Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 236: 236. Let her restore memory! !! (20th)

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Tian Mengmeng gave a slight meal, she yelling with a headache

The body made of stainless steel made a creaking sound, and her strength rose again and again, but she no longer used Gu Feng as a target.

Huh! !!

Tian Mengmeng rushed to the nearby freak A Fei. She was not afraid of the giant close to four meters, and her violent power was released to the magic general.

Huh! !!

The sound of steel impact came, and Tian Mengmeng's physical strength was even more terrifying than the freak monster A Fei after the transformation. The iron fists were bombarded endlessly, knocking down the giant armored soldiers and hammering them.

"Roar roar!"

Tian Mengmeng's steel fist smashed the freak A Fei's armor, hammered his chest, and smashed his head.

She tore the demon and smashed A Fei's flesh and blood, and her violent force smashed the enemy into flesh, which was absolutely barbarous irrational ...

Gu Feng did not stop, so he watched silently beside him, and let Tian Mengmeng vent.

"I know……"

"You must have experienced countless pains these days."

"The memory of consciousness has been erased, and the body has been transformed into such a monster, but you are still struggling to support it. Is this to wait for me?"

"I'll make you wake up !!!" Gu Feng said calmly to Tian Mengmeng, Tian Mengmeng turned to look at Gu Feng in doubt, but the next second, her brain was dominated by violent forces, Rushing like a locomotive.

Gu Feng accumulated power all over his body, his eyes calmed down gradually, a wave of magic entangled around his arm, and invincible power beyond imagination kept emerging.

Enchanted-10 times! !!

Gu Feng used ten times his power directly, and a burning sensation filled his arm.

Invincible power!

This is an invincible force that no one can fight.

Huh! !! !!

The fist completely blasted the surrounding air, and it seemed to break through the obstacle of sound and destroy everything through the sound of howling!

Tian Mengmeng's steel body was spinning in the air, and the broken steel armor pieces were scattered on the ground. Gu Feng almost completely broke Tian Mengmeng's entire body in one punch, but did not destroy Tian Meng under the clever energy of ancient martial arts. Cute life.

No blood.

No pulse.

Tian Mengmeng's steel body was covered with spider web-like cracks. She fell to the ground and roared, but it was difficult to stand up.

Gu Feng's body was scorching hot.

Ten times the power of demonization is not just a matter of play. Gaia's black armor covering that arm is about to melt as a result. It is difficult to imagine how hot the temperature of Gu Feng's arm has reached.

"All the demon insects, devour those nutrients!" A command was issued, and the demon insects hiding around appeared one after another, they swallowed the dead body of the monster Afei on the ground, and then drilled into the blue filled with unknown liquid. The mouth of the laboratory sucked, causing Gu Feng's evolution to rise.

The virus source fluid contained in this laboratory is massive, and soon Gu Feng's evolution point will exceed 1,000! !!

[Reconstruction of the Devil]

【Inheritance Demon】

All the remaining monsters have sacrificed their lives, and all of your energy is transmitted over, becoming the accumulation of [Inherited Monsters]!

Since Dr. Mo used brutal experiments to wipe out Tian Mengmeng's conscious memories.

Then I will use the higher [Devil Transformation] to make Tian Mengmeng return to normal.

噗, 噗, 噗, 噗!

After engulfing a large amount of energy, one by one, the worms exploded one after another. Those vital energies were transmitted to the inherited demon worms. The blood red demon worms emitted the same light, and slowly climbed to Tian Mengmeng under the control of Gu Feng. On the chest ...

"Host, please choose a legacy."

The voice of the system echoed in Gu Feng's ears. Gu Feng said fiercely: "I don't need any ability. I want her to restore her previous memory consciousness. I want her not to become a completely alienated monster !!"

Does not require any ability to pass on.

Gu Feng only needed Tian Mengmeng to restore his previous consciousness and eliminate all the side effects brought about by the heterogeneous genes.

The Inheritance Demon Melt.

It is like a puddle of blood that slowly melts into Tian Mengmeng's body wound, and the bright and colorful plasma flows into the steel, like a molten slurry poured down.

Tian Mengmeng slowly lost consciousness again in the struggle and roar, and her body was transformed again ...

This time, her transformation will be more thorough.



"Niuniu, and all of you."

"Watch this woman, don't let her make any mistakes."

"Me and the Dr. Mo hidden here, there is still work to do."

Gu Feng's body was full of slaughter, and in the eyes of everyone, he went to the experimental base deeper by himself, and there was an explosion-proof gate made of steel. Dr. Mo was probably hiding there at this time.

He is the culprit of all this.

Gu Feng was going to shred him, and he was going to shatter him.

Gu Feng stood in front of the explosion-proof gate made of hard alloy. A pair of ghost claws replaced his palms, exuding a sharp cold edge and a piercing effect. One claw would tear several deep scratches. .


A large piece of alloy iron was cut, and the gate has to be said to be very heavy, more than five meters thick.

It will take a few minutes to cut it!

Zizi ...

Dr. Mo's blue 3D projection reappeared.

There was no fear on his face, but his eyes were full of enthusiasm: "Awesome, Gu Feng, you are awesome. Not only does he have near invincible power, but he can transform others in special ways. This is simply the world I'm envious of the most ideal ability. "

"It's a pity that you are going to die soon." Gu Feng's ghost claws continued to cut, and an explosion-proof alloy giant door with a thickness of more than 5 meters was about to be dug out of a hole.

However, at this moment, Dr. Mo still showed a look of excitement, saying extremely enthusiastically: "Yes, I am going to die, but not under your hands."

After that, he sat on a chair behind him.

It was a strange chair.

It looks like an electric chair for execution. It carries many wires in all directions, and a round metal helmet stays on its head.

Dr. Mo gently pressed on a hub.

The strange chair started to work, and several metal arms were raised, which was filled with an injection liquid similar to [Divine Retribution].

Puff puff!

Those pure purple and weird liquids were injected into Dr. Mo's body, and at the same time, the strange chair began to release a lot of silver-purple lightning rays, and it seemed to be ready to burn Dr. Mo directly to death!

"thank you all……"

"Let me see so many incredible things."

"I said, sooner or later, to create a god, the meaning of life is so different in my eyes."

"Spirit, will, memory."

"Exceeding the physical limit, mental brain waves are condensed together. What will happen?"

"I look forward to it too !!"

Dr. Mo pressed the hinge again, and the lightning flash immediately covered his body, and the smelt smell spread immediately throughout his body.

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