was I tired, but this was also the first time defeating a monster with my own hands in my one-year career of working as a survivor.

Furthermore, the monster I defeated is probably an F-rank hobgoblin.

It is unbelievable even if I think about it now.

"That’s, that’s right"


My level that had stayed at Lv1 for over a year finally became Lv2.

Moreover, there is even one more blank space in the skill area.

This means I can use one more skill.

Although there are people in the world who possess multiple skills, individuals with more than two skills are extremely rare. I could only see them a few times before.


"If it is like this……"

Tomorrow, I will check on the conditions of the other two party members who were beaten up.

If they still need time to recover, I want to try challenging a monster by myself.

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